When does a child become a woman capable of consenting to a relationship? Some states indicate that the age of consent is 16 unless there is a supervisory relationship between the minor and adult. Others indicate 18 is the age of consent. Betty and Dennis Hager had to answer this question concerning their teenage daughter, Windy. Windy, age 16 has married her track coach, Brenton Wuache, age 40. At first, the Hagers thought he was just a caring coach. But they became concerned when cell phone bills revealed text messages between Windy and her coach as late as 2 a.m. They also discovered an e-mail where Windy expressed her affection for her coach. Coach Wuchae assured the Hagers that nothing was going on. The Hagers asked the school district to speak to the coach. The principal responded in part that "School officials can't be responsible for what happens the other hours of the day, and I would think the relationship developed much more outside of school." The Hagers contacted police and tried to get a restraining order.
In response, Windy withdrew, refusing to speak to her parents until they signed a consent to the marriage. Windy's parents gave in and signed the consent. Monday, Windy and Wuchae married. Windy and her new husband have not yet publically commented; however, one would anticipate that they would respond that Windy is "mature for her age." Is it legal, yes with the consent. Is it right? Depends on who is answering the question.
Blond Bombshell said...
I want to be the first to say this guy is sick. Anyone who abuses a position of authority is wrong. He could have waited until she was out of school to date her. When she graduated, it would have been fair. But to take advantage of his position is just not right.
Iron Mike said...
This track star apparently was perceived by the coach as fast in more than one way...
But I got to agree with Shell, this is just wrong. The parents should never have consented.
Iron Mike
Sicko of the week nominee
Rather stunned by this article. Back in the day, it was common for 16 year olds to wed. Have times changed that much?
Old timer
What about the princ.? I'd be freaking out if I was another parent, that he had such a "it's not our problem"- attitude. Coach should be fired, either way--clearly!
The coach resigned after the wedding.
I'm intrigued by Windy's behavior towards her parents - basically having a teenaged pout-fest until they relented. I can understand their exhaustion, but really - is silence from a child SO intolerable that you give in to her?! Childish, immature behavior - just slightly more acceptable than foot-stamping.
Sounds like she is a very bright and talented kid, smart enough to move on and pick up the pieces if (??!) the marriage ends some day.
Coach sounds like a loser to me - c'mon, selecting this kid at age 14, marrying her at 16??! How is that having HER best interests at heart? A man worth his salt would have encouraged her to experience more of Life - and Love - let her explore the options, the possibilities - before sealing the deal. Sure puts him in the power-osition in the relationship.
I married my wife 59 years ago. She was 16. It worked for us.
Colleency, if it were my daughter, I certainly would have encouraged them to wait.
Ralph, I think it was a different time back in the 5o's etc.
Shell, rather conservative position for you?
Iron Mike, scary to see you and Shell so close on any issue.
California Surfer Dude said...
Hey, this poor girl is going to mess up the statistics. A new study reports that the median number of lifetime female sexual partners for men was seven; the median number of male partners for women was four.
The survey, released Friday, is based on data collected from 1999 to 2002 for the National Center for Health Statistics, a branch of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
This girl should experience a little more closer to the national average before she settles down.
Surfer Dude
Ralph - congratulations to you, and your bride of 59 years! - what an achievement!
Didn't mean any disrespect. My mother-on-law was married at 16, and she and my father-in-law had a very happy, long-lived union.
However, my in-laws (and presumably, you and your wife) were close in age - there wasn't a generational (25-yr) gap.
'Back in the day', women pretty much tended home and family. By 16, most young women knew how a housefold was run, and had helpd tend younger siblings. Today's 16-year olds lack many of the life-skills necessary to maintain a home, and have aspirations far differnt than previous generations.
I think old coach needed to be on hormone surpressants. Then perhaps he would have thought with his brain instead of his...
I think that he should have waited until she was 18. I would think that the coach would know better.
- Brooklyn
Yes, one would think that any adult would know better, Brooklyn. There is a big difference between 16 and 18.
Ralph congratulations again on your 50+ years of marriage. I have to agree with Colleency, woman were more mature back in your day.
Ian, yup, if it was one of my daughters I would be upset. Not so much the age difference as the idea that an adult could abuse a position of trust and authority so as to take advantage of a vulnerable young woman. If they had waited until she graduated, it would have been more tolerable.
The guy has that look in his eye...
I never trust the look.
Never realized track was a "contact" sport.
The man should have read God is a Woman by Ian Coburn. If he had:
1. He would not need to date little girls.
2. He would not have obsessed over just one girl.
3. He would have realized that since God is a Woman, his actions in this relationship will be looked on with disfavor.
I give this marriage 3 years at most.
I give this marriage 3 years at most.
I give this marriage 3 years at most.
I give this marriage 3 years at most.
Ms. C., let us hope that the marriage lasts. This girl has given up so much to grow up so fast. The coach has resigned from his job. No matter where they go or what they do, the facts around their relationship is likely to haunt them.
While I think this adult used horrible judgment, hopefully everyone will hope they succeed. If not, the divorce lawyers will be circling like vulchers.
As a teacher, I can't imagine abusing the position, taking advantage of young immature students, and not being truthful to parents. Also, the age difference is horrifying. What does a 40 year old man have in common with a 16 year old girl? Scary thought. This must tell a lot about this man.
Judy, thanks for your comments. As a teacher your point of view is appreciated.
Most every poster is disappointed in the way this worked out. But if Windy reads this, I encourage her to make the best of the situation. And sincerely, Windy, good luck.
I agree with Judy, just plain scary. Kids now days are not mature enough at 16 to make this decision.
Judy is right. Bad move for all involved.
Windy, still a lot of folks are pulling for you.
It is not your fault that you were put into this situation.
Windy was not dumb, she was an honor student. Maybe she knows what she is doing?
Track was never this fun when I was in school.
Jen, this is what is referred to as being on the "Fast Track to Marriage."
Still one of the most read stories on Legal Pub. A whole lot of people find this story interesting in some way or another.
Windy and the coach have had more than 10 minutes of fame on this one. Comments have been split on both sides. While one would not encourage their children to marry before 18, sometimes it does happen. What makes this case so unusual is that Windy's coach is the groom. The age difference is also troubling to many.
But this must be what Windy wants or she would have filed for an annulment etc.
So, wishing them the best at this point seems to be a logical thing to do...
Legal pub, we are interested because we all want an update.
The update right now is that Windy and her new husband are enjoying their summer and trying to keep their lives private. I assume he is looking for a new job and she is probably looking for a new school. If I hear anything definite that Windy wants to share, I would be happy to post it.
Thanks pubmeister. The 16 year old girl is in our thoughts and prayers.
I was a senior this year at Windys, and i have seen her and the coach together a lot. but i never thought they would get married. shes throwing her life away, and her parents are idiots for signing consent forms.
We all make choice in life. Windy made her choice. Eventually so did her parents. I bet the decision to consent was the hardest thing they ever had to do.
But now that it is a done deal, one can only hope for the best.
But this coach apparently took advantage of a teen who perhaps was not ready to make adult choices.
Your site has the best coverage and discussion of this controversy. Thank you to the high school student that added their personal observations. Sounds like the relationship was kept discrete while Windy was at school.
And Windy has stormy eyes, that light up the sky...
She has also lighten up the internet. Her new fan base is incomprehensible.
Windy and the coach are Legal Pub's number one read story for a second week in a row.
Your comments are appreciated and will be continued to be printed as long as the topic remains of interest.
That is because the world loves Windy. Can't say the same about the coach...
Windy, hope you are doing well!
I don't know----this coach is pretty hot. If he showed an interest in me at the age of 14, I probably would have let him do whatever he wanted to me
Jeremy? Are you gay? If so, that would be so wrong for a 14 year old boy to fool around with a male coach.
Windy, hope you are happy. Best wishes!
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