Ms. Calabaza was reviewing the history of Arthur Jackson (apparently she and Shell were eliminating men from the potential dating pool ) when she made the observation that he was not the stereotypical loner that you might expect to find in such high profile cases. So who was Arthur Jackson? Apparently on the surface he was an Arlington, Texas man accused of killing his estranged wife and two stepchildren. Underwater, he was either a gunshot or a drowning victim, whichever the autopsy shows ended his life first. Legal Pub would have interviewed him for purposes of this obituary, but after he fatally shot himself and drove into Lake Arlington there was little time for an exclusive interview. (Jackson is not to be confused with Scott Javins who is an Indiana resident believed to have been murdered and then deposited in the Wabash Valley River. See story of )
Jackson drove into the water after keeping the police at bay for almost seven hours. When the submerged car was pulled out of Lake Arlington, Arthur Jackson was dead apparently from a head wound. According to Arlington Police Lt. Blake Miller, police had not fired any shots (However, no one apparently asked him if tazers had been thrown into the lake!)
Prior to his death, Jackson dropped off his 3-year-old daughter at an Arlington church. A worker called police after seeing the child and hearing Jackson say he had committed a crime at his house. Fort Worth police went to Jackson's home and found the bodies of his wife, her 13-year-old daughter, and her 10-year-old son.
Police communicated with Jackson by cell phone and by loud speaker. Jackson at one point suddenly drove around the police cars and through a yard. He led police on a high-speed chase culminating in his driving into the lake.
Was Jackson a known risk? Fort Worth police were apparently called to his home at least twice within the last month. In late September, there was a call that the girls were possibly home alone because no one would answer the door. A week ago, the female victim called police and said her estranged husband was knocking on the door, ringing the doorbell and would not go away. Jackson was gone when police arrived. Neighbors say Jackson's houses and lawn were well-kept. According to them, Jackson often played in the yard with his stepchildren. His step children also called him daddy (A common beef among divorce lawyers who represent the real father!) Tommy Talbott, a neighbor summed it up, "He was the friendliest guy around. He was a happy go lucky guy. Every time I saw him, he had a smile."
So who was Jackson? We may never know for sure. He may have been Dr. Jeckel or Mr. Hyde, or perhaps both. All we know for sure,four people are dead, no one is better because of this tragedy, and cars do not float!
Speaking of developing a profile of the criminal mind. Are those in the lime light any different? How about Britney Spears. She shows up at the LAPD and turned herself in on misdemeanor charges of hit and run.
Wearing a black mini skirt with chains around her neck, she walked into the Van Nuys Valley jail.
She was put through standard booking procedures photographs, fingerprinting and collection of information. Britney was there approximately 45 minutes.She was not put in a holding cell. She exited the front door.
Your Secret L.A. Reader
Leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaave Britney alone!
I have a problem with kids calling their step-parents mom/dad also. Unless of course those that do not have biological parents living . . .
It's refreshing to read the suspect was not the stereotypical "loner". Interesting that he managed to control his rage against his biological daughter.
One of the comments on another forum was that Jackson demonstrated hatred and resentment for his step children.
Not sure that any source prior to the incident confirmed such treatment of the step children.
I agree, Ms. C, it is interesting he chose to save his own flesh and blood.
Wow, nice obituary for a scum bag, wife beating, killer!
I wonder if he spared his daughter because she was biologically his, or becasue of her age? - Most 3-yr old girls adore their dads; most 10 and 13 year olds (especially 'steps', I'd imagine) exhibit a lot of oppositional behaviour.
The inner mind of a killer is amazing. Colleency question is excellent. I think it is always harder for anyone to kill their own flesh and blood. An adoring 3 year old would probably be a lot tougher than a smart alec teen age step child.
Good point.
He was a cold blooded killer, plain and simple.
Nah, he was innocent, he just was tired of running so he took the plunge!
Kool Kat
Dude, if he was going to go water recreating, he needs to start with a good board. Then he needs to come to the coast for real waves.
Surfer Dude
Where "Art" thou?
...bout 6 feet under.
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