Monday, November 28, 2011

Time To Protest Black Friday

The dark side of humanity surfaced on the Friday after Thanksgiving. Apparently a "Black Friday Shopper", Walter Vance collapsed while shopping at a West Virgina Target. He apparently went almost unnoticed as customers continued to shop. (Witnesses claim that shoppers ignored Vance and even stepped over his body in their quest to continue shopping.) Vance, a 61-year-old pharmacist, apparently had a heart condition and died later at the hospital. MSNBC. The Daily News.

"How could you not notice someone was in trouble?" While there may not be a legal obligation to come to rescue someone, what has happened to benevolence, civility and morality in this society? All was not completely lost. Vance's wife reports that six nurses attended to her husband and performed CPR until paramedics arrived. Sunday Gazette Mail.

In other bad shopping etiquette news, a customer at another store pepper sprayed other shoppers in order to purchase a video game that she wanted. Shoppers with pepper spray . The adverse effects of Black Friday are not limited to customers. At another Target store, an exhausted worker got off of work and accidentally drove her car into a canal. Exhausted Target Worker.

Consequently, Legal Pub suggests to all Occupy Wall Street protestors (LINK) that they unify in their support to end Black Friday. While it may be adverse on the economy, at least protestors can get their story straight as to why they are growing facial hair, sleeping in parks and desperately in need of showers.


  1. Agreed. This Black Friday crap is way out of hand.

  2. Awful. Just awful. Smelly people more interested in grabbing a bargain than doing the right thing.

  3. people can be so cruel

  4. As a teen I drove past a car parked along side a suburban side street, as I past I noticed an older gentleman slumped over the wheel with the car running. I stopped my car and backed up, and when my window was parallel with his I yelled… “HEY…are you alright!” He jumped up and said, “Yes, I’m just taking a nap while waiting for my wife to end her visit with her friend…thanks for asking”.
    It took absolutely no effort for me to see if this man needed help, and I was prepared to go for help (before cell phones) if needed. I can’t understand why people would not help others that look to be in need…it is beyond me. There are dozens of time I have stopped to help people in distress especially with auto problems, from giving them a jump to changing flat tires… gives me a good feeling afterwards.

    I think it comes from the time in my childhood when my mother had a car full of kids in the car and had a blowout on the interstate. Mother removed us from the car to stand off the shoulder in the grass, just incase some idiot slammed into the disabled auto. I remember being really stressed and wished I knew how to change the tire, as mother was unable to loosen the lug nuts. Then, a car full of teens blew past, seen the kids standing alongside the road and hit the hooks…backed up about a quarter mile, jumped out and changed the tire. When mother offered them money they would not accept it, jumped in their car and were back on their way. I admired those people and wanted to be one when I grew up, it gave me the same feeling I felt when watching an old western…and the Calvary arrived.

    I think if more people tried helping they would enjoy the feeling afterwards…unless they are psychos and have no empathy.

  5. A driver was stuck in a traffic jam on the highway outside Washington, DC.
    Nothing was moving. Suddenly, a man knocks on the window.
    The driver rolls down the window and asks, "What's going on?"

    "Terrorists have kidnapped Congress, and they're asking for a $100 million
    dollar ransom. Otherwise, they are going to douse them all in gasoline and
    set them on fire. We are going from car to car, collecting donations."

    "How much is everyone giving, on average?" the driver asks.

    The man replies, "Roughly a gallon."

  6. OUch video guy. Congress is not that bad...

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. While it may be good for the economy, I agree that black friday brings out the worst in people.

  9. Rather radical to suggest another boycot isn't it? Isn't this country in enough trouble as it is?

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. This thread is limited to Black Friday and to some degree the occupy Wallstreet protests subjects.

    Please stay on topic.

  12. Thanks Legal, and I agree…but you can see my stalkers are still at it and if they post, I will fight back!

    As for Black Friday…I have avoided shopping on that day for over 30 years. There is nothing in retail I want badly enough that I would stand in line for 2-4 hrs, or consider pepper spraying someone over. That is just insane.

  13. I shopped on Black Friday, bought an Apple iPad 2 for my kid and would buy a bunch of stuff online on black friday if I had the cash. Don't have the cash, so I need to go to Occupy movements to fill my time and ask for money from that doggone 1 percent crowd.
