Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Did Michelle Parker Become A Victim of Fame or Domestic Violence?

Did Michelle Parker invite a lesson concerning the true cost of fame? After all, who chooses to voluntarily air their dirty laundry on national television? As most know, Michelle Parker of Orlando is the beautiful former fiance of Dale Smith who recently appeared on an episode of "The People's Court." The couple aired their dirty laundry on the show as they argued over custody of a $5,000 engagement ring. Apparently when the couple broke up Parker threw the ring back at Smith and the ring was apparently lost. (Parker and Smith have 3-year-old twins together.)

Thirty-three-year-old Michelle Parker of Orlando looks more like a model than a typical litigant. She demonstrated looks and wit on the November episode. However, shortly after the taped version of the show aired on November 17, 2011, her SUV was found abandoned. Michelle was no where to be seen and the 40-year-old Dale Smith became a person of interest in the disappearance of this mother of three.

Orlando police are concentrating on Smith and apparently there are no other person's of interest. Smith joined the U.S. Marines in 1996, but was dishonorably discharged as in 2003. While Smith has reportedly refused to take a lie-detector test, that is probably simply because of good advice of counsel given the unreliability of such testing. LINK. Orlando lawyer Mark NeJame and his partner Rajan Joshi are representing Smith. The Orlando Sentinel reports a history of violence associated with the couple. Specifically, the couple was apparently involved in a domestic violence case involving children in 2009. Public records also showed Smith was previously convicted on drug and domestic battery charges.

Dale Smith is to be presumed innocent of all charges unless otherwise convicted in a court of law. LinkIn the meantime, Legal Pub continues its quest against domestic violence. LINK. Should anyone have any information concerning Michelle Parker's disappearance, please contact Orlando police.

Update: Police have now named Dale Smith as a suspect. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=252lV8_OhU0 Hearing Michelle's family on video is heartbreaking.


  1. Smith is a handsome guy too. Amazing how heated these passionate relationships can become.

    In the end, they were on a show over a measly 5 grand. Not worth dieing for! Hope Smith had nothing to do with her disappearance.

  2. Women should just give back the ring and move on. Why provoke a reaction?

    Why make a people's court production out of dirty laundry?

  3. I truly wonder whether either of these parties thought about the kids before they appeared on the show.

  4. Until she is found, no jumping to conclusions.

  5. Victim of love? I can hear the pain. What kind of love causes such hurt?

  6. Police are even more aggressive and have apparently named Dale Smith as a suspect:

  7. One suspects that they have found blood evidence. Bet it is not likely that she is unharmed.

  8. Isn't it always the hubby, ex husband or ex boyfriend in 90% of these cases?

  9. Department of Children and Families officials took the twins into temporary custody on Tuesday. The twins had been living at Smith's house and the home of Smith's parents since Parker disappeared.

    for their removal

  10. The twins were there... unfortunately they are too young to understand or tell

  11. Anon....the story says she gave the ring back. She threw it at him...lol

  12. Not funny that she's missing, but funny that she threw it at him.

    He was probably embarrassed about the show and killed her in a fit of rage.

  13. Secrets: right on!
