Monday, December 5, 2011

New Marketing Of Inflight Entertainment?

What happened to that phrase, "Fly the Friendly Skies?" Perhaps now the marketing slogan should be "Don't Get Too Upset if You Get Caught Being Too Chummy While Flying" using an Australian accent while advocating for Jetstar. Why the warning? An Australian couple was arrested over the weekend for trying to join the "mile high club." The man was 44-years-old and the woman 39-years-old. Saturday Bust.

The man, who apparently didn't finish, allegedly became "abusive" towards cabin crew after the couple was interrupted. The man is charged with disorderly conduct. His mate, however; was released without any formal charges according to Adelaide Now. (Moral: Should the man have exited without comment and then later gone into the restroom alone and finished the job?)

Jetstar claims that they don't allow passengers to "enter the toilet in pairs." If they do, they are asked to come out and if they "... comply there are no further questions asked or action taken." Some may ask what is the harm in allowing such conduct? (Think of the cost of adding extra large plane bathrooms and equipping them with complimentary condoms and vibrators. ) After all, over 90% of travelers would like to join the exclusive club. Twenty percent of all travelers claim to be members. 95% Want In Mile High Club (20% claim they have already joined.) Given the numbers, is there a marketing angle in promoting the mile high club on Jetstar flights? Simply by the numbers, the answer appears to be yes.

But people wishing a crack down on bathroom antics think the potential of in air mishaps is simply too great. It is not just unwanted pregnancies but also the distraction to airline personnel that they fear. For example in November, an off-duty Qantas pilot was allegedly scolded for becoming too familiar with a female passenger on a flight from London to Sydney. Too familiar? Can anyone blame the off duty pilot for making the friendly skies a bit more inviting atmosphere for attractive single women? Again those advocating against bathroom entertainment claim that if such conduct is encouraged, it might lead to a disproportionate number of attractive females being offered private viewings of the cock pit?

Perhaps encouraging membership in the mile high club might lead to over reliance on autopilot guidance and dangerous penetration of restricted air space. However, in this competitive market it may all come down to dollars and cents. In other words, is it more cost efficient for the airlines to return to providing snacks and movies as cheap in flight entertainment or should they simply turn a blind eye to couples sharing a toilet seat?

Update 12-7-11: Alec Baldwin just got kicked off a plane for violating the no cell phone rule. While reports conflict as to what Baldwin was doing with the device, reports of him throwing a temper tantrum after he was told to turn the device off appears to be consistent. LINK.


  1. Very refreshing for a Monday.

  2. Makes me want to look forward to a holiday flight.

  3. LOL... I guess the only objection by other passengers would be how long someone would tie up the facilities to accomplish their goal.

    Empty plane...who cares!

  4. Bang,,, bang... bng .. bg. b

    I need to use the John, hurry up and come on out here....

  5. L.P. you are a marketing genius.

  6. So this commercial airline pilot gives his spiel to the passengers, “Were flying at 30,000 feet, bla, bla, bla…”
    Hangs up the mic but the button sticks and the mic is open. He stretches out and says to the co-pilot, “I think I’ll go take a shit and than fu*k the stewardess!” This comment booms across the plane’s PA for all to hear.
    The stewardess realizes the mic must be stuck and rushes up through the cab to tell the pilot, when she slips and falls next to an old woman. The old women pats her on the shoulder and says;
    “No need to rush honey, he said he had to take a shit first.”

  7. Update 12-7-11: Alec Baldwin just got kicked off a plane for violating the no cell phone rule. While reports conflict as to what Baldwin was doing with the device, reports of him throwing a temper tantrum after he was told to turn the device off appears to be consistent.

  8. Cool. V.G. with a touch of humor.

  9. LOL... I guess the only objection by other passengers would be how long someone would tie up the facilities to accomplish their goal. Empty plane...who cares!

  10. Makes me want to look forward to a holiday flight.

  11. Go Kathryn Love the way you think!
