Monday, November 21, 2011

Jose Pimentel a.k.a. Muhammad Yusuf To Be Left Alone Howling At the Moon?

How can people become so twisted? Jose Pimentel (a.k.a. Muhammad Yusuf) of Manhattan, "a 27-year-old al-Qaida sympathizer" was apparently plotting to bomb police and post offices in New York City. He also had plans to harm U.S. troops returning home from the Middle East. Apparently, this poor soul had been motivated by terrorist propaganda and as a result developed resentment of U.S. involvement overseas. According to police, Pimentel was in the process of assembling his bombs when he was arrested. Pimentel was allegedly triggered to carry out his attacks by the September 30 killing of al-Qaida's U.S.-born cleric Anwar al-Awlaki.

According to Mayor Bloomberg, at least 13 terrorist plots have targeted New York since 911. Fortunately, no post 911 attack has been successful. However, it remains a mystery how men like Faisal Shahzad, who is serving a life sentence for trying to detonate a car bomb in Times Square in May 2010, and Jose Pimentel, become so demented that they are willing to kill innocent people.

Pimentel, a U.S. citizen originally from the Dominican Republic, has apparently been under surveillance by New York police for at least a year. Authorities have no evidence that Pimentel was working with anyone else at the time of his arrest. Consequently, he has acquired the nick name of "Lone Wolf." Yet, Pimentel's lawyer, Joseph Zablocki, claims his client's behavior prior to the arrest was not consistent with someone trying to conceal some violent scheme. According to Zablocki, Pimentel was not trying to hide anything and that the prosecution's case is flawed. Zablocki claims that Pimentel has a public online profile which is not consistent with someone plotting to commit a terrorist attack. ( Pimentel apparently posted on his website and on blogs his support of al-Qaida and in the concept of jihad. He also promoted an online magazine article that described how to make a bomb. He also allegedly posted: "People have to understand that America and its allies are all legitimate targets in warfare." ) Nevertheless, Pimentel has been denied bail. He is charged with conspiracy, first-degree criminal possession of a weapon as a crime of terrorism, and soliciting support for a terrorist act.



  1. Must be one sick puppy.

  2. Depression make people do some crazy things.

  3. Terrorism for no apparent reason is just plain insanity.

  4. NO way Jose! How could you be so foolish?

  5. Just the law of averages…Just as many radical Christians blow up abortion clinics and shoot the Doctors as these knuckle heads eat up their own source of propaganda of hate, then try to act on it. It has actually been going on for a long time, just a different name with the same old beliefs of they are right and everyone else is wrong.
    These people have to hate someone so they join cults that thrive and exist on hate…and than say it is for the good of their god. If I remember correctly, the Nazi’s made the same claim.

  6. Of coarse there is always this angle.
    Questions are being raised over New York City’s handling of an alleged terror plot. On Sunday night, Mayor Michael Bloomberg and New York City Police Department Commissioner Ray Kelly announced a 27-year-old Dominican-born man named Jose Pimentel had been charged on terrorism charges. But it has now to come to light that federal authorities, including the FBI, declined to join the local investigation saying Pimentel did not appear predisposed or capable of carrying out an attack. It also appears federal authorities may have concluded that Pimentel had been entrapped by an undercover informant.


    I'm thinking this guy prob wanted to pull off an attack but did not have the some of NYLE helped him along. YES, that would be entrapment, but he made the decision to follow up on his ideas. So the question has to be asked, if it was not LE helping him along and a real terrorist, would he have followed up on his idea and actually killed someone?

    I think it is alot like the angry husband or wife who wants to do-away with their spouse but is incapable of pulling it off them selves, so they put out the word. Weather it be an undercover cop or a real assassin who shows long as that individual passes over the cash they are guilty of hiring an assassin.

    With so many angry people out there seems like a good environment for a business opportunity..."dirty deeds, done dirt cheep".
    Than collect the cash and split...what are they going to the cops?

  7. Video Guy:

    It may be true that they helped him along. But the fact that he "put the word out" is in and of itself enough to be dangerous.

    I say cops did the right thing.

  8. I say lock him up for good.

  9. Anony 8:53 AM…I think they probably did too, but I have to ask, did he actually place a bomb where people would be harmed or killed? Or, did they just supply the material and show him how to build a bomb?
    I’ll tell ya, long before all this terrorism stuff when I was a teen I knew a few kids that built pipe bombs…and they built them just to see if they could, than blow them up in a field somewhere…no doubt illegal but not terrorist. Now a days they would be considered a terrorist and that is wrong.

    “Put the word out”…what does that really mean? I have had someone “put the word out” on me because I dated their x-girlfriend…does that mean they should be arrested? Even if they “put the word out”, and than bought a gun…there is no crime. Not until they point the gun at me would there be a crime….right?

    I still agree that LE prob did the right thing here, and we do not have all the information, but just “putting the word out”, than building a bomb does not make one a terrorist…dangerous, illegal…but not a terrorist. Not until he places that bomb in a place to cause harm or death to meet his specific demands is he a terrorist! If he places the bomb without demands he is a psycho…still not a terrorist. If he builds a bomb, and “puts the word out”, but never places it anywhere, he is dangerous…but still not a terrorist.
    What is your thinking on this?

    Where do we draw the line between stupid, or dangerous people compared to an actual terrorist?

  10. BTW…the reason I’d like to debate this is because many of these terrorist warnings and arrests remind me of “The boy who cried wolf” fable. Just like the terror color code alerts…people soon just ignored them. And now, should a real alert come along no one will believe it. If LE continues to arrest questionable individuals with little evidence or actual intent, the next time someone hears about such an individual they will not report them, and the real thing will get through their maze of information gathering and actually kill someone.

    And this zero tolerance stuff is just dumb…people say stupid stuff all the time with no intent…including me.

    I’ll tell you this…and think about it. A real terrorist organization would not look to the outside for help, they would be well trained, self contained and self supported…like the IRA or French underground of WWII. And not “putting out the word” all over the Internet…that guy is just stupid, a bonehead!
    I think these others we hear about are wanna-bee’s without the means to actually pull anything off until LE steps in and helps them along. Makes good press but does not solve the actual problem, plus the loss of public confidence.

  11. Here is another angle,
    "The FBI concluded that Pimentel 'didn't have the predisposition or the ability to do anything on his own.' That the FBI did not believe Pimental an imminent threat to safety or even worth arresting went unmentioned in the Sunday Bloomberg conference.

    The only people Bloomberg and his status quo colleagues are trying to protect are their positions of authority and privilege. Even the FBI doesn't want to get caught up in Bloomberg's mini-version of martial law on behalf of the plutocracy.


    I’m thinking…how long till they classify the OWS movement a terrorist organization? I’m also thinking that the assaults with pepper spray and clubs is to draw out a violent response from OWS, so they can classify them as terrorists.

  12. I understand that his internet posts contained real threats. In this day and age, that is a crime. The suspect says he would have hurt others. Are currently we not to belie be his own admissions?
