Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Abuse Defense Fails To Shield Muzzammil "Mo" Hassan From Second Degree Murder Charges!

Let's face it, the legal system favors women over men. Just ask Helen when it comes to alimony. LINK. Or review the case of Mary Winkler who shoots her husband while he lays in bed but is out of jail in just a few months. WINKLER LINK. Perhaps the disparity in treatment is most effectively illustrated by the case of Muzzmmil "Mo" Hassan, a former television network executive. Mo claimed he was the victim of spousal abuse which led to him killing his spouse. But unlike Mary Winkler, Mo will likely face many years in jail after being convicted of second-degree murder for stabbing and beheading his spouse.

Despite a two-week trial, the Erie County, N.Y., jury deliberated for less than an hour before returning the guilty verdict against Muzzammil "Mo" Hassan. Like Winkler, Hassan, 46, admitted that he killed his spouse because she was abusive. Unlike Winkler, Hassan is likely to serve a lengthy sentence behind bars. Hassan continues to claim that he retaliated against his wife because he was suffering from battered spouse syndrome. (Who was Hassan's brilliant attorney? Hassan represented himself after firing his attorney.) Despite the lack of professional representation, Hassan kept the trial entertaining as crowds lined up outside the courthouse for seats. Buffalo News. Hassan actually told the jury that he was the victim of "psychological rape." Hassan also told jurors that abusers often come across in public as charming, when only the victim knows the truth."A victim often feels like a hostage to a terrorist, a slave to an overbearing master," according to Hassan. WGRZ-TV. But prosecutor Colleen Curtin Gable shredded Hassan with the facts of a brutal murder of a spouse who was only guilty of wanting a divorce. Gruesome photos of the victim was worth more than a thousand words.

Hassan's children, Michael and Sonia, testified that "good old dad" had a history of domestic violence whereas their stepmother, Aasiya, did not. WIVB-TV. Sentencing for Hassan is set for March 9, 2011. Hassan will be sentenced from 15 years to a possibility of life in prison.


  1. Creepy that he thought he could avoid conviction for stabbing and chopping her head off!

  2. It is cold blooded murder no matter whether you are a man like Mo or a woman like Mary Winkler.

  3. If you can't play the abuse defense in showbiz, how about the sleep deprivation/caffeine defense?

  4. Poor man. So misunderstood!

  5. I think the beheading is a clue here as to his motive and personality, a bit of sadistic overkill with that action.

    Had he just stabbed her than one could possibly accept a fit of blind rage that was set off by abuse, but to sit there and cut off her head as well, not so sure anyone would see that as an impulse reaction.

    Sounds more like the beheading was a response to her hiring a good divorce lawyer…and he really hated that!

  6. A good divorce attorney can do that, just ask Viper!

  7. guilty of acting on what too many men think...
