Saturday, February 5, 2011

Love Should Not Be Possessive

Love should be gentle and kind. It should not be jealous or possessive. For when it violates these rules, the results can be fatal. Just ask those who were close to Thomas Watson, 43, and his former girlfriend Tara Shermerhorn, 31. Tara is the Arizona woman who was apparently kidnapped from her home by her former boy friend, Thomas Watson. The couple were recently found in what is believed to be a murder- suicide in Watson's truck. Goodyear police spokesman Ralph McLaughlin told the press that Watson left a suicide note behind. According to McLaughlin, "We're 99 percent sure that it's them based on our descriptions and what not."

Watson and Shermerhorn broke up in December, but were still involved in some sort of business venture together. A missing-person report for Watson was sent out at 5 a.m. Thursday. Police apparently found a suicide note authored by Watson at the scene. Shermerhorn's car was still in her own driveway. Family had previously notified police that they were unable to locate her.

Police hinted that Watson may have had a history of violence toward women or some type of domestic violence but no details were provided. Watson has an ex-wife in South Dakota who ironically was also named Tara. She may be a wealth of knowledge concerning Watson's past conduct with women.

Legal Pubs thoughts and sympathy is extended to the families of both of the victims. And as always, all allegations are just speculation unless proven in a court of law.


  1. Good relationship advice from someone other that Helen or Blond Bombshell?

  2. This was a cruel murder!

  3. Love is a powerful emotion, technically a release of endorphins. When these endorphins are continued to be released into the brain without a satisfactory response from the one that started this release, one can become sick. “Love sick” is now know as an actual illness and can have negative effects on ones thinking.
    This chemical reaction called love does have its place in our evolutionary process as it kept the male around to help with the raising of an offspring. It usually last 5-7 years with an offspring involved as this would give the offspring the necessary time to develop and keep pace with the traveling hunter/gather tribe on their own. Hence the term, “The Seven Year Itch”, when most relationships will falter. If another offspring is born the endorphin release will begin again with both sexes.

    I think the fact that these two worked together everyday encouraged and intensified a “Love sick” environment, they would have been better off not seeing each other.

    Most people in such a state of mind do not want to hear it, but the best thing to do is to stay away from the person that one is love sick over, until the endorphin release has diminished.

  4. Love should never be deadly!
    When love becomes deadly,it's not love, it's an abomination.

  5. True to both v.guy and Katfish. This kind of love is just plain selfishness. If I can't have you, know one else can either.

  6. This article was different than I suspected. Shame on this man.

  7. I agree with Video Guy....this sounds like sick love.

    These stories are always so painful for me....cause I always think about the terror the victim must have felt before dying. So sad.

  8. He must have been a fan of the queen in Alice in Wonderland...

    "Off with her head."
