Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A State Supreme Court Justice With A Sense of Humor?

Justice Steven David is Indiana's newest state Supreme Court Judge. The former Boone Circuit Court Judge apparently gave one of the better inaugural speeches post robing. According to the President Elect of the State Defense Bar, Justice David mixed humor, humility and emotion in just the right portions while pledging to uphold the constitution and protect justice from partisan politics. LINK. Justice David quoted Abraham Lincoln and lyrics from Kenny Chesney, Lee Brice and Toby Keith to demonstrate his gratitude and appreciation for the opportunity to serve his state.

The 106th Indiana Supreme Court justice, Justice Steven David demonstrates that a rise to the top can be accomplished by following his 12 words of wisdom: “Work hard, do good, be proud, have fun and do what’s right.”


  1. Seems like the Governor made a good choice.

  2. I didn't know the law and country western songs were so closely related. LOL.

  3. We have a singing cowboy in New York running for President, why not a singing Supreme Court justice?

    Great story L.P.

  4. What a great accomplishment.

  5. It's nice to read about someone who has not forgotten where he came from!
