Monday, October 11, 2010

Zahra Clare Baker Did Not Likely Run Off By Herself

Bret Farve faces accusations of "sexting." Had Bret regularly read Legal Pub, he might have known better. LINK. (The NFL is reviewing reports that a person alleged to be Favre sent voice mails and lewd pictures to Jenn Sterger. Deadspin apparently broke the story according to Reuters.) While the allegations may disrupt Farve's preparation for Monday Night Football, Elisa Baker, the step mom of Zahra Clare Baker, faces perhaps more serious allegations which may prevent her from controlling the T.V. remote control for an extended period of time. Zahra Claire Baker is the hearing-impaired North Carolina girl with a prosthetic leg who disappeared over the weekend. Zahra needs a prosthetic leg to walk and hearing aides to hear. Adam Baker, the girl's father, said that it was possible that his wife was involved in the disappearance. The 10-year-old girl's step mom, Elisa Baker, is currently in custody on over ten charges not related to Zahra's disappearance.

Zahra Clare Baker was last seen by Elisa Baker at 2:30 a.m. Saturday. Adam Baker, told ABC's Good Morning America, "I just hope I can get my daughter back. I miss her so much." Elisa Baker claims she last saw her stepdaughter sleeping in her bed about 2:30 a.m. Saturday. A fire was reported in the Bakers' backyard about 5 a.m. Adam admits that he didn't check on his daughter after the fire.The FBI is currently gathering surveillance video from businesses near the home. Dogs have been used to search the neighborhood.

Tom Adkins, Hickory Police Chief, says he can't rule out any suspects. Citing an ongoing investigation, the chief wouldn't elaborate on the evidence to date. Who would harm this innocent little girl? Zahra had bone cancer and uses a prosthetic left leg from the knee down. She doesn't have her hearing aids with her, so she would be in total silence. The step mom, Elisa faces charges which include making threats, writing bad checks, larceny and driving with a revoked license. While not the resume of a model citizen, police have yet to reveal anything in Elisa Baker's background which would lead one to foresee that she might harm her stepdaughter.

Elisa Baker, as is any other suspect, is to be presumed innocent unless otherwise proven in a court of law. Meanwhile, the AMBER ALERT continues.
Update 1-3-11: Zahra Baker was found dismembered in Caldwell County. The step mom, Elisa Baker, was charged in October with Obstruction of Justice and remains in custody with a $90,000 bond. The charge arises from a fake ransom note discovered the day Zahra Baker was reported missing. Tuesday's hearing is expected to include an indictment on the Obstruction of Justice charge and a possible bond reduction motion. Elisa Baker's attorneys believe she deserves a bond reduction for leading authorities to Zahra's body. WBTV. The grand jury met Monday to discuss new charges against Elisa Baker. WRAL-TV reports a grand jury met Monday to discuss new charges against Elisa Baker.
Update 1-4-11: Farve should have retired last year and faded into the sunset without all of the drama. His playboy image may have played a role in his most recent legal troubles. For those who live in a cave, Farve is now being sued for sexual harassment by Christina Scavo and Shannon O'Toole, two massage therapists, who worked for the Jets in 2008. The Jets are also named defendants. Favre allegedly propositioned them and requested a threesome. Scavo says she turned Favre down and had her husband call him to demand an apology. Subsequently, she was allegedly fired. Favre allegedly sent an unidentified woman a text reading, "Brett here, you and Crissy want to get together, I'm all alone," and sent another message that said, "Kinda lonely tonight, I guess I have bad intentions." O'Toole also claims that she lost her position as a Jets massage therapist after Farve's advances.


  1. Agreed. Not likely the kid ran off by herself.

  2. Bett Farve wishes he could run off by himself and avoid all the negative publicity.

  3. Does not sound like good news is coming.

  4. It breaks my heart just to hear of a child having such disabilities, and would really blow my mind if the adults in her life who were responsible to care, love, and provide for the same child decided she was just not worth it and contributed to her demise.

  5. Inconsistent leaks coming from the investigation. The dogs apparently did hit on a sent in at least one of the vehicles. Bad news likely coming...

  6. There are now rumors of an alleged confession.

  7. I just heard the stepmother was caught writing a ransom note…or something to that effect. WTF!

    This poor child who has setbacks from birth that is no fault of her own, has a monster introduced into her life that she has no choice about...Luck, it lives in its own dimension, if one is not born with it, they will never have it.

  8. I have seen a picture on the news of this little girl with a black eye...this is not going to turn out well.

  9. One or both parents are in hot water.

  10. Legal, I sent you an e-mail and want to make sure you recived it, so I thought I'd let you know in here.

  11. Legal, I sent a reply and you'll understand why I'm letting you know in here.

  12. ) he wishes he had stayed retired. I feel for his family.......
