Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Can Jennifer Mee Find A Hiccup In The Prosecution's Case?

Try as I might, I couldn't think of a more original defense then the caffeine defense. LINK. Then along comes Jennifer Mee. Afterall, the poor Florida Teen has a compelling story. The teen has been hiccuping nonstop since 2007. That could drive anyone a little crazy, but does that justify robbery or murder?

Recently Jennifer Mee was arrested in connection with the attempted robbery and murder of Shannon Griffin. Mee, 19, is charged with being involved in the first-degree murder of Shannon Griffin (Note Mee did not actually do the shooting.) Authorities claim that Mee invited the Shannon Griffin to a home where two other suspects ( Laron Raiford and Lamont Newton) attempted to rob him. During a struggle, Griffin, 22, was shot with a 38 caliber revolver. Jennifer Mee apparently met the victim at a social networking site. After several phone calls back and forth, a meeting was arranged. When he arrived, Jennifer apparently brought him to the rear of the home where the other two tried to rob him. During a struggle, Shannon Griffin was shot. Investigators do not believe Mee was shot him. While police have had contacts with Mee regarding domestic-related incidents, she apparently had no record.

It is theorized that Mee's attorney may blame her involvement in this incident upon all of the attention she received because of her hiccups. It is true that in 2007, Mee's non-stop hiccups earned her the nickname "Hiccup Girl." She appeared on NBC's "Today" show. She tried "sugar, peanut butter, breathing in a bag, having people scare" her, all in an attempt to rid herself of hiccups. However, it is reported that in recent time, her hiccups had vanished. If so, this may be a blow to any imaginative defense.

Even though police do not believe Mee participated in the actual shooting, Florida law considers her an accessory to the robbery that resulted in a death. If convicted, she could get life in prison. But of course, Jennefer Mee, as well as the other suspects are innocent until otherwise proven guilty. Perhaps a relapse of the hiccups might help...


  1. I am shocked and disappointed that you think light of this. Tourette's is a horrible disease and it may definitely have affected this young woman's judgment.

  2. And just what did the victim think was going to happen at this home? Why would you ever meet a strange person in a non public place?

  3. Don't go blaming the victim. He wasn't the one with the gun. He did not try to rob anyone.

  4. I think the girl lived with the other two male suspects.

  5. How can she be charged with murder when she didn't do the shooting?

  6. Florida treats all the accomplices in a murder similarly.

  7. Still need an intent to commit murder. They didn't mean to kill anyone. The gun just apparently went off accidently in the struggle.

  8. NO one deseerves to die

  9. No excuse for this chick.

  10. She would definitely be an accessory to murder if she was the one who lured this man to this trap. It is highly unlikely that this guy Shannon would have ever went to that location without the influence of this girl, take Jennifer out of this equation and there is no crime.

    Similar to the Shanda Sharer case where Hope Rippey lured Shanda from the safety of her home to a waiting car where she was abducted and eventually murdered. Shanda would have NEVER went near that car if it was not for Hope’s lies and persuading, and she would be alive today!

    This is somewhat the same reasoning as to why they execute traitors in the military.

  11. Video Guy great point. I thought of your video about the sherer case when I read this story.

  12. Just plain scary.

  13. Yea ! The hiccups made her crazy and she shacked up with two negro thugs and planned to rob Shannon for forty dollars,, then they accidentaly shot him several times,
    The law reads that all three murdered him regardless of who pulled the trigger..
    Its O.K. if they all get a life sentence .. cause they would still be doing it to someone else if free today...
