Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Mel Gibson Gives Drunks A Bad Name

Has "Mad Max" (Mel Gibson) finally flipped? His latest alleged taped conversation with his girl friend is inexcusable. While View” co-host Whoopi Goldberg defended Mel Gibson and claims that he is not a racist, the audio tape simply is not excusable. Goldberg said, “You can say he’s being a bonehead, but I can’t sit and say that he’s a racist, having spent time with him in my house with my kids. I can’t say it."

Well, perhaps Whoopi can't say it, but we can. In this day and age it is inexcusably ignorant to use racially derogatory names. Previously Gibson disparaged Jews during his drunken maledictions during his Malibu DUI arrest. While drunks may say stupid things, being drunk is not an excuse to be an idiot. Drunks all over the world are likely insulted that Gibson is included in their ranks.
Update 7-22-10: If Gibson's girlfriend, Oksana Grigorieva, threatened to release the tapes unless Gibson abided by "their agreement," then Oksana may have committed extortion under California law. Police are apparently looking into whether a possible crime has been committed. This in no way constitutes an excuse for Gibson's racially derogatory comments or anyone's attempt to make excuses for Gibson's behavior.


  1. Pretty clear he is either prejudice, an idiot, or both!

  2. Sometimes I don't get where Whoopi is coming from. Perhaps you can't say that Mel is a racist (though it can be inferred), but you can say what he said was racist, misogynist, prejudiced, and a lot of other things. In the words of another famous ranter, Christian Bale, "I'm done with [Mel Gibson] professionally, man!"

  3. I see misogynist as well as prejudiced. What a shame. He needs help.

  4. Mels biggest problem is that he likes a toddy now and then. Unfortunately for Mel, now and then is all the time.

  5. Mel has cooked his own goose!

  6. As a drunk and on behalf of drunks every where, I resent any inference that he is one of us.

  7. Using the little bit of statement analysis I know, it's obvious Whoopi G. doesn't believe Mel isn't a racist. Makes ya wonder if she is "invested" in some other way (perhaps $$ in a project? )

    “You can say he’s being a bonehead, but I can’t sit and say that HE"S A RACIST, having spent time with him in my house with my kids. I can’t say it."

    Instead of saying "Mel isn't a racist" she chooses to say she can't say HE IS A RACIST. hmmmm

  8. Good point, Katfish! Didn't catch the wording the first time around.

  9. Love is a drug, makes people do and say some crazy things!

    I wish the media would spend as much time reporting the folly’s of our elected representatives as they do on celebrities.

  10. Sex is definitely a drug. And I don't mind saying I am an addict...

  11. The latest Mel Gibson tape (if its mel) refers to him striking his child.

    Not flattering. Being a drunk is no excuse for his constant yelling and use of the f-bomb!

  12. As a member of AA, I agree with the title. Mel Gibson's antics give drunks a bad name. I would not want him included in our midst's.

  13. Whoopey seemed to be under the influence of medication in her most recent View episode. She slurred her speech and mispronounced words.

    Perhaps she and Mel are really close...

  14. Mel: Whiskey and telephone tantrums don't mix, dude!

  15. I feel sorry for Mel. Oksana Grigorieva is way to calm on the tapes. She must know the converstation is being recorded and designed to make Gibson look like a lunitic. She alludes to an incident in which Gibson allegedly acknowledges he hit her while she held the couple's child. The 8 minute long recording was released by

  16. Ear To The Ground PressJuly 22, 2010 at 7:41 AM

    Mel may have a cause of action for extortion under California law. If she threatened to release the information unless he paid her off, she may have violated California law. What a turn around this may be!

  17. Update 7-22-10: If Gibson's girlfriend, Oksana Grigorieva, threatened to release the tapes unless Gibson abided by "their agreement," then Oksana may have committed extortion under California law. Police are apparently looking into whether a possible crime has been committed. This in no way constitutes an excuse for Gibson's racially derogatory comments or anyone's attempt to make excuses for Gibson's behavior

  18. Apparently there are emails that suggest that Grigorieva attempted to use the audio tapes to get money from Gibson. Grigorieva may also have been upset with the breakup and was looking to either reconcile or have Gibson pay.

  19. The Los Angeles County sheriff's department is investigating Grigorieva.

  20. Ear To The Ground PressJuly 22, 2010 at 8:11 AM

    Grigorieva's family law attorney, Manley Freid, apparently got a restraining order. But word on the street is that now the judge apparently wonders why Freid did not reveal Grigorieva's several million settlement agreement between herself and Gibson.

  21. Agreed Gibson is still a jerk.
