Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Is Goran Lindberg An Example Of Why A Gal Can't Judge A Book By It's Cover? ~by Helen

Just who can a girl trust these days? Goran Lindberg seemed like a trustworthy fellow. He looked good in his blue uniform and had a steady job as a police chief in a large city in Sweden. He openly promoted equality among the sexes. He even gave lectures on prevention of sexual harassment and promotion of respect among the genders. Now this same former police chief is on trial concerning charges that claim he chained and sexually assaulted teenage girls. Lindberg denies all the charges except for eight counts of buying sex. Yet, he faces 23 counts.
Perhaps the most outrageous allegations is that one of the alleged victims was only 14 years old.

How could a respected man fall so low? Lindberg was formerly the police chief in Uppsala, the fourth largest city in Sweden. Lindberg was a decorated speaker on sexual equality and sexual harassment. Was he speaking from experience or did his speaking enhance his experience? His lawyer, Karl Harling, denies that his client has committed any crime. And of course, Legal Pub compels me to write that "Lindberg, like any suspect, is presumed innocent unless otherwise proven in a court of law." But I sure as heck would not want to be his lawyer. While the victims names are shielded from the press, they are likely to give compelling testimony for the prosecution. Furthermore, these witnesses will likely have the aid of powerful visual aids. The prosecution evidence allegedly includes a bag belonging to Lindberg that contained handcuffs, leashes and sex toys.

So just who can a girl trust? Well, the first lesson to teach your daughters is "don't judge a book by its cover." Just because the man looks good in a blue suit does not mean his intentions are pure. And if we assume that men did indeed evolve from the ape, just what makes anyone think that the male leopard can ever truly change his spots?


  1. Goran sounds like a wolf is sheeps clothing.

  2. Goran the moron? Always beware of those who preach morality publicly. Such a person protest too much?

    Not a lot different than politicians who lecture of morality on the campaign trail and then have affairs with their campaign staff.

  3. Hypocritical cop or hypocritical motivational speaker or both?

  4. Any law enforcement office who would abuse his position of authority to get into the pants of little girls ought to be strung up by his toes and kaned. He better pray that he is innocent.

  5. Lindberg goes on the all time scum list in my book.

  6. I have daughters and the thought of this makes me sick.

  7. Why should anyone be surprised by all of this? After all Sweden is proud of its defense of free and open sex and anything goes. His acts are a product of a liberal society and serves as a lesson to all.

  8. It is just more disgusting when it comes to a police officer...

  9. True a leopard (men) never change their spots
