Saturday, July 10, 2010

Does Mark Fogarty's Treatment of Angela Driver Make Bill Maher Look Like A Genius?

Bill Maher comes across as being a fruit. He entertains the masses with pro-atheism remarks that humorously point out that religion may be at the root of a great deal of the world's obsession with violence and war. LINK: Religiosity. Of course it's funny until one hears about a fanatical terrorist or a Pastor like Mark Fogarty. Then, Maher starts to look like a genius. Mark Fogarty is a Georgia pastor who singled out a woman in his congregation and made remarks that to some insinuated that she had "committed some form of fornication." Well apparently, Angela Driver, the target of the remarks, had not been engaging in such conduct. In fact, she filed a suit claiming that she had been slandered. She hypothesized that the real reason she was targeted was because Fogarty did not like the way she dressed and thought she was not submissive enough.

A jury apparently agreed with Ms. Driver. A Georgia jury ruled that Pastor Fogarty is libel for more than $500,000 in damages and attorney fees. While Fogarty may try to appeal, the message is clear. It doesn't matter if you profess yourself to be a member of the cloth or not, you simply can't slander another person with false or grossly misleading statements. It doesn't matter that one's intentions may be to save many souls. Hurting one for the benefit of many others is not the way things should be done in America. After all, as Bill Maher says, shouldn't those who profess to be Christians act like Christians? A few more "preachers in the news" and Maher may be elevated to genius status. For more information on the lawsuit please read: Macon Telegraph

Update 9-8-10: A rather comprehensive presentation of the allegations may be found at:


  1. Maher is funny but I sure hope he is not right about how dumb America can be: See:

  2. Maher's attacks on Christianity gets laughs but is it really funny?

  3. “I’m on the corner with doubt.” preaches Bill Maher in Religulous. This documentary examines the heart of global religiosity. .

  4. Maher all but wears a sandwich board proclaiming his disdain for religion. He treats organized religion worse than spiritual snake-oil salesmen!

  5. There is another site that has a fair amount of information about this.

  6. Throughout history organized religion has been behind many wars, the abuse of children for centuries, and the largest theft of personal property ever recorded.
    During the European witch-hunts of the dark ages, one of the conditions of a conviction of being a witch was that the accuser was entitled to all the convicted witches personal property, including their land. It was no accident that most all accusations came from the local church who benefited immensely from the demise of another human…How can someone who proclaims to live their life for the good of others knowingly sentence another to their death for the sake of profit? Because deep down inside they are lying psychopaths who’s true god is GREED !

    I believe that those who proclaim to be Christians and think the Bible was written by some deity should be held accountable to their belief…Start with; NO divorce for Christians and Christians who commit adultery to be stoned to death in the town square. There would be 80% less Christians the very next day because as usual they pick and choose what they wish to believe and declare what in the book is the word of god.

    To this day the church will talk an elderly couple out of all their property by having them sign it over to the church upon their death…screw their children, the church leaders need more. These followers MUST be stupid to do such things especially when they see the church leaders living like kings as the rest of the congregation struggles to get by.

    It is not just the Christians…it is all of them, and they all know that they need to indoctrinate the young children from an early age to have a truly devoted follower for life. Another group who knew this was Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party as to why they started the Hitler Youth Organization.

  7. When people impute special vices to the Christian Church, they seem entirely to forget that the world (which is the only other thing there is) has these vices much more. The Church has been cruel; but the world has been much more cruel. The Church has plotted; but the world has plotted much more. The Church has been superstitious; but it has never been so superstitious as the world is when left to itself.

    Spiritual doctrines do not actually limit the mind as do materialistic denials. Even if I believe in immortality I need not think about it. But if I disbelieve in immortality I must not think about it. In the first case the road is open and I can go as far as I like; in the second the road is shut.

  8. In my opinion Fogarty was completely out of line!

  9. Organized religion is okay if the followers practice what they preach and the leaders do not exploit their followers.

  10. as if thats going to happen...

  11. Genius? No. Good comedian? Yes.

  12. Maher is a genius!


  13. Update 9-8-10: A rather comprehensive presentation of the allegations may be found at:

  14. Let Me Set You Straight...September 8, 2010 at 7:31 AM

    One think that can be said for Bill Maher is that he does not discriminate. He does not just pick on Christianity. Maher picks on religion as a whole (on the basis that they are all equally crazy).

    Agree or disagree, don't call him anti any specific religion. He is anti all religion.

  15. I viewed a couple of Bill the DORKs Videos and he such a pot head it's hard to take him serious he is more annoying then anything else back to the main event about this type of religion I been there and been threw all that as a matter a fact till this day we dont have a TV in our house, and it over a 100 degrees and my wife and I still wear long sleeves,and we still Hate the so call things of the world ( bill ) we are still trying to shake it off . And it'benifits us to continue dislike bill Manuer (>_<)
