Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Blond Bombshell's Educational Guideline For A Long Marriage ~by Shell

Time for an education in happiness, boys and girls. Want to have a long happy union with your mate? Marry up! When you're talking age, the key to a happy marriage is for a woman to pick a man at least 5 years her elder. Recent studies suggest that the happiest couples with the lowest divorce rate were those where the woman was at least five years younger than her husband. Similarly, the more educated the woman, the better the chance of marital bliss. See:';

But when the wife is older by five or more years, the couple is three times more likely to break up than if they're the same age. Simply, men with younger wives are destined to be happier. Sorry cougars. It's okay to play, but don't make it permanent or you will likely pay.

The majority of people don't even think about having affairs. The Times of London. In the London Times poll, 54 percent of those polled hadn't even considered having an affair. The number one key to the success of a relationship was obvious: plentiful amount of sex. 44 percent had sex at least once a week. 32 percent are having it two to four times a month. 2 percent have sex every day. To see why women stop having sex read: LINK

In 2006, A NORC Survey found that 16.7 percent of women admitted to infidelity. Why do women cheat? That's simple, to feel young again. Why do men cheat, to get more sex. The conclusion is obvious. If a woman wants to stay married, pick a guy at least 5 years her senior and give him plenty of loving. Than if there is infidelity in the marriage, it will likely be because you found a Brad Pitt look alike who takes you sky diving.
Editors Note: Avoiding divorce is a little like the man in this video, it takes some degree of skill and a whole lot of luck. VIDEO LINK.


  1. Good one Shell!
    I've missed you!
    I have NO idea what makes a happy marriage ... I'm on my second go-round and I think we're doing OK. BTW, I am 5 years older than him ... go figure!?!

  2. Ms. C. is a cougar!



  3. Yup, don't you know it is always the last ones that you suspect that would pounce on those youngins...

  4. Sex every day, sounds like a plan!

  5. Wow loved the youtube link!

  6. Shell, I have tested this theory.

    My ex husband was 1 year younger and that lasted 7 loooooonnnnngggg years. Now I'm dating a man 11 years my senior and our relationship is TOXIC!!!

    In both cases, I only wanted to have sex 3 times a year....with other people. So maybe its me...LOL

  7. Ms C I had no idea you were a cougar. You go girl!!

  8. Secret, you are living the dream! I don't like Shell or her movie star buddies, but I have to admit she is more right than wrong. Shell, just what are you trying to do, eliminate all my revenue from divorce?


  9. Check out the divorce cakes on my page

  10. Cool idea, Secrets

  11. Secrets:
    "In both cases, I only wanted to have sex 3 times a year....with other people. So maybe its me."

    ~ love it! :)

  12. Typical drive for most females. If it happens 3x a year its because of mistaken identity. LOL


  13. The sex three times a year wouldn't be so bad if the legal system wasn't so skewed against guys. You can be the perfect husband. You can make dinner every night, take care of the children, work full time, and earn a great wage. Take her on romantic vacations to Europe. It doesn't matter. Some judge will still give her your house and your kids if you divorce, even if she was unfaithful and she files.

  14. You are right. As Legal Pub would say, we need to change the system in a peaceful constructive fashion. Read:

  15. What man in his right mind would ever risk losing half of everything in marriage?

  16. "Time for a cool change..."

    Great song. Even better advice. No more state sanctioned marriage.

    Separation of church and state. Get the lawyers and property rights out of the equation.
