Monday, October 26, 2009

Richard Heene Is Merely A Capitalist! ~ by Banker Man

Just stop! It is not like this country does not have bigger fish to fry. Remember the joy many felt when the news broke that little Falcon was not on the balloon. It wasn't until little Falcon revealed to Wolf Blitzer that they "did this for the show” that all the negativity started. Suddenly Richard Heene was labelled as someone who exploited his child for fame and profit.

But who is really to blame? In this world of "reality t.v." who without flaw may cast the first stone. For many, the incident provided a welcome diversion from the pain of reality. Unemployment, inflation, a depressed stock market, crooked CEOs and murdering pedophiles. For once, many had a common goal, the safety of “balloon boy.” Was it a “massive fraud,” as Bill O’Reilly claimed? Or was it a brief reality T.V. show that entertained the masses with hope for a cute little boy?

Sheriff, Jim Alderden said, “They put on a very good show for us, and we bought it.” In hindsight, the show wasn’t that good. But, it did provide diversionary relief. Now some may argue that the balloon may have caused the rerouting of flights and the wasteful deployment of law enforcement resources. But it is not like the diversion was not welcome. Furthermore, Halloween costumes of the ballon boy have been extremely popular thus stimulating the economy. In sum, Richard Heene is a product of the times. An entrepreneur trying to gain an upper hand in the “reality” television market. Some are calling it fraud. Others, simply call it capitalism.


  1. You are s0 right on this one!


  2. using the kids in this scheme may warrant taking away the kids!

  3. And the video! The kids use profanity and at one point one is pretending to go to the bathroom. It is simply disgusting.

  4. NOt a real bright idea if you ask me!

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  6. Spammers: You will be charged for advertising!

    Update. Richard Heene plead guilty. He was sentenced to 90 days! His wife apparently plead to a lesser misdemeanor.
