Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Back On The Cold Trail of JonBenet Ramsey's Killer

Same old story? Cold case with new technology? The investigation of JonBenet Ramsey's murder has been resumed by the Boulder police. In theory, they would like to apply new technology to a 12-year-old case. For those of you who need a refresher: Death of JonBenet Ramsey

Boulder, Colorodo Police Chief, Mark Beckner, is optimistic that the killer can be found. But what are the odds that the murder of the 6-year-old beauty pageant contestant winner will be found after all this time. The killer is someone who had the mentality to bludgeon and strangle the six year old girl in the basement of her Boulder home. While clues were left behind in December of 1996 murder, after all these years the trail is cold.

Patsy Ramsey, JonBenet's mother and John Ramsey's wife, died in 2006. Prior to her death, she was apparently unjustly targeted as a suspect. Perhaps a more objective look at the evidence can place the authorities back on the trail of the real killer.
Update 11-9-10: Crime scene photos can be viewed at: LINK.


  1. Poor Patsy Ramsey. It appears she was unjustly accused and had to deal with that besides the overwhelming grief. I hope they eventually find the killer.

  2. I thought they narrowed the suspects to a few drifters and former employees.

  3. Cold trail? More like frozen!

  4. Surprised you opened this can of worms...

    Lets see whether the frozen trail melts...

  5. The DNA data base will eventually identify the killer.

  6. I agree with L. Lin Wood, the attorney for John Ramsey. Wood said the decision to transfer the investigation was a "positive sign in terms of my hope that the Boulder Police Department will take not only a new review in terms of a cold case review, but that it will go in this time with an objective review."

    I join in Woods criticism that previous police efforts have unfairly focused on the family while ignoring other evidence (such as footprints.)

  7. AAThe DNA data base does not look to be the savior quite yet.

  8. Back to a snail's trail to no where...

  9. DNA ruled out the parents. It ruled out Mark Karr. Who does it leave?

  10. So that like leaves the rest of the world as possible suspects...

  11. What about the phychic that said the killer knew the building at which the father worked. Maybe a security guard?

  12. The security guard should be DNA tested.

    But I say, it was one familiar with the house. A former visitor to the house as a temporary worker or maintenance etc...

    They knew of the special room...

    That is what I foresee:


  13. In theory, Jon Benet Ramsey Killer Can Be Found by Molecular Photofitting from DNA. In practice, without a comprehensive data bank, it is like finding a needle in a haystack.

  14. you are in error,if you thinking anyone outside the home....the ransom note said do not alert anyone....if John even talked to a stray dog, his daughter dies......and he ignored the warning......only reasonable explanation is his 9 yr old son.....wake up America, and the people investigating this!!!

  15. To the comment above mine,
    If you're gonna comment on this case then do some research. They did test Burke's DNA, and obviously it wasn't a match. Burke more than likely did not have the strenght it would have taken in order to restrain his sister and cause those deep ligature marks, he was just a kid. Next time do some research. You look like a jackass.

  16. Good point, except for the j@ck@ss comment. While everyone is entitled to an opinion, one based on speculation instead of fact is not worth much.

    Seems the killer was not a child. Most likely had to be a teen or older to inflict the damage done. That would be my opinion based on what I know of the publicized facts.

  17. I watched that Haunted Evidence on TruTV and it seems like that footage could be very useful. One of the psychics said the killer was familiar with the building in which John Ramsey worked. The other said it looked as if the killer was a security guard. Putting it together, possibly the security guard at John Ramsey's old office? They said JonBenet knew the killer's face. Maybe she saw him when she would go to her father's office. With that in mind, I'm sure he did know the Ramsey's from company parties and gatherings. He probaby knew them well enough to know where they lived. The psychics also saw that the killer was already in the house before they got home that night. Giving him plenty of time to find a point of entrance, and feel the house out. With him starting in the basement, I'm sure he mapped a way through the house to get upstairs and back to the basement with JonBenet and leave the same way he came in, and go unnoticed. I think law enforcement needs to go back to John Ramsey's office in Boulder and bring any security guards employed in 1996 for DNA testing. Maybe the psychic thing is a joke to them, but they need to take all the leads they can get right at this point.

  18. I watched that Haunted Evidence on TruTV and it seems like that footage could be very useful. One of the psychics said the killer was familiar with the building in which John Ramsey worked. The other said it looked as if the killer was a security guard. Putting it together, possibly the security guard at John Ramsey's old office? They said JonBenet knew the killer's face. Maybe she saw him when she would go to her father's office. With that in mind, I'm sure he did know the Ramsey's from company parties and gatherings. He probaby knew them well enough to know where they lived. The psychics also saw that the killer was already in the house before they got home that night. Giving him plenty of time to find a point of entrance, and feel the house out. With him starting in the basement, I'm sure he mapped a way through the house to get upstairs and back to the basement with JonBenet and leave the same way he came in, and go unnoticed. I think law enforcement needs to go back to John Ramsey's office in Boulder and bring any security guards employed in 1996 for DNA testing. Maybe the psychic thing is a joke to them, but they need to take all the leads they can get right at this point.

  19. Good point. worth a shot!

  20. I also watched that Haunted Evidence on Tru TV and it seems like that footage could be very useful, these Psychics are very true to there word. they saw what happened it took them places that no one ever knew, he did know the Ramsey's that's because he was a security guard at the firm they need to start there and find him and do a DNA test, this was not supposed to be a murder but to for fill a sexual fantasy he was a sick child molester , she was portrayed as an Adult Striper the way her mother dressed her and made up her face this is not natural, this was supposed to be natural beauty these kids pagents are jokes my daughter was in the one Jonbenet was in and i could not believe the way these parent dressed these little 6yr old girls the heavy make up that's a no no the hair extensions that's a no no and the clothing they made them wear of course right there it will bring these sick Bas out this should of not even occur these parents need to see what could happen to there child when they do things like this. But you know its all about how much money you have. I even saw an interview where John Ramsey even said that Jonbenet's nick name was Sex kitten "NICE" I hope they find this evil man this was not supposed to happen he was to rough on her and KILLED her what a shame WE LOVE YOU BABY GIRL you will always be in our prayers. Please Parents these pagents are a joke little girls are beautiful they don't need all that crap. Someone who cares.

  21. Have all the ex security guards been tested for DNA?

  22. Good idea on DNA testing. But all the theories without solid clues is depressing.

  23. It was the mother, obviously. The one who kept abusing her everyday. But it was never mentioned because the parents covered up there guiltiness

  24. Depends how you define abuse... if abuse is putting a kid in lots of padgents etc, then perhaps yes.

    Still does not mean mom had anything to do with her murder.

  25. I am very sorry!!! to here the sad news about your daughter. Everyone is shocked and upset:(. Soon this case will be over and then your little girl will be able to rest in peace and be with the angles of god.

  26. I am very sorry!!! to here the sad news about your daughter. Everyone is shocked and upset:(. Soon this case will be over and then your little girl will be able to rest in peace and be with the angles of god.

  27. Time to bring the culprit to justice.

  28. It was likely an intruder. Here is why: Evidence includes a baseball bat found outside the house with fibers consistent with fibers found on the carpet in the basement where JonBenét’s body was found. The bat did not belong to the Ramseys.

    DNA evidence suggests that JonBenet’s attacker was a male. The DNA does not match John Ramsey and JonBenét’s body was bound with complicated rope slipknots and a garrote that the order described as “sophisticated bondage devices.”

    No evidence suggests the Ramseys knew how to tie such knots.

  29. My guess is the brother, always being put down by his sister. He probable got her to go outside with him or something then took her by surprise with a hit to the head. She never saw it coming. Another reason i think it was him was because look at the note, that handwriting is to sloppy for a adult man to write. The whole fact that the dad actually picked the girls body up and brought her up stairs suggests the son told them, then they let those neighbors clean the house, wiping away any DNA or figure prints. I am a 13 year old girl and i would have done better then that. Then the whole fact that the investigators didn't go the basement in the first place! I would have gone down there after checking her room. Then of curse why did the father go down there that night? To fix the a pipe? Or to disturb the evidence so there, now only child would not be taken away from them. But then there is the fact that the window to the basement was open, witch always suggests a intruder. Or maybe it was just a angry mother that thought her daughter should have beaten JonBenet. Will we ever know? I sure hope so. Use the foot print left outside that window, use DNA on the ropes and what not, and talk to the family once more. Perhaps the guilt of knowing there daughters/sisters killer is eating them up. R.I.P JonBenet Ramsey August 6 1990- December 25 1996.

  30. Pretty good thinking for a 13 year old!

  31. But fact remains, still no real suspects.

  32. Mr. Ramsey didn't pick up JonBenet's body until Det. Arndt requested Mr. Ramsey and Mr. White to search the basement - why the request was made to the father and friend as opposed to law enforcement is beyond me. These facts are listed in the Affidavits for the Warrants issued back in 1996 and 1997 (can be located through the Denver Post's website). These facts are also provided in the background information provided in Wolf v. Ramsey, 253 F. Supp. 2d 1323 - Dist. Court, ND Georgia 2003 (can be located through Google Scholar). As inept as the Boulder police were during this investigation, they would have had enough common sense to control the crime scene at least from the point of discovery. In regards to the note, there are a few misspelled words and the handwriting is sloppy, however, I have met plenty of adults whose handwriting and lack of grammar and spelling mirror those of the author of the ransom note.

  33. Good points. Cops should have searched basement not the dad. And certainly, no one should jump to conclusions based on handwriting and gramatical/ spelling errors.

  34. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  35. I really think it was a person who worked in the same building as John! He watched them for a while waiting! He is a sick POS that needs to be caught! BPD should have done their job and left the Ramsey's alone! Poor family, went through hell because of them! Test all gaurds and anyone who worked the doors at that office! He's in Lou Smith's investigation! I know Lou knew who it was! He was so close to catching that sick bas! Come on BPD do what the rest of the officers couldn't! Get him! I think of this little girl all the time and I wish I where a detective, that POS would have already been caught! Do your job ppl!

  36. Yes I think Carla Barron Psychic
    who named a security guard who
    worked in the building of john Ramsey s
    company was the killer and was a
    member of security team working at
    john Ramsey s building Locheed martin
    I think he was a security guard with
    Locheed Martin Carla said she saw the killer
    in his bedroom he was built up in the arms
    and John J Oliver said he like watches people
    what does a security guard do watches people
    she described how he came in the window that
    was broken and he went out that way
    he hid in the closet upstairs, he had security
    badges on both his shoulders he wore dark
    clothing , hiking boots a white shirt
    and dark jacket Watch Haunting Evidence
    both Carla and John have found and come up
    with two killers that were both caught
    and which they both predicted Julie

  37. All persons of interest are to be considered innocent unless otherwise proven
