Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Michael Phelps Lack of Judgment Will Cost Millions

Should Olympic gold medalist Michael Phelps who was photographed smoking marijuana on the University of South Carolina campus be arrested? Whoopi Goldberg says no. But the rest of us may think his incredible lack of good judgment alone warrants arrest. Phelps is facing a criminal investigation as we speak. Charges could be filed. "If someone breaks the law in Richland County, we have an obligation as law enforcement to investigate and to bring charges," Sheriff Leon Lott said in a statement.

Phelps admitted "regrettable behavior" after a British newspaper published a photograph of him smoking through a bong. Phelps, who won a record eight gold medals at the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, China. Should his behavior been in a statement Sunday. See the photo. Losing money through lost endorsements may be punishment enough. Endorsements If everyone on the campus who was caught smoking is punished, then so should be Phelps. So, just what other people are being considered under investigation? In the mean times, Phelps should go back to basics... starting with a wading pool.
Update 2-6-09: Phelps has been suspended from competition for three months. He has also lost is Kellogg's sponsorship.


  1. Can you say incredibly stupid?


  2. He would have been a rich kid...

    Now I am not so sure...

  3. Did he actually lose endorsements or are they threatening to take away his endorsements???

    They shouldnt press charges. Its not like they caught him smoking. It was an old picture. Give me a break!!!

    He kick ass in the olympics....he deserves a hit or two!!

  4. It's my understanding that this isn't going to affect his current endorsements...but future earnings are probably greatly affected.Dumb ass kid!
    How much money would be spent to go after him on charges for a picture toking on a bong? Unless they have a witness willing to come forward it seems as though LE has better uses for their resources.

  5. Most endorsement contracts have a morals clause. If a company wants to void the current endorsement, they probably have an out!

  6. Much Ado About Nothing

    Its just weed.

    I could see if it was crack.

  7. And lets not forget Marion Barry, who was reelected to Mayor of DC after being caught smoking crack.

    Like I said....its just weed.

  8. Michael needs to understand that with the down turn of the economy, corporations are looking for excuses to bail out on endorsement obligations...

  9. Michael needs to understand that with the down turn of the economy, corporations are looking for excuses to bail out on endorsement obligations...

  10. Update 2-6-09: Phelps has been suspended from competition for three months. He has also lost is Kellogg's sponsorship.
