Monday, February 2, 2009

All Charges Dropped Against George Obama

There must be some benefit to being a half brother of the President of the United States. Looking at George Obama, one is inclined to think not much has changed since the Kennedy days in the White House. The President and his family are very popular and at least at the present, his family can do no wrong. All charges stemming from a drug raid involving George Obama, half-brother to U.S. President Barack Obama, have been dropped according to police in Kenya.

The actual charges against George Obama were suspicion of possessing marijuana. Apparently George Obama was arrested in a Nairobi slum. While George had no marijuana on his person, other people picked up with George did have it in their possession according to Kenya police spokesman Eric Kiraithe. The charge involving possessing cannabis and resisting arrest can result in up to a year in jail. "Police in Kenya do not look at criminals in light of associations with relatives," Kiraithe said to CNN. Half brother George Obama
did not attend the inauguration in Washington. In the President's memoir, "Dreams from My Father," Barack Obama describes meeting George as a "painful affair." In the memoir, President Obama struggles to reconcile with his father after he left his mother when he was a child. Barack Obama Sr. died in a car accident when George was 6 months old.


  1. He does not look like his brother!

  2. Sounds like the charges were bogus any way!

  3. Give the guy a break. He did not even have any grass on him at the time. If his name were not Obama, he probably would have never been arrested in the first place.


  4. Just another example of who you know...

  5. Politics is like bedroom football:

    A man and his wife have gone to bed. After laying in bed for a few minutes the man cuts a fart. His wife rolls over and asks: "What in the world was that?"

    The man says: "Touchdown, I'm ahead, seven to nothing."

    A few minutes later the wife lets one loose. The man says to her: "What was that?"

    She replies: "Touchdown, tie score."

    The man lays there for about 10 minutes trying to work one up.

    He tries so hard that he craps all over the bed.

    The wife asks: "Now what in the world was that?" He replies: "Half time. Switch sides."


  6. Jester, that is just plain sicck!

  7. Obama may have experience with a little weed himself...

  8. Yo Mamma, younger Obama

  9. This is so WACK!!!

    Harry you are sooo right!!

    What the hell is "suspicion of possessing marijuana?"

    Either you have it or you dont. WTF???

    He didnt have s**t, thats why they dropped the charges.

  10. Barack should to give this kid a helping hand, methinks...

  11. Helping hand? Like Mike Phelps held the bong?
