Friday, August 22, 2008

Ryan McDonald Gunned Down By Fellow Student Jamar Siler?

Ryan McDonald, was just a sophomore at Central High school in Tennessee. He lived with his grandmother and suffered from alopecia which has caused him to be bald since age 3. As you can imagine, during the course of his school days he had been a target of much teasing. At 8:00 a.m in the cafeteria, the teasing came to an end as Ryan died from gunshot wounds. Chad Griffin, 15, and Josh Matthews, 14, were close to Ryan when he was shot. Ryan was apparently shot in the abdomen, took a few steps and then fell to the floor. Deputy Chief Bill Roehl reported that a 15 year old suspect identified as Jamar Siler was taken into custody six minutes after the shooting. According to Knox County School System Superintendent, Jim McIntyre, the victim and the suspect were acquaintances. (It is believed that they were classmates.)

Apparently, Jamar Siler, age 15, has been charged with one count of first-degree murder. Siler is being held in a juvenile detention facility without bond. Siler is represented by Mark Stephens, a public defender. After the shooting, the 1,400 student school was placed on lock down and then classes were dismissed. Students were bused to a nearby church where there parents picked them up. The school was scheduled to reopen today with counseling classes available for students. Official explanation of what happened link.


  1. What a shame. I hope some of the students have someone to talk to express their fears and reactions.


  2. What is happening to our youth?

  3. very, very sad. I don't know what is happening to our youth ...

  4. Whats happening is....
    easy access to guns, too much violence and sex on tv, relaxed/hands off parenting, undiagnosed mental illness, and no metal detectors in the suburbs.

    This is a shame.

    What happened to good ole fist fighting?

    These damn kids think their gansters. Their just watered down wanna be's. They dont have the first clue about being a real ganster.

  5. meant to say "they're" instead of "their."

  6. Is "Gundowned" some new word that I'm not familiar with?

    I thought the term was "gunned down".

  7. Spell police are missing the valid points made by secret. Don't be so picky about typos and be more intense on the issues and how to solve them.

    John from Tennessee

  8. Wonder what happens when nobody’s rising the kids? Duh sh*t! Neither mom nor dad can be bothered with the kids as they’re to busy trying to keep up with the Jones. How about parental responsibility? Somebody (I don’t care who) make the kids first in their lives. We as a society don’t raise kids anymore. And we ask what’s wrong with them? Duh s*it!


  9. OK, I'll be "more intense". LOL!

  10. Congrats LP,

    you called it!

    It's Evan Bayh with Obama in '08...

  11. Bayh must have been promised another high ranking position in cabinet etc. He will be there on the big night.

  12. It's gunned down. Gunned down.

    As in...dude was gunned down by another dude.

    Gunned down.

  13. LP,

    I hear the Indiana delegation was very disappointed because they were pretty certain it was going to be Bayh. To make things worse I think their plane was delayed.

    Anyways, I got a hoax text telling me it was Bayh and immediately wanted to congratulate you for predicting it. Me, I now owe someone a $20 because I thought it was gonna be Hillary ...

  14. gundowned is gangsta spell police dude!

  15. Yup different the the gun fights where someone is gunned down. Gundowned means shot without a chance to defend yourself. If you are going to report on the streets then learn the streets.

