Monday, August 25, 2008

Consequences of Big Foot Hoax?

The problem with a hoax is that it has consequences. A hoax can be some thing as simple as an intercepted text message claiming to know Obama's running mate or as major as "Big Foot."

Two Georgia men got carried away. They claimed to have found a Bigfoot corpse.
Tom Biscardi, a leader in the group "Searching for Big Foot" apparently fell for the gag. So did many others who watched their t.v. sets awaiting the evidence. However, after a press conference and DNA examination, the men behind the discovery admitted it was "just a hoax, just a big joke." Matt Whitton was one of the pranksters. His claim had instant credibility because he was a police officer. Now he is an ex police officer! The other man Rick Dyer publicly announced that Big Foot "does not exist." While the men likely regret the consequences of their joke, was their five minutes of fame worth it? Only time will tell. Watch to see if there will be a talk show tour and possible movie and/or book deals. If there are such perks, might we be sending the wrong message?


  1. Come on! This was all in fun. It was a nice break from the news of death and destruction!

  2. Should a cop lose his job over a joke?

  3. The dead Bigfoot body was a rubber ape costume. The deception was made public by the company Whitton and Dyer teamed up with to announce their supposed find. "Sasquatch Detective" Steve Kulls realized the "corpse" was a fake when the frozen body began to thaw—after the press conference had already taken place.

  4. The group's Web site,, says members Tom Biscardi and Robert Schmalzbach examined the supposed Sasquatch's frozen remains for the first time on Sunday, two days after the press conference only to discover it was a fake.

  5. Dyer and Whitton are accused of being in a "complicit in a scheme to defraud," Kulls has alleged.
    "At this time the victim of this series of deceptions, Searching For Bigfoot, Inc., is seeking justice for themselves and for all the people who were deceived by this deception," said Kulls.

    This may be a taking the matter a little too seriously! Is there not a happy median which involves a commons sense approach to this problem?

  6. How about Bob Heironimus. 36 years after the infamous 1967 footage, he allegedly confesses to having worn a gorilla costume and appearing in the famous 1967 footage of Bigfoot.

  7. Wow, you ruined my day. Now I think there is no big foot. Next you will tell me there are no aliens...

    Well at least the Mexican lady who just brought me my morning margarita on the beach is evidence to the contrary unless the tequila is playing tricks on me.

    Surfer Dude

  8. Surfer Dude,

    I'm with you ... don't believe all these naysayers, they know nothing. I dated bigfoot in the
    1980's and I can tell you it was a b^^ch trying to buy him decent sneakers for break-dancing class. . .

  9. I had more than one big foot step on my toes on the dance floor, Ms. C. I am with you on this one!


  10. 1st Santa, then the Easter Bunny, now Big Foot.

    The end is near.

  11. Seems like they are always trying to pull the rug out from under us.

    Fall Guy

  12. Nobody has a sense of humor anymore. Its kind of sad. I can remember shen people got taken in a gag they used to laugh at themselves and their own gullibility. (Who remembers Alan Funt and Candid Camera) Now people get fired, charged, sued, etc. I think we were better off when we could laugh at ourselves and our situations, rather than be so serious. Life is real short, so lighten up!!!!!

  13. I wear a rug, fall guy. And when someone pulls it off my head it pisses me off. And if I am laying down when they pull my rug off, it hurts.

    Bald in Topeka

  14. From what I understand, the dummies at "Searching for Big Foot" gave those two some money in advance of getting access to the freezer.

    I think that is why they are now suing.

  15. It is all about money

  16. For over 400 years, there have been reporting’s of a man like animal running through the wilderness regions of North America. But could something like Bigfoot really exist? Is this just something that people have made up? Hoaxes only divert attention from the real search for truth.
