Thursday, August 21, 2008

Does Edward Duncan III Deserve Death For What He Did To Dylan Groene And His Family?

Joseph Edward Duncan III stalked the Groene family and killed four members of the Groene household. Should anything else matter at his trial? Duncan tortured and shot Dylan Groene, a 9 year old child. Testimony from a medical doctor indicated that the boy might have survived the shot to the abdomen had he been timely taken to the hospital. Should that matter when considering whether Duncan deserves the death penalty?

According to a witness, Joseph Edward Duncan III shot the child in the head after accidentally shooting him in the stomach. Dr. Sharon Cooper, a forensic physician, testified the abdominal wound would have produced excruciating pain. The boy's sister, Shasta, described the gruesome physical description of the wound. While Duncan may have had time to get Dylan Groene to a hospital, so what! A videotaped interview of Shasta Groene, 8 , described how she and her brother were raped by Duncan. In December, Duncan pleaded guilty to the 2005 kidnapping of the Coeur d'Alene-area children and the murder of the boy. Duncan also pleaded guilty to murdering the family members.

The children were kidnapped in May 2005. Duncan killed Brenda Groene (their mother); Slade Groene (their 13-year-old brother); and Mark McKenzie (their mother's fiance.)
Duncan, acting as his own attorney in the sentencing phase, suggested in cross-examining Cooper that the girl was exaggerating her brother's injury.

Is this another example of how prison reform fails? Duncan has a history of arrests and convictions which include rape and molestation. He also a suspect in the murder of two half-sisters from Seattle in 1996 and a 1997 murder of a young boy in Riverside County, California.



Are we at the point where we can officially declare attempts at prison reform to be a dead issue?

Update 8-25-08: On Friday a federal jury found Joseph Edward Duncan III eligible for the death penalty for the 2005 kidnapping, torture and murder of 9-year-old Dylan Groene.


  1. The other prisoners will reform his ass.

    They dont take too kindly to child molesters.

    He'll get exactly whats coming to him.

    He deserves the death penalty!!!

  2. Prison reform a dead issue. Yup, they are sent back into society unreformed and more victims turn up dead!

  3. Prison is too expensive. Make it easier to put convicts to death without so much red tape. If they admit to the offense, lets send them to meet their maker.

  4. LP,

    where do you find these stories? Secrets is right ... throw hi in prison and throw away the key!

    Oh, and prison reform? Hahahhaahahahha! You're joking right?

  5. Secrets - obviously you haven't seen his photos displaying how he liked to dress provocatively while in prison to attract the attentions of other inmates. The man adores being on the receiving end of prison sex.

    Now, if you mean they'll kill him in prison. Gosh, I hope so!

  6. This is an image I would rather not think of...

  7. Link to photos for those interested is on first page.

  8. This guy deserves a lobotomy then aftewards to be put in prison. The prisonners will finish him off.

  9. Edward Duncan/Jazzi-Jet cross-dressing and prison style photos:

    Warning: Not porn but still not SFW.

  10. Wow, this man is a freak!

  11. The link to the drag photos have been posted in a link on the first page thanks to the above poster. These photos are not for children or those with sensitive eyes!

  12. Update 8-25-08: On Friday a federal jury found Joseph Edward Duncan III eligible for the death penalty for the 2005 kidnapping, torture and murder of 9-year-old Dylan Groene.

  13. yes, death penalty should be for those who have been given all fair chances to be back in society; but his diaries and blog point to a "no repentance" attitude.very clearly, the man is sick in the head and is unfit to move around free.further investigations should be carried out to see how he relates to other child murders.

  14. Hey ho, fry him away. Anchors away Dude, you are going straight to h*ll.

  15. The Associated Press
    Posted: 04/11/2009 09:47:05 AM PDT

    A judge in Indio, California ordered that two doctors examine Joseph Duncan III and report back in May.

    Duncan, 45, is accused of kidnapping Anthony Martinez in 1997 as he played with his brother in an alley near their Beaumont home. The boy's nude and battered body was found about two weeks later under a pile of rocks in Indio.

    Duncan could face the death penalty if convicted.

    Duncan already has received life and death sentences in Idaho.
