Saturday, June 21, 2008

Is John Freshwater A Modern Day John The Baptist Inappropriately Spreading The Word In A Public School? ~by Legal Pub

Has a teacher once again gone too far? No, not another teacher - underage student relationship. This time it is a public school teacher professing and teaching the fundamentals of Christianity.

A small central Ohio School Board voted unanimously to fire John Freshwater, a Mount Vernon Middle School teacher accused of preaching Christian beliefs. Freshwater is also accused of temporarily burning the image of a cross on students' arms. School board attorney, David Millstone, said Freshwater has a right to appeal the dismissal.

John Freshwater denies any wrongdoing and will request a hearing to appeal the decision. Attorney, Kelly Hamilton, told the Mount Vernon News, that the decision to fire Freshwater was made shortly after a family filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court against Freshwater and the school district. The law suit claims Freshwater burned a cross on a child's arm that remained for three or four weeks. Dave Daubenmire has been quoted as defending his friend, "With the exception of the cross-burning episode. ... I believe John Freshwater is teaching the values of the parents in the Mount Vernon school district." (See Friday's edition of The Columbus Dispatch.) Several students told investigators that Freshwater is a "great guy" and their "favorite teacher." But district director of teaching and learning, Lynda Weston, apparently shared with investigators that she there have been numerous complaints about Freshwater for over the past several years. Superintendent, Jeff Maley, claims he unsuccessfully tried to find another position for Freshwater.

John Freshwater is accused of using a high-frequency generator to burn images of a cross on students' arms in December. However, Freshwater claims he simply was trying to demonstrate the device on several students and described the images as an "X," not a cross. (Pictures appear consistent with a cross; however, see Legal Pub's story about the stolen cross, Jesus and the plus sign LINK.) Freshwater is also accused of teaching that "carbon dating" is unreliable to argue in favor of evolution.

John Freshwater raises a few issues. One is John Freshwater a modern day John the Baptist who baptizes with high-frequency instead of water? Two, for those of you who support John Freshwater and his teachings, would you feel the same if he was preaching fundamental Muslim values?


  1. I for one, do believe that John Freshwater is a modern day John the Baptist and I think he should not be fired! He is a great teacher and a great role model.


  2. I support this teacher too. But even though I am glad you did the story, your last question makes me stop and think. I support John because he is spreading the word. But if he was spreading fundamental Muslim beliefs, I would not support him.

    Richard G.

  3. It should also be noted that John Freshwater was disciplined because he kept a New Testiment Bible on or in his desk. He was asked to take it home and he refused.

    Fact Hound

  4. Okay, I will pick up the cross for John on this one. He is being unfairly discriminated against. It looks like a plus sign to me. Otherwise, it is a t. There is no body drawn on the t, x or cross. That is not a religious symbol unless he says it is.

    I am sure the purpose of the "burn" was to show high frequency can burn without conventional heat. A true science principle and lesson.

    This man is being persecuted for his religious beliefs. Reinstate him!


  5. Interesting. It might be an x sign and this is a way of dismissing this teacher because he is very pro-active in his religion . . . Still, I don't think it was a good idea to mark his students period. This man needs good lawyer . . . ahem!

  6. John is innocent of all accusation!

  7. Well actually I dont think he should be fired but wow that last question sure is a stumper

  8. brooklyn,

    ah, there's the rub ... that last question. It's why I rather our teachers teach reading, writing and arithmetic and let everything else be taught at home.

  9. What, no science Ms. C?

  10. I am with Brooklyn

  11. anon 9:10:

    yes, yes, science too! and geography and history . . .

  12. Problem is was teaching creation in science instead of evolution

  13. John has a right to do it all!

  14. Take up the cross for John!

  15. Teachers should teach what they agreed to teach when they sign their contracts. I for one DO NOT want my Children learning things from other religions that I don't agree with. You have asked a GREAT question!!

  16. I was saved by such a teacher. It was the right thing.

  17. Cross mark on my kid (or any other mark) made by a teacher seems reasonable for me to give a fist print on his cheek.

    It's all great and dandy he believes in The Word but don't push it on others especially with assault. Other countries do this and we are outraged. Do it here and we are all "awww his poor freedom of speech." Freedom of speech is the right for you, as an individual, express your views and opinions, not to assault, barrade, and force others.

  18. The old eye for an eye argument
