Monday, June 23, 2008

George Carlin Dies in Hospital While Surfers Fight Paparazzi For Beach Real Estate? ~by Legal Pub

George Carlin died over the weekend. It would be a more interesting story if he had been involved in the beach brawl cpatured by However, the 71-year-old Carlin went to an L.A. hospital yesterday afternoon for chest pains. He died around 6:00 in the evening. I can imagine Carlin joking, "it just goes to show you that hospitals are bad for you." Carlin is best known in the comedy-legal arena for his impact on freedom of speech. Carlin's comedy involving his "Filthy Words" routine went all the way to the Supreme Court. In large part due to Carlin, comedians are now free to disguise profanity as "art." While he will forever be known by some as a potty mouth comedian, Carlin has etched his place in history. George, R.I.P.

Another weekend and another beach brawl? From the beginning of time to the present, someone is always trying to kick sand in someone's face. Recently, paparazzo in Malibu trying to photograph Matthew McConaughey at the beach got in a scuffle with some surfers. One of the paparazzo had his camera deposited in the ocean. Actor Matthew McConaughey was not involved in the alleged attack.

According to Los Angeles County Sheriff spokesperson, Steve Whitmore, "There was apparently a fight, and the photographer gave a statement that he received injuries." ( One photographer apparently got a broken nose.) McConaughey was not involved in the fight. Web site posted a video Sunday showing approximately 12 men in swim gear approaching a group of paparazzi. The so called "surfers" were yelling and swearing. One of the photographers returns insults and a scuffle ensues.

Another photographer says, "We'll draw a line in the beach, and we'll fight for the beach. If you guys win, you can have the beach." When one member of the group shouts at a photographer, "Get a ... real job," the photographer replies, "This is a real job. What do you do?"
The surfer smiles and says, "I just drink beer and party." At least the surfer gets points for honesty. While a battery investigation has been opened, there appears to be no charges brought by the prosecution. Had George Carlin been present, he may have had a few choice words for the Paparazzi including "The Seven Words You Can't Say on T.V."


  1. Carlin died of heart failure. Fits right in with Doc B.'s comments on Tim Russert's death.

  2. Carlin uttered all seven at a show in Milwaukee in 1972. He was arrested for disturbing the peace. His comedy sketch prompted a landmark indecency case after WBAI-FM radio aired it in 1973.

    The U.S. Supreme Court ruled 5-4 that the sketch was "indecent but not obscene," giving the FCC broad leeway to determine what constituted indecency on the airwaves.

    Law Dog

  3. Surfer dude has been quiet on this one!

  4. Only idiots would commit a crime while cameras are being pointed in their faces. These surfers must have been hitting the pot and beer early that morning to be this stupid before sunset. This is why cops, prosecutors and defense lawyers have job security. The federal sentencing guideline should have a 3 point enhancement for “stupidity while committing the offence”.

    On George Carlin, he will be greatly missed.

  5. That paparrazzi's camera is very, very expensive. I think the surfer is gonna have to get a part time job to pay it off...

    I will miss George Carlin.

  6. Surfer Dude has no comment and is not getting involved in this story.

    Maybe he is knows Matthew McConaughey or his surfer buds. Who knows...

  7. More than 7 words you can't say on T.V. or radio, just ask Don Imus!

  8. HBO is dedicating two days to Carlin. Saturday NBC is airing the very first SNL that he hosted!!

    Brilliant comedian!!!!

  9. "You know what I've been doing? Going through my address book and crossing out the dead people. It gives you a feeling of power, of superiority, to have outlasted another old friend," Carlin told reporters prior to his death. Carlin's HBO show aired in March and is out as a comedy album, "It's Bad For Ya." You can get it through Eardrum Records.
