Friday, April 4, 2008

Calin Chi Wong Threatens Virginia Tech Like Massacre or Just A Business Man Wanting to Cash In on Hillary Clinton's Proposal to Ban Assault Rifles?

Calin Chi Wong may be a real bright 20 year old. But he also apparently has a problem which has led him to be charged with a serious crime. If guilty, he must be punished to send a message to other troubled young people that threats of violence are not a proper way to vent. Wong, a 20-year-old had possession of four AK-47s and was apparently making internet threats to undertake a Virginia Tech like killings. (Photo courtesy of A.P.)

A March 25 Internet message allegedly posted by Calin Chi Wong threatened to re-enact the Virginia Tech massacre. On March 27th, Homestead Police found assault weapons stacked on shelves in plain view. Wong apparently had 13 firearms, 5,000 rounds of ammunition, and 100 rounds powerful enough to "take down aircraft or military machinery," according to Detective Aquino. He had hidden two AK-47s in his parents' closet, and his parents said the guns did not belong to them, Aquino said. A book bag lined with bullet proof vests was also apparently found. Wong was charged with making written threats to kill via the computer and bonded out for $7,500. Additional charges may be filed.

Wong actually called Homestead Police back in February to complain he had been robbed of $800 over the Internet after he ordered a gun online. Wong apparently also called the FBI, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, and other agencies about the issue.

Apparently Wong felt isolated. He had been buying and selling guns for about two years. However, dealers stopped selling to him apparently because of his age. He apparently was also banned from certain gun-sale Web sites. "I'm soon to the point to re-enact the whole event," Wong posted. Wong apparently claims that he was upset and frustrated but never actually planned a killing spree.

Wong graduated from an Oregon high school and attended a college for a year before moving in with his parents in Florida. Wong denies any wrong doing and instead claims that the weapons were an investment. Apparently Wong claims that, ".. if Hillary Clinton wins, she'll put a ban on assault rifles, and these assault rifles will be worth more in value."
While Legal Pub does not endorse Hillary Clinton, it is hard to blame this one on Hillary and her faulty cognitive recollection powers.
Update 6-17-08: Mr. Wong pleaded guilty to a federal charge of threatening over the Internet to pull off a Virginia Tech-style massacre. Under a proposed plea agreement, 20-year-old Calin Chi Wong would avoid prison time in exchange for surrendering his entire cache and agreeing to be barred from owning firearms in the future. Wong would also serve five years of probation, undergo mental counseling and perform 150 hours of community service. U.S. District Judge Alan S. Gold must approve the deal. Gold was concerned by the size of Wong's arsenal and will set a sentencing date in the future.


  1. If assault rifles were banned, would not selling the rifles (while lucrative) be a crime?


  2. If Wong is guilty, give him the gong and send him to prison to grow up for about 10 years!

  3. Wong is so wrong on so many different levels!

  4. Wong is so wrong . . . I love that.

    These copycat killers are so very scary to me. Whatever happened to good old-fashioned suicide?

  5. they should have named him......wait for it....Sum Ting Wong! (rimshot)

    And Det. Aquino gets the "I watch too much television award" for his overly dramatic yet fallacious statement about "100 rounds powerful enough to take down aircraft or military machinery".

  6. Lord! I’m so sick of this “assault weapons issue” I could puke! So here’s the skinny on the matter.

    Assault weapons are selective fire weapons which fire a cartridge of intermittent range and power. There’re machine guns and they’ve been highly regulated, and all but essentially illegal, since 1934. The assault weapons ban was never about assault weapons; never was and probably never will be as it would be superfluous (there’re already illegal, remember?). It was about cosmetic features…nothing more.

    So you have those politicians wanting to ban “assault weapons” (knowing full well they’re already illegal) so they can curry favor with their weapon illiterate consistency and those opposed who know it’s just a dog-and-pony show and they’re trying to keep their deer rifles from being included in the overly broad definitions.

    I would recommend removing the deer hunters and other sportsmen from the “defensive line” by regulating the types of weapons favored by the criminals and disfavored by the sportsman…go after the small, lightweight, concealable weapons and leave 48” 12 ½ pound rifles alone.

    I can’t remember a time when a 7-11 was robbed at bayonet point with an M1A!

    Just my two cents.

    And I’d bet the farm those weapons he had were not AK47s. They’re God knows how much ($12,000 to $15,000?) and require and act of Congress to get! Probably just a look alike copy valued at $275!


  7. L.S. is probably right. Doubt the cop knows an AD 47 from a semi automatic!

  8. Wong time, wong place.

  9. Wong time to be an internet tough guy!

  10. Is not glorifying this idiot also "Wong?" Dude is insane to make threats and think his wongs won't be caught with the long arm of the law!

  11. What is the deal Cal-in is not in California. He is an Oregon transport in Florida...

  12. The Defendant claims that they got the WONG guy!

  13. Wong time, wong place, wong year. When things start to go wong, it seems like there is no end in sight.

  14. He was wong, on so many levels...

  15. It is so wong to assume Calin is guilty when he so adamantly believes that the police got the wong guy!

  16. Actually, Calin Chi Wong admits that he is not the "wrong guy" and has plead guilty.

  17. Update 6-17-08: Mr. Wong pleaded guilty to a federal charge of threatening over the Internet to pull off a Virginia Tech-style massacre. Under a proposed plea agreement, 20-year-old Calin Chi Wong would avoid prison time in exchange for surrendering his entire cache and agreeing to be barred from owning firearms in the future. Wong would also serve five years of probation, undergo mental counseling and perform 150 hours of community service. U.S. District Judge Alan S. Gold must approve the deal. Gold was concerned by the size of Wong's arsenal and will set a sentencing date in the future.
