Monday, April 7, 2008

What Is Up ~by T. Jethro and John S.

What is up with...

A child's parents fail to properly supervise their kid and seven innocent alligators lose their lives right after lunch.

A 27 year old New Zealand man, William Singalargh, is charged with assault with a prickly weapon -- a hedgehog after he threw it at a 15 year old boy.

A top notch French security force devises a plan to keep the Olympic torch from being put out by protesters by extinguishing it and transporting it on a bus during the Paris leg of the relay. (Violent protesters are upset with China because of its violence against human-rights activists.)

A minister used Mark Twain as an example of what can be accomplished through the power of faith when Twain's actual quote was: "You must not make the mistake of supposing that absolute peace of mind is obtainable only through some form of religious belief: no, on the contrary, I have found as perfect a peace as can be found in absolute unbelief." -Mark Twain, 1885


  1. I love the picture/drawing.

    Real cool the more you look at it...


  2. Paradox of contradictions. Could have added Hillary Clinton's top aid resigning.

  3. . . . took me awhile to figure out the picture. I thought I hadn't had enough coffee. There's contradictions all the time it seems . . . otherwise everything would be in black and white, methinks. . .

  4. Contradicting contradictions if you ask me.


  5. Twain himself was an example of the power of contradiction.

  6. That picture is so perplexing at first glance. It has so many layers and dimensions. It reminds me of those pictures that look like random designs at first glance, but after staring at it for a long time, with your eyes crossed, a secret message or picture is revealed.

    Did that make sense or did I contradict myself?

  7. Refreshingly contradictory.
