Thursday, April 3, 2008

Jerry Seinfeld May Be Funny, But His Roll Over Accident Is Not ~ Legal Pub

Jerry Seinfeld is funny. He is rich. He is also darn lucky. Jerry was driving his 1967 Fiat BTM Saturday evening when his brakes failed. Seinfeld told the police that his emergency brake also failed. Seinfeld had to swerve to keep his car from entering an intersection. When he swerved, his car flipped over a few yards from the high way. Police say that the comedian's quick reactions "probably avoided a very serious accident."

Seinfeld, 53, lives in East Hampton. He did not require medical attention. According to his wife Jessica he seemed like he was in shock. But through out it all, Seinfeld kept his sense of humor and told the Post, "Because I know there are kids out there, I want to make sure they all know that driving without braking is not something I recommend, unless you have professional clown training or a comedy background, as I do... It is not something I plan to make a habit of."

Accidents are nothing new to the legal profession. Fact is, accidents are as common in our profession as bad jokes are to stand up comics. Neither one typically generates laughs. Seinfeld was lucky this time. In the future, he better spend some of his money and make sure his automobile collection is all in good working order before he puts the public and himself in danger.

Taking responsibility for one's own actions and omissions needs to become a more common theme not only among the rich and famous but among all people.
For a link to a vehicle roll over study, go here: LINK.


  1. I could see Kramer losing control of his auto and actually steering onto the high way and dodging cars.

    Funny on the screen but not in real life...


  2. How could this possibly be Mr. Seinfeld's fault. His brakes failed. Not like it was anything he did wrong, you dumb *ss!


  3. Bob, by your fine prose, I assume you are a plaintiff attorney by trade. Congratulations on such a fine argument. But did it ever occur to you that perhaps an owner of a vehicle has an obligation to make sure that his car is in good mechanical condition before he puts the vehicle on our roadways?

    Is it any more excusable that it is an antique? To me, the older it is the more careful he should be to make sure it is working properly.

  4. Responsibility for our own actions. Now that is an idea that some parents forgot to teach their children who are now excuse making adults.


  5. Seinfeld just laughed this one off.


  6. Thanks for the linkage!

  7. Bob you seem to be taking this accident very personally. You must be Jerrys "dumb *ss" mechanic.

  8. Bob, by your fine prose, I assume you are a plaintiff attorney by trade.


  9. Mr. Seinfeld will not approve of you making fun of me. Legal Pub, I don't just do plaintiff work. Secret, I am not mechanically inclined. Ms. C, I don't care if you think it is funny, it is not.

    Mr. Seinfeld had no fault for this accident and any suggestion to the contrary must have a hidden agenda.


  10. Bob, let me make my hidden agenda very clear. Everyone, including you or any one else who drives, needs to take some responsibility for their own actions. Is the agenda clear enough for your myopic eyes?

    You are "not mechanically inclined"? Now I bet that comes as a real surprise to most readers. I would have figured you for the "rugged, tough, self sufficient type." Perhaps your mom will let you take a class at the local community college to expand your skill set.

    As for Ms. C. and Secret, their comments are funny. If you can't find the humor in their comments, perhaps the local optometrist can add another inch or two on your lenses.

    In sum, my bet is even Jerry Seinfeld knows that he needs to make sure his older cars are kept in good mechanical condition before he takes them for a spin.

  11. YOu go L.P.


  12. You a Pansy, Bob?

  13. We know Bob is a little more than "light in the loafers."
