Thursday, October 18, 2007

Woman Fondled By Kidd? Spare the Rod and Spoil the Kidd?

When radio headlines announced that a woman was allegedly fondled by kid, the thought of reverse child molestation immediately came to mind. But this is not just any kid, this is Kidd. New York Police Department announced that a 23-year-old woman filed a complaint against Jason Kidd, the basketball player, after she said she was harassed and groped her at the Tenjune club. Kidd allegedly approached her inside the club and, without warning, grabbed her crotch. She allegedly tried to fight him off. The woman is apparently seeking employment as an actress and has been described as attractive. Kidd's team, the Nets, had no comment.

"This is a young girl and she is very shaken by this, and I have to let the justice system run its course.The DA is working on the case right now,"said the woman's lawyer, Russell Adler.

A spokeswoman for the Manhattan district attorney's office said she could not confirm whether her office was investigating. Adler, of Fort Lauderdale, refused to provide further details about his client's allegations.

Kidd is in a middle of a divorce. He has denied his wife's (Joumana's) allegations that he physically abused her during their 10-year marriage. Kid was involved in domestic violence six years ago when he pleaded guilty to spousal abuse, was fined $200 and ordered to take anger management.

Another spoiled Kidd or a misunderstood athlete?


  1. I agree, probably true. But, why so much litigation? Why not a quick slap in the face and over with it? This happened to me in Florence, Italy years ago and I handled it appropriately . . . tee hee!

  2. Now it is all about money. Cashing in!


  3. If she slapped him, would she be sued for assault?!

    Curious - are the woman's occupation (actress) and appearance (attractive) really relevant?

  4. Looks are important to the occupation of an actress/model in fact its about 95% or more.

    Fact that she is an aspiring actress/model, makes you hesitate because often times they use "incidents " for their big break by capitalizing on publicity and their 10 minutes of fame.

    Former Agent

  5. If it happened, and I am not doubting it, had this been some stranger that wasn't famous, you wouldn't be reading about this. He would have been charged with simple assault if that. He's a rich basketball star so we're going to see the lawyers start spinning their wheels. Bet if he called her and offered her a small fortune, it would be over.

  6. Ricky is right. This is definitely this woman's chance for 10 minutes of fame that might launch her career or at least pad her pocket book.


  7. Ya, but divorce makes a man do crazy things... see Arthur Jackson story...


  8. Misunderstood athlete!


  9. It is too easy to make unfounded allegations against sports heros...

    1. because they are rich

    2. because for the most part, they are stupid.

  10. Don't Kidd yourself, the boy has fast hands...
