Friday, October 19, 2007

FBI Shows David Copperfield (David Kotkin) Having Money Is Only An Illusion? Nadege Brunacci Learns A Python In A Toilet Is Real? Update 10-30

Legal Pub notes that it is sometimes difficult to distinguish illusions from reality. Judges routinely peer through smoke screens to get to the heart of the legal issues. For the rest of society it is not much different. For example, FBI agents allegedly are investigating a claim of sexual misconduct by Copperfield arising out of an incident that supposedly happened in the Bahamas. The FBI reportedly seized nearly $2 million from Copperfield's Las Vegas warehouse. (How could this be relevant to sexual misconduct? The FBI denies seizing any cash.) Illusionist David Copperfield, like Legal Pub, has to wonder why! The FBI also took a computer hard drive and a memory chip from a digital camera. Again, the investigation apparently originates from an investigation arising out of a complaint by a Seattle woman concerning an incident in the Bahamas. If the allegation is rape, why are the computer hard drive, memory stick and the CASH relevant. (Could this so called investigation be related to Operation Raw Deal and the distribution of steroids? After all, Copperfield looks pretty buff for a magician, but our friends from the muscle sites would probably say he has "no legs." While anything is theoretically possible, it is not likely in the case of Copperfield.)

Copperfield's attorney, David Chesnoff shed little light on the subject. "We understand there is an investigation, are in touch with the investigators, and are respecting the confidentiality of the investigation." CBS affiliate KLAS-TV quoted a source indicating that the cash was in a safe. (Is that illegal? In this day of the Ponytail Bandit, Tree Bandit, the Barbie Bandits and even the Koziks allegedly robbing banks, is it unreasonable to want to keep your cash safe in your own vault?)

David Kotkin, (Copperfield) is 51. He has made a fortune in exchange for stunts such as making the Statue of Liberty disappear and walking through the Great Wall of China. He is a regular at the MGM Grand hotel in Las Vegas. A couple million dollars in cash for him may be like a couple hundred of dollars for the rest of us. Perhaps it was just an illusion of a lot of cash. Perhaps the reports were wrong and no cash was ever seized by the FBI. The Guinness Book of World Records has calculated that Copperfield has sold more tickets in his career than any other solo entertainer. Copperfield is also the most awarded magician in history and the first living magician to receive a star on the Hollywood 'Walk of Fame'. If he does have money, chances are he earned it.

Update 10-20: Again, on what authority do you confiscate the money? Was it faulty initial reporting? Was it just an illusion created in or by the medial. Or is it some how possible that it could involve the fountain of youth formula that Copperfield claims he found on his Island near the Bahamas? Unlikely, but read the quote from Copperfield from an interview. DC: "...We found this liquid that in it's simple stages can actually do miraculous things, brown leaves turn green... Yeah. It is natural. Simple organisms that are near death are rejuvenated. So we don't know about the effects on humans, but we are doing research and development. That is on one of the islands. On the islands around the area, I am checking them to protect them and on one of the islands happens to be a resort. It's available for charter... It is really spectacular."
Does it sound like HGH to anyone else?
See Legal Pub 9-25-07 Operation Raw Deal Story.
Probably just an illusion or a sales pitch. But if true, could it justify seizing cash? The FBI says no cash was siezed. Copperfield is silent on the subject.
Update 10-30: Grand Jury testimony has supposedly revealed that a 21 year old victim has accused Copperfield of selecting her from the audience and enticing her to go to his Bahama Island to enhance her acting/modeling career. The 51 year old Copperfield is then accused of making her clothes and inhibitions disappear without her consent. Legal Pub remains sceptical. It is doubtful that Copperfield lacks consensual female attention given his popularity and wealth.

Nadege Brunacci

On the other hand, for Nadege Brunacci, a 7-foot-long python in her toilet was no illusion. The New York woman was washing her hands Monday when she saw a slithering python peeking out from her toilet. Most of the serpent's body remained hidden in the pipes. "I turned on the light and screamed," Brunacci is quoted as saying in the New York Daily News. Brunacci apparently slammed down the lid and called for help. Plumbers had to tear apart the apartment's pipes to capture the snake. It's unclear how the Python got into the pipes. (A flushed pet?)

Brunacci says she started using her daughter's potty training toilet and when she brushes her teeth she is always looking over her shoulder. (Ah yes, we regress...)

Update 12-18-10: Due to improper spamming, comment on this thread must be preapproved by sending them to


  1. .

    Every time I think it can't be done, Legal Pub tops its previous numerous story with another. I do not use steroids nor do I work out. But I got your "no legs" joke because I had an uncle who used to say "you got to squat until you puke."

    And the Python! It would be a scary story but following Copperfield, I was thinking maybe he was somehow responsible for creating an illusion in New York even though he was in Nevada.

    Keep up the laughter


  2. After looking at a Legal Pub photo of Copperfield, my vote is that it is part of drug (maybe steroid) investigation. Clearly, he is working on developing a better set of legs.

    Muscle Man

  3. Wow, what if she had sat on the toilet before she discovered the snake and it began exploring possible routes of escape?


  4. Legal Pubmeister Dude, I have to share a funny story:

    A burglar in Montgomery, Alabama was not faced with any illusion. He was caught red handed by the homeowner who had a gun! Adrian and Tiffany McKinnon returned home on Tuesday to find that thieves had emptied out their home.

    "... I walked in and saw everything gone and piles of trash all over my home," she said.

    Adrian McKinnon walked back into the sunroom, and saw a man walk through the back door.
    "My husband Adrian caught the thief red-handed in our home," she said. "And what is even crazier, the man even had my husband's hat sitting right on his head."

    Adrian McKinnon held the suspect, 33-year-old Tajuan Bullock, at gunpoint and told him to clean up the mess until police arrived.

    When police arrived, Bullock complained about being forced to clean the home at gunpoint.

    "The police officer laughed at him when he complained and said anybody else would have shot him dead."

    Capt. Huey Thornton, a police spokesman, said police arrested Bullock on burglary and theft charges. He was being held in the Montgomery County Detention Facility on a $30,000 bond.

    Now that was no illusion

    Surfer Dude

  5. Update 10-18: Is possible that it could involve the fountain of youth formula that Copperfield claims he found? DC: "We are not really sure yet. We found this liquid that in it's simple stages can actually do miraculous things, brown leaves turn green... Yeah. It is natural. Simple organisms that are near death are rejuvenated. So we don't know about the effects on humans, but we are doing research and development. That is on one of the islands. On the islands around the area, I am checking them to protect them and on one of the islands happens to be a resort. It's available for charter... It is really spectacular."
    Does it sound like HGH to anyone else? See Legal Pub 9-25-07 Operation Raw Deal Story.

  6. Copperfield does not have a leg to stand on!

    No man could ever be with Nadege Brunacci after she has seen a python on the toilet.

    Any one would be disappointing in comparison.


  7. Copperfield's seizure is apparently in connection with a Washington woman's complaint against Copperfield. The alleged victim's name and her identity has not yet been released.

  8. Doesn't everyone keep a couple of million tax free in their storage facility?

  9. Rape Allegationa are not funny, but your story is...

    Yeah I wondered how the cash could possibley be relevant. Guess we will find out.


  10. Blame it on steroids... everyone else does!

  11. humorous coverage! I am book marking your site!

  12. If the sexual allegations of this woman is true, then perhaps we know the origin of this magical juice from the island!

    Didn't the Greeks believe in similar fountain of youth type benefits from certain secretions?


  13. Copperfield may find that his fame and fortune can crumble just like the great wall of China if the allegations are true.

  14. Could also be a woman just seeking her 15 minutes of fame.

  15. Might have been a woman trying to get in Copperfields pants only to find he was not wearing any legs (see photo.)


  16. David is laying low... understandable for a man without legs who has legal trouble.

  17. There are allegations that a document, titled "Show Participation," requires David's employees armed with clipboards, Polaroid cameras, digital cameras, and brochures of David's islands to seek good looking women for audience participation.

    The document allegedly encourages employees to be looking for attractive women whom David can meet backstage after the performance and supposedly suggests that a questionnaire be filled out by the women.

    Copperfield denies any wrong doing and of course, he is innocent of any and all allegations until proven otherwise in a court of law.

  18. Is Copperfield just a typical guy trying to get as much as he can on the side?

  19. Is that an advertisement?

  20. The model who claims David Copperfield raped her has dropped her lawsuit against the magician.
    She filed the suit last year, claiming Copperfield invited her to his private island in the Bahamas ... where the alleged incident occurred.

    This past January, authorities cleared Copperfield of any criminal wrongdoing. Charges were apparently filed against the accuser for filing a false police report in another case (this one did not involve Copperfield.) She was also apparently charged with prostitution.

    Read more:
