Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Linda Darby An Innocent Woman or Reformed Killer -Story Idea by J.J.

On numerous occasions, "man of the cloth" J.J. has suggested that any person, including Harrell Franklin Braddy is capable of reform. J.J. points to Linda Darby as a possible example. Linda Darby (now 64) was convicted of murdering her husband in 1970. Darby subsequently escaped from an Indiana prison. She has been a fugitive for 35 years. She has now been found living quietly in a small Tennessee town. She was arrested Friday in Pulaski, Tennessee.

Linda Darby has been using the name Linda Joe McElroy. While serving life in prison for her husband's murder, Darby escaped in March 1972 from the Indiana Women's Prison in Indianapolis. Darby apparently climbed over a barbed-wire fence. Pulaski police Capt. John Dickey said that Darby was living a quiet life in the town for about 30 years. "This woman has led an exemplary life in Pulaski. There is no record of any criminal activity here whatsoever," said Dickey.

Darby, has waived extradition from Tennessee. Her arrest appears to be the product of Indiana Department of Correction's new Indiana Fugitive Apprehension Unit, which aids in the recapture of convicts. Darby says she does not know who turned her in to authorities. Since living in Tennessee, Darby has been married, has children, and even grand children. Linda Darby maintains she was innocent of the murder of her husband and could not believe she was convicted. She describes her escape and maintains it was the right thing to do because she was innocent.

So much for the profile of an alleged Killer. Legal Pub wrote of Arthur Jackson. Now of Linda Darby. Was Linda Darby innocent of murder or did she reform as J.J. suggests criminals are capable of doing?


  1. Wow, I wonder if she was innocent. Could they check now on DNA evidence?


  2. Nope, she is just a clever crook/fugitive.


  3. I'm a sucker for these stories . . . give her the benefit of the doubt.

  4. I am with Ms C on this one, let her go!

  5. Would a clever crook / fugitive be able to live a crime-free, exemplary life for 30 years? Don't most of them screw up again in an amazingly short period of time?

    At what point does living the straight and narrow life remove one from the crook category?

  6. When one has complied with the requirements of law. Escape precludes this for occurring.

    So let me get this, she live her life like she’s supposed to, except for that small thing of a felony murder conviction and felony escape and we’re supposed to write her a free check? Not!


  7. Definately, murder and escape are crimes, rightly punishable crimes -
    I'm just saying that, knowing nothing of the circumstances of either, is it fair to let one moment, one act, define a person's life forever?

  8. One act, one moment define your life forever? Yes, if the law defines the consequences as such.

    There are consequences to one’s actions…at least there should be.

    Rape, murder, genocide. Different, but similar in their permanent effects on the lives of those attacked.

    The attackers should be so affected.

    An eye for an eye is not such a bad idea…there should be balance and equity. And I get that there is much debate on just how that plays out. But there are single acts that can define the life so affected.

    A moment of courage to save a child, a great sacrifice to benefit another…good acts can carry recognition and social honor for many years.

    And bad ones do as well.

    Good character is usually made by many good acts and usually destroyed by one bad one.

    One act, one moment define your life forever?



  9. Would she have been convicted in the age of DNA. I think not. She is innocent. She was wrongfully imprisoned. If she was a criminal, no way she could live clean for 30 years!

  10. Hey, ho, let her go! She deserves a pardon or at least a new trial. How could anyone read her story of reform and not smile.

  11. I could.

    She’s a fugitive from justice….an escaped felon. If reform can occur (which I doubt, forgive me J.J.) it must occur within the framework of the law.

    And I also add it’s not reformation, it’s typical of almost all murders….most don’t repeat the act, only a very few do.


  12. So, if she is not likely to repeat her crime, why punish her! She has been punished enough! Punishment is to deter future crime. Here, she has shown she will not repeat.

    Let the Lord have mercy on her and let her go back to her grandchildren.


  13. Punishment is not only to deter future crime from those who committed it but also to serve as an example to others. Further, there is a punishment aspect of incarceration…do the crime, do the time.

    She’s a criminal, plain and simple. Let God have mercy on her…but not me.


  14. LS, you have many years experience dealing with the dregs of society - a world where most of the people you meet in the course of a day are either criminals or victims.

    I have not had that life experience.

    Our perspectives are different.

    I believe people can change, that a moment should not define a life, because each person is so much more than a snapshot of a life.

    Yes, I believe in consequences - God help us if there were none. (I beleive in karma, too - but those wheels grind slowly!)

    Your experiences have led you to a different conclusion. I respect your experience, and your decision.

  15. Darby is not a dirtbag. Deliver Darby to freedom. She is not a threat to society.

  16. Let Darby be an example to others...
    an example that convicts can change and leave productive peaceful lives in society.

    Hillary P.

  17. OK, OK, you win….I give up and modify my formally possessed opinions:

    1. The law does not have to be respected. One may be free to choose when and where one will comply;
    2. Criminals are people too. Just because they loot, rape, murder, and are general scofflaws does not mean that they’re not good people…they are. They’re just misunderstood and need more love and resources from us. Heck, why should anybody have to put in an honest day’s work at all?!
    3. And last….we should adopt any other “touchy, feely, huggy” program that diverts resources from those who follow the law to those who don’t, forgive the scofflaws their transgressions, and then blame the program for their failures.

    Any other ideas to make it easier, softer, and more rewarding for those fine well-mannered people (not PC to call them dirtbag/scum who, if they come over my fence, will be shot dead on sight) whose purpose is to destroy our society?


  18. L.S. Compare her treatment to Mary Winkler. Mary killed her preacher husband and was a free woman in less than 7 months! This lady is charged with a crime of passion, allegedly killed her husband, serverd almost 2 years, escaped, lived a reformed life for 30 years.

    Now you want to send her back while Winkler is free? How is that fair?


  19. Life’s not fair….I get that and agree with you in that I don’t like it. And I agree I don’t like the outcome to the “need to shoot my husband while he sleeps” plan. But it was arrived at by FOLLOWING THE LAW. I don’t like it….but I accept it.

    I don’t like the OJ verdict either…but it was arrived at lawfully so I accept it.

    Follow the law….that’s all I’m saying.

    Don’t like it? Change the law…but don’t break it.


  20. I agree with both Kelly and L.S.

    Here is the deal. Give her a new trial with DNA. There is unlikely to be a conviction this time. There was little proof the first time. Now, DNA will be her ticket to freedom!


    Oh by the way, since she slept in the same bed as him some DNA would be hers...
    But they still won't convict her this time and if they do, it won't be a life sentence.

  21. I agree with L.S. The law is the law. We need to get tough on criminals. An eye for an eye. She killed her husband, she should get the death penalty, not life. Why give her another chance to escape.


  22. Get real. Let the grandma go!


  23. I have read several news articles on Linda Darby's trial,escape,and subsequent arrest in Tennessee in the past week and I conclude that she had no real legal representation at her trial in 1970. I believe her case should be re-opened and investigated properly this time around,and it would be nice if she could have an attorney who has her best interests in mind............. Charles Garoutte

  24. I agree with Mr. Charles. I think she may be innocent. I would like to see a new trial.


  25. Not that this might get to too many people, but as a member of the family who has lived with the drugging, shooting, and burning of my uncle, I wonder how many people would be so forgiving if it was their relative? While Linda can say what she wants, my family lost a member who can't speak at all. It would be nice for some to think she didn't do this, but there were quite a few policemen involved who proved she did. You can't make a judgement based on current articles or news stories because so many of the details have been left out. I'm sure you'll hear more in a vague way because the media has turned this into a mystery for the public. But people who don't deserve it get murdered every day, and their killers aren't lucky enough to escape punishment for 35 years, lie to everyone they supposedly love, and conveniently forget about the children they leave behind while they start a whole new family. Your sympathy should lie with her current family who is dealing with the lies and betrayal, not for a woman who committed a crime, got caught (again) and is now going to say she's innocent.

  26. Anonymous, thanks for your comments as a family member of the victim. The majority who lived through the trial believe that she did not recieve good representation at the trial. This casts doubts on whether they convicted the right person. It was before DNA. NO harm in testing what is left to see if their is foreign DNA at the scene.

    Compared to Mary Winkler (who shot her husband in the back and only served 5 months), Darby has already been punished commensurate with the crime. Nevertheless, if she is guilty, she should serve out her whole sentence in jail. But let's look into the evidence that convicted her to make sure it was a valid result.


  27. How about giving Charlie the benefit of the doubt? Some of the most damning evidence was given by Linda herself. Of course she didn't have much in the way of defense. She explained herself at one point why she wrapped the bags around him before trying to light the fire. The gun was wrapped up in a coat she borrowed from her sister n law and left behind the ice machine of the motel she took the kids to. She was identified as the woman who bought the gas. She's the only one who has ever tried to say there were no problems in the marriage, even though Charlie had been taking some very public steps to separate himself from her. And there were more than just one or two people who testified to that.
    Has she changed over the past 35 years? I sure hope so, but the crime was violent enough to warrant the sentence she received and no matter what she says now, it doesn't change the fact that she chose to circumvent the legal process by escaping. If she was truly innocent of the crime, she could have gotten a different attorney and filed an appeal like so many others have.

  28. Anonymous, excellent insight into the crime. I assume it helps to be part of the family and to know details not included in the press. Legal Pub has taken a position against Mary Winkler having been released after serving minimal time. Darby should have gone through proper channels. I suspect she will now serve a long sentence. The interesting thing, however, is that had she used a temporary insanity defense initially, she may have been free a long time ago. What mitigates in this case is the fact that she has been a good citizen for the past 30 years. That in many or our experiences is very rare for murderers and the likes.

    Keep us posted.

  29. Anonymous, excellent insight into the crime. I assume it helps to be part of the family and to know details not included in the press. Legal Pub has taken a position against Mary Winkler having been released after serving minimal time. Darby should have gone through proper channels. I suspect she will now serve a long sentence. The interesting thing, however, is that had she used a temporary insanity defense initially, she may have been free a long time ago. What mitigates in this case is the fact that she has been a good citizen for the past 30 years. That in many or our experiences is very rare for murderers and the likes.

    Keep us posted.

  30. I understand my feelings are strong for this case because its my family that was most deeply affected when the murder occurred, when she escaped, and now, here we are again because its finally caught up with her. It's very difficult to read and hear the speculation about my uncle, who granted wasn't a saint, but wasn't an abuser either.
    Many people seem to believe this woman has had a difficult time, and she presented herself fairly well in the interview, but how does anyone know she's lived a good life? She has the support of neighbors and friends, and I truly hope she has been innocent of any more crimes like the one she committed, but she successfully lied to a lot of people for 35 years, including those closest to her. I seriously doubt she's going to give a list of any other crime she might have committed.
    And for the record, she has been put back into the prison and is currently awaiting charges for the escape. So far, she's claiming she will serve her time so she doesn't cost her family any more money or heartache.

  31. The sherriff new her real well. She was real active in her town in Tennessee. She has lived a very open and transparent life style for the last 30 years. If she had so much as got a parking ticket it would be known all over town.

    She will serve her time? But what time is fair? Her staying out of trouble for 30 years screams that she is a changed woman...


  32. By Penny's standards, we can now all go out and violently kill one person. As long as we don't get a traffic ticket afterwards, it won't matter. But lying is still acceptable.

    1. She needs to serve her time if she is guilty. If convicted and if and when she goes for parole the her thirty years living as a model citizen should come into play. Maybe while she is on waiting for appeal release her on house arrest with close monitoring. If she is really guilty though she might just escape again live her days out again not offending. But there is still no justice for her dead husband.

  33. Here is the point. Many say criminals can not reform. They say they are not capable of being peacefully returned to society. Those of us who believe in reform know better. Linda Darby is an example of a one time murderer who can not only behave in society, she can lead a good life.

    We can not bring back her victim. But it apparently was a one time mistake and she certainly has shown that she has rehabilitated herself.

    Hillary P.

  34. Will let my family know that oops, Charles was Linda's one mistake, thanks

  35. I say, give her prison for life. Add the sentence for escape onto the one for murder. Never let her out again.

    Victim's rights need to be respected. Just because she was a clever escapee why reward her?

    These women that kill their husbands need to be treated like any other murderer!


  36. Well I knew this person back when she was younger. Before it happened . She was not a crook but became a fugitive as you call her out of the fight or flight syndrome. From what I remember .....the case was blotched all around. And I believe her . In the 70's folks from backwoods were railroaded all over. So unless you were there who is anyone to judge..

  37. I am with Badest in Black. While I never knew the lady, from what I have read, it appears that she warrants a new trial. If you are innocent but convicted, how unfair is it to escape?

    If you are wrongfully detained, then it can't be a crime to liberate yourself.

    Let's give Darby a chance to clear her name. If she can't, so be it.


  38. Sure let's give all escapees a new trial. come on, get a clue


  39. Free Linda Darby!

    Freedom for Innocents

  40. I don't get it. She is a convicted felon!

  41. Nothing but a dirt bag killer!

  42. She is the killer, queen. Dynamite with a lazer beam. Guaranteed to blow your mind!

  43. Ultimately, Gov. Daniels may choose to pardon her but I doubt it...

  44. Indiana set its clocks back for the first time in a long time on Sunday morning. Linda Darby undoubtedly wishes that she could set real time back to a day before her husband died.

    Is she guilty? Is she innocent? Did she get a fair trial? Was she temporarily insane? We may never know the answer to these questions. But one thing is clear, for over 30 years after her escape, she apparently kept her nose clean. Does this mean she was reformed or just careful because she did not want to return to jail?

    I have no inside information on the answer to this one; however, as one prison reformist suggested, does it truely make a difference?

  45. She is one long since reformed woman! Let her go!

  46. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  47. Darby back where she belongs?

  48. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  49. idk what is what but i love my aunt very much and i prey god is with her the rest of her days

  50. For what it is worth, it was wrong what your aunt did. But with that being said, once she escaped she demonstrated that she was capable of being a decent person. I wish her well.

  51. Does anybody know what happened to Linda Darby?? Did she go through a new trial? Is she serving her sentence. I just saw her escape story on Extreme Prison Breaks and I'm curious to know what the final verdict is.

  52. Linda is back behind bars serving time? Her appeal was rejected.

  53. shes not were she belongs she didn't do it I don't think my last post showed up here and one thing it doesn't matter if your behind bars or not if your not free within your self your not free at all an that's the words of her and if you are not humble you should repeat these words more than once she needs a blessing she has been in the infirmary for awhile I pray shes alright I love her with all my heart shes a very good person and didn't murder her husband she has a heart a very big one and any one that has questions I can answer them

  54. shes not were she belongs she didn't do it I don't think my last post showed up here and one thing it doesn't matter if your behind bars or not if your not free within your self your not free at all an that's the words of her and if you are not humble you should repeat these words more than once she needs a blessing she has been in the infirmary for awhile I pray shes alright I love her with all my heart shes a very good person and didn't murder her husband she has a heart a very big one and any one that has questions I can answer them

  55. linda wasn't even in that town the night the murder happened she was in the town over with her kids staying in a hotel because (Charles) if im not mistaken the name)was beating her when her and her kids went back home the police were at her house the explained the situation an being she wasn't home that night they made her a suspect after a few weeks. But mention to say the galss that was fount was not on the inside of the house it was fount outside and how is a young woman back then going to lift a 6 foot grown man by her self out of the house theres a lot to the story so all your comments that say she should be there put your self in her f***ing shoes an stop living your little rich a** lifes sorry for being unlady like it just upsets me but Yahweh will deliver her one way or another people are put in places and around other people for a reason you never know who your sitting by it may be an angel that's in the worse plaace

  56. Mostly Linda Darby supporters here. So basically Karri you're preaching to the choir

  57. When the Government can put you away for Life on circumstantial evidence! NOBODY IS SAFE!!!! DONT FORGET THAT!!!!

  58. When the Government can put you away for Life on circumstantial evidence! NOBODY IS SAFE!!!! DONT FORGET THAT!!!!

  59. Wow! interesting comments. I must agree if a person is GUILTY of a crime then yes they should be punished but when a person is INNOCENT they should not be locked away for the remainder of their life. Think about her family and Friends. Fully Look into her case and ask her family, friends, and attorney before making judgments.The press tells stories to get readers intrigued.

    1. So true and sad really. When the press ruin a person and they later commit suicide you rarely see them apologize. A case that happened to a prisin guard who made a mistake that caused two inmates who escaped and left a letter thanking the prison guard. The press had a field day. He was probably a good man. Real sad story.

  60. Linda is 71 yrs old , she is my cousin , I think she innocent , and should be free !! God is her judge and jury Not Charles' Family who are opposed of her getting a new trial ! The Gov. could Pardon her , she has been a model citizen all these years and now she is locked back up !! Then grant Linda a new trial and let her prove her herself not guilty !! I have believed she did this horrible act , and I will never believe it !! FREE Linda Darby ....She is very loved by her family ....Millie

  61. I have no doubt Linda is innocent , why do people get on here and call her a murderer , makes me "Sick " , Did they know Charles Darby and how he treated he and their children ? Guess Not !!

  62. Do ppl on here know how Linda's husband treated her? I guess not!!...

    Free Linda Darby.

  63. After watching her story on extreme prison breaks (Season 1, episode 9) on netflix I feel they should have let her enjoy the rest of her life with her family. I believe prisons are designed to be a place of rehabilitation hence the name correctional facility. If she has lived 30 years as an ideal citizen than how can anyone assume see her as being a threat to herself or to society.

  64. Concerned and interested Canadian,

    As said early in a post an eye for an eye, for balance in our society, which get's me wondering if she is not innocent of her original crime? why would one of her character and demeanor and proud owner of the new beautiful created as I witnessed, have to make a choice to murder a husband? furthermore 90% of the time it boils down to love or greed and the other 10% maybe being psychotics=(mental illness), Drugs, gangs life, etc. She didn't fall into the arms of a awaiting lover or work on that newly paid life insurance, return to bringing in shipments of drugs, or toss on that color bandanna to prove her side of the street?? As a matter of fact I saw nothing to indicate she harmed another thing?? so she was possibly trapped in a severely abusive relationship which as said an eye for a eye and due to the ignorance of the law at the time and a keep quiet society when it came to control and abuse, she had to handle matters herself and with that and complete denial that what she did was wrong could be in her mind an honest admission of innocence?? Or she didn't do it and someone stepped in for her or it was just a random. All i know is that it certainly got me wondering. I to have a past and a mind that can be very honest or go the way of quick thinking dishonesty and my creative events of the story to get myself of the hook. And it has proved to be very good at the job at hand. But now with it being the honesty path I am looking at this at the best way possible. I wish I new more of the case and evidence on her. Regardless I don't see a malicious violent murderer and she certainly lives and lived as a productive member of society, running on the creators principles of being selfless and giving of others. I hope she is over turned at some point and gets the chance to end her already near the end life with her now suffering family. There are several parole programs in which she can give back to society and be monitored. and she has already proven to be no harm to others. I mean common they let child predators and mentally ill people out all the time to kill and rape again and it's another news break where they try rehab on the wrong people giving them a chance to prove they are safe to our public?? she has ALREADY PROVEN THIS!!!! Cut HER LOOSE!!! you have my vote Darby!!!

  65. I' only saw a portion of this story. Did she have a relationship with her older children, after escaping? If so, how did they not know who she was?
