Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Want to Send Harrell Franklin Braddy or Anyone Else a Tripletz?

Harrell Franklin Braddy was convicted of murder for leaving a 5-year-old girl left to be eaten by alligators in the Everglades. (See 8-28-07 Legal Pub story updated 10-24 )

Harrell Franklin Braddy Gets No Mercy From Miami-Dade Jury As They Recommend Death For Throwing Quatisha Maycock to the Aligators! Update 10-24-07

A jury a few months ago recommended that Braddy be executed. Now that Braddy was sentenced to death last week by Judge Leonard Glick, some folks are relieved while others are outraged. Pending appeals that may last many years, debate on the death penalty and penal reform remains heated. There have been hundreds of comments and perhaps even more emails to It is difficult to personally answer all emails. So, to answer a common email question to those wishing to send appropriate cards to Shandelle Maycock expressing sympathy for the death of her 5 year old daughter, Quatisha, there may be a unique but efficient way to do so.
Tripletz are a series of three custom designed cards, mailed by U.S. Postal Service sequentially for three days, that spell out a message to the recipient. Images can be selected from the Tripletz library of cards, or designed by the sender. Words are printed on the front side of each card. The backside of the first two cards has a message from Tripletz telling the recipient they are receiving a message by way of a three card mailing. Recipients keep the cards to spell out the entire message.

You could choose to let the Governor know whether you think he should stay Braddy's execution or carry out the execution using Tripletz. Similarly, support of any victim or their family could also be arranged through Tripletz.

Legal Pub has no financial interest in Tripletz. Neither does author of God is a Woman, Ian Coburn, but I imagine Ian Coburn could probably think of ways to use Tripletz as a dating tool. Viper could probably give advice on how to use Tripletz to prevent a few divorces. (Marriage strike advocates may be able to use it to prevent a few marriages and keep Viper looking for work!) L.S. might even be able to theorize its use to promote better awareness of crime prevention. With Halloween approaching, if you are like Blond bombshell and want to scare someone, perhaps a Tripletz will do the trick.

While posting comments on Legal Pub about Braddy's sentence probably remains the best way to rub elbows with others, including people who may make a difference, it never hurts to explore other options of communication.


  1. Interesting idea. I may give it a try. In the mean time, just want to say die baby die!

  2. Iron Mike said...

    I may use tripletz to wish Mrs. Iron Mike a happy aniversary.

    As for Braddy, I still think he should be executed. Gov., please pull the trigger.

    Iron Mike

  3. Put me down as no execution.


  4. I sent a girl a series of cards once...

    It was my ex wife.

    The judge called it stalking!


  5. Hey Legal Pub,

    You are the bomb!

    Thanks for plugging my son's little new start-up card company They are really fun to send (especially the "zinger" cards . . . for ex-wives/husbands or just plain people we don't like. . . tee hee . . .

  6. Jester,

    I doubt it was the fact that you sent multiple cards to your wife that almost got you in trouble.

    More likely it was the message on the cards. You can't use threat or vulgar language when communicating with anyone, especially an ex spouse!

  7. I vote to give Braddy life.


  8. Ms. Calabaza, it is not really intended so much as a plug as it is an idea for folks who are caught up in this heated debate to share their opinion with others.

    The death penalty in Florida may not be enforced if enough national interest is expressed against it. The converse is that if overwhelming national interest supports the death penalty, then the Governor may sign off on the execution.

    I can't think of a better test case and I think blogs as well as cards will work as an effective means of communication.

    I have never met your son, but he does seem to have an innovative product.

  9. product is fine, but Braddy is not!

  10. LP,
    I totally understand, but thanks anyways . . . it was awfully nice of you.

  11. Could I use TRIPLETZ if I was dating triplets? Just wondering as I was fanticizing...

    For all concerned, fires under control. At least one was thought to be arson. I may submit a story for you legal dudes and dudettes.

    Surfer Dude

  12. Good idea, Tripletz

  13. Give him what the little girl got.

    Seems fair.


  14. Can we send flesh eating aligators in three separate mailings? If so, I agree with L.S., lets do it!


  15. I have a message for Braddy,

    See Ya In Hell!

  16. I wonder how many folks really sent tripletz to Braddy or the Governor. If I was not so cheap, I would send one asking that he be pardoned. He has suffered enough. He needs to be transitioned into a counseling program where he can get help.

    Blessed holiday, folks...


  17. The Braddy bunch...

    the Braddy bunch... that's the way they became the braddy bunch...
