Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Jeffery Mumani Getst Shafted Chasing Cat; But Robert McDaniel Gets Tied Up While Tiffany Sutton Cuts Has a Pre-dinner Blood Drink Halloween Update

As Halloween approaches, crimes start to reveal a holiday theme. Take for instance Jeffery Mumani in Silver Springs Shore, Florida. According to the AP, he got stuck in an air shaft for 10 hours while trying to either free a black cat or rob a CVS pharmacy. Police apparently found him crying like a child. Firefighters labored for an hour and a half to free him. Once free, Mumani told the Ocala Star Banner that he went into the shaft because he heard a cat inside. (Certainly it must have been a black cat that crossed his path!) Mumani denied attempting to steal prescription drugs and instead said, "I was trying to chase the cat... it's a feline cat - a little animal." (So is that what Oxycontin is being called now?)

Mumani story is less plausible then the typical excuse since he had to remove an air conditioning cover in order to enter the shaft according to Marion County Sheriff's Capt. James Pogue. Mumani began calling for help about 8 a.m. Tuesday. "He was begging the manager to help him out," according to Pogue. Mumani was charged with commercial burglary. Records of the state corrections department apparently indicate Mumani has previous convictions in South Florida for burglary and drug-related crimes. Mumani was convicted in Palm Beach County for possession of Oxycontin, according to a Marion County Sheriff's Office report. (Surprise, surprise, maybe the black cat did not make him do it after all!)

Tiffany Sutton

Continuing with the Holiday theme is Tiffany Sutton a self proclaimed vampire.
While Mumani apparently thought he was tied up, he was lucky he was not dating Tiffany Sutton. Tiffany,a 24 year old woman, tied-up and stabbed her lover so she could drink his blood. Tiffany sutton has now been sentenced to 10 years in prison by Maricopa County Superior Court Judge David Udall. Tiffany told the judge that she was sorry for the incident and said she never meant to hurt anyone. Judge David Udall called the crime "especially heinous."

Tiffany was arrested by Tempe, Arizona police in February after she repeatedly stabbed her lover during an alcohol- and drug-fueled sexual encounter. Sutton pleaded guilty to aggravated assault in August. Her boyfriend, 46-year-old Robert McDaniel, agreed to be tied up during sex but no longer consented to being tied up when Sutton pulled out a knife and said she liked to drink blood. Sutton then apparently cut his leg, arm, shoulder, back, neck and stomach. When he escaped, she allegedly chased him with a pickax.

Defense attorney, Elizabeth Houck, told the judge she suffers from a personality disorder that causes instability. (No kidding?) Prison records apparently show Sutton thought she was a vampire for the first several weeks she was in jail. (Thought she was a vampire? Does she not fit the definition?)

Update 10-31 Halloween Update by Surfer Dude:

I had a real scary thought. Suppose Jose Luis Calva (alleged girl friend eater) and Tiffany Sutton (vampire lady) hooked up. They come home from work.
Tiffany: Jose, you look sad, what's eating you?
Jose: Nothing dear, that would be cheating on you and I would never do that! Here, let me turn on the stove, I will cook you, er.. for you.
Tiffany: That's ok. I really am not hungry, I think I will just have a little drink and turn in early tonight. Besides, I know you are tied up at the moment... Surfer Dude


  1. So, Mr. McDaniel went along with his young girlfriend's requests ... but he got a little cut up instead . . .


  2. I get it. The stories relate. Jeffery Mumani was after red neck heroine (oxycontin) while Robert McDaniel had a red neck after Tiffany cut his neck.

    Surfer Dude

  3. I see Jeff Mumani's head popping out of the duct. Mean while, Tiffany Sutton is dressed the vampire part.

    Fashion girl

  4. "Eat his body. Drink his blood. And we we will sing a song of love..."

    A sadist song? A call to vampire life style?

    Nope, just good old Christian music.

  5. this is off-subject, but:

    Hey Cali Surfer Dude and other California readers, my prayers are with you. Those fires look devastating. If they ask you to evacuate - don't hesitate. Take care, dude.

  6. thanks, but pretty much just south in san diego right now...

    Surfer Dude

  7. what a sucker...

    both of the criminals...

    in different ways!


  8. Wow, she even looks like a vampire.


  9. Tiffany needs no costume for Halloween.

    Scary Terry

  10. They should have tasered the little b@tch for screaming like a school girl when he was stuck in the shaft.

  11. Happy Halloween Jeffery Mumani and Tiffany Sutton. Perhaps the two of you should get together for a little treat!

  12. Update 10-31 Halloween Update by Surfer Dude:

    I had a real scary thought. Suppose Jose Luis Calva (alleged girl friend eater) and Tiffany Sutton (vampire lady) hooked up. They come home from work.
    Tiffany: Jose, you look sad, what's eating you?
    Jose: Nothing dear, that would be cheating on you and I would never do that! Here, let me turn on the stove, I will cook you, er.. for you.
    Tiffany: That's ok. I really am not hungry, I think I will just have a little drink and turn in early tonight. Besides, I know you are tied up at the moment... Surfer Dude

  13. Tiffany Sutton, what a sucker!

  14. Poor Rob McDaniel, he thought Tiffany was a cut up but not literally!

  15. Rob was going to follow tiffany's diet so that he could get "cut."

  16. Cutting weight, the Tiffany method, won't guarantee you a six pack.

  17. But if Jeffery Mumani had cut weight, he would not have got stuck in the shaft!

  18. Tiffany plead guilty to “aggravated assault” in August. She was apparently sentenced to up to 10 years in prison.
