Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Preppy Killer Robert Chambers Who Strangled Jennifer Levin Is Now Arrested For Selling Controlled Substances -by Legal Pub

Robert Chambers is known as the "Preppy Killer." Chambers served only 15 years in prison despite being convicted of strangling Jennifer Levin, an 18 year old woman, in Central Park back in 1986.(He apparently was tried for murder and plead guilty to manslaughter as the jury deliberated.) On Monday, Chambers was given the opportunity to return to jail after he was arrested on charges of selling drugs and resisting arrest.

While conducting an undercover operation, police allegedly purchased drugs, including cocaine, from Chambers at his residence in Manhattan's Upper East Side. According to police reports, Chambers struggled with officers and thus "resisted arrest."

Chambers was also charged with several counts of selling a controlled substances . Chambers vacation from prison lasted over four years. Chambers' live in girlfriend, was also arrested for sale of a controlled substance.

Why was Chambers originally convicted of murder? Jennifer Levin, was 18 at the time her strangled, partially clothed body was found. Supposedly, back in 1986, Chambers's girlfriend "Alex"broke up with him at Dorrian's Red Hand the night of the killing. She was apparently jealousy of Jennifer Levin. Chambers subsequently left the bar with Levin. Levin's strangled body was found with bruises, bite marks and cuts by a bicyclist beneath an elm tree behind the Metropolitan Museum or Art near Fifth Avenue and 83rd street. Levin died of "asphyxia by strangulation." Chambers apparently watched from a nearby spot as police officers found Levin's underwear some 50 yards away from the body.

So why was Chambers free? Chambers was released from prison on February 14, 2003 after serving only 15 years.

Did Chambers Have any other violations in the last four years?

This is not Chambers first time to return to jail. Police arrested Chambers in 2004 for misdemeanor heroin possession and unlicensed driving. He was sentenced to 100 days in jail and ordered to pay a $200 fine pursuant to a plea agreement. Chambers also apparently has had hundreds of dollars in unpaid parking tickets and has one or more tickets for driving without a license.


  1. .

    I remember this one! It was a bad deal all the way around.


  2. Another man out of the dating pool for a short period of time...

    What do you think, Ms. Calabaza, should we keep him on our list and "wait for him?"


  3. He should never have been out of jail!


  4. blond bombshell,

    we can do a lot better, girlfriend. This guy is scum . . .

  5. Ok, then Ms. Calabaza. We shall agree to leave him off the list of prospective suitors... Just don't sneak a date with him when he is out on parole without first giving me a chance to take him for a terrifying ride on my broomstick.


  6. Why are some women attracted to the "bad boys?"


  7. Once a criminal always a crimial!


  8. Dirtbag! Range me.


  9. Tell us how you really feel, L.S and Penny.

    Come on. It is not like he killed someone again. He paid for his crime. He was working the free enterprise system that capitalism allows.

    The mere fact he is returning to jail is because the DEA and the AMA want to keep monopoly power when it comes to selling "medicine."


  10. Shell,

    you have my word! tee-hee . . .

  11. For some, a second or third chance is just not enough! He may need 5 or 6 before he gets it!

    I say let Shell take him for a scary ride on her broom and scare some sense into the dumb b@st@rd!

    Virginia Slim

  12. Chambers claimed it was just rough sex that got out of hand. A jury may have found him innocent!


  13. chambers is too slick for his own good.

  14. How would you like to have Chambers as a blind date?

  15. He is a cold killer in my book.

  16. May the bird of bad luck poop on his head!

  17. Chambers is definitely on the bad boy list!
