Friday, October 26, 2007

Paris Hilton Still on "Right Track" But Paris Invasion of Rwanda Is Postponed!

Since her brush with the law, Paris Hilton has shared with anyone who will listen her intentions to "do good." She has clearly started down the right path. However, "..due to the restructuring of the Playing for Good Foundation, the philanthropic trip to Rwanda that the foundation had previously planned with Paris has been postponed." Playing for Good Foundation is a children's charity. Andy Gelb, a spokesman for the organization, said he was unavailable for comment. Due to paparazzi, Paris is never too public about her wear abouts or plans.

Paris agreed to turn over a new leaf after serving 23 days in jail for violating probation in an alcohol related reckless driving case. Shortly after the news broke that 26-year-old Paris had promised to use her celebrity status for good causes, it was discovered that Paris planned to visit African (Rwanda) next month. Paris planned to visits to schools and health-care clinics. At the time, Paris told Newsweek, "I'm scared, yeah. I've heard it's really dangerous... I've never been on a trip like this before." (Obviously she has never spent a weekend at the beach with Surfer Dude!)

Paris needs to remember how she felt upon her release and stay true to her words, "There are a lot of bad people in L.A. Before, my life was about having fun, going to parties - it was a fantasy. But when I had time to reflect, I felt empty inside. I want to leave a mark on the world." Yes, Rwanda will leave a mark...


  1. Don't give up on your goals. Anything worth doing is worth doing right!

    You go girl.


  2. it takes a strong person to stay out of trouble here.

  3. Looks like either the partying has not affected her or she is staying clean.



  4. No permanent marks on this woman!


  5. why is it that every time a pretty woman's picture is posted, men go nuts?


  6. she seems to be staying out of trouble... of course, that's more competition for us girls. Right, blond bombshell? ...

  7. With out star struck wide eyed men, there would be no need for people like me.

    Southern Comfort

  8. Ms. Calabaza, while Paris Hilton may have her positives, she is unlikely to be able to hold a candle to you and I when it comes to our "dating pool."


  9. If Paris needs a few body guards to keep her safe in Rawanda, sign me up!

    Muscle Man

  10. Paris could help so many poor needy folks here in the U.S.

