Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Life is a Beach for Women

Italy offers a Fourth of July gift to women all over the world. On the Italian Adriatic coast, women are safe from preying men. In fact, they have the protection of an all female beach.
"We run away from Italian men," said Tiziana Andreoletti. In order to cater to like thinking women, Italy business man, Fausto Ravaglio, has created a beach strictly for women. No men, children or loud music are allowed. Fausto Ravaglio explains, "We have given the women their own world.''Known as "Pink Beach." The area includes an exercise classes, water aerobics, makeup and manicure tips. Signs read: "No Men."The beach also restricts food such as deep-fried squid and chips.

There is one exception to the no men rule. The lifeguard is always a fit man with muscles. (They claim it is an exception for safety purposes.)

Happy Fourth of July to our American Readers


  1. This is blatant discrimination! I want to go check it out... just for purposes of confirming legal compliance.


  2. If this were an all male beach, women would scream discrimination.

  3. If this were an all male beach, practically no one would go...

    It is a private enterprise. Like a private club, no need to have scum bag men drewling all over the place.


  4. I too would very much like to investigate this beach. What other activities do the ladies do together at such a place. I am willing to travel as an investigating reporter and bring along my video camera to produce a documentary.

  5. Nope, its a place for us gals to get away and talk about pound scum like you.


  6. This guy needs to get together with Heidi Fleiss and suddenly you got a billion dollar fortune 500 company!

    Jon David Mills

  7. The theme is health. Therefore they eliminate the unhealthy things, fried foods and men

  8. Beats life in the fast lane.


  9. Just seems like a nice place for gals to get away and blow off a little steam, without the grease of fried foods and sleazy men.
