Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Another form of Money Laudering?

Heidi Fleiss is back in business. Nevada may never be the same as she opens a laundromat which may serve as a legal brothel for women. Dirty Laundry will be a 24-hour, coin-operated laundry with 13 washers and 14 dryers at a shopping center in Pahrump, west of Las Vegas. Fleiss has lived in Nye County since serving her jail term for running a prostitution ring. Heidi also plans to open "Heidi's Stud Farm" in Crystal, about 20 miles north of Pahrump.This all male operation would be Nevada's first legal bordello exclusively for female customers. Approval from the Nye County Liquor and Licensing Board still needs to be obtained. At least 400 women are ready to buy membership according to Fleise.


  1. Blond Bombshell said...

    Heidi always knows what sells. She knows what folks want. She made a good living catering to mens primitive instincts. Rather than say men are scum, she merely provided them what the wanted. She is now diversifying to give women what they want too.
    Clean clothes and disposable men.

    She will be successful, I think


  2. I may be taking a trip to Neveda in a few months, merely to do a little research on behalf of women in the midwest...


  3. Maybe the question below about the neighbor was referring to Heidi? Who knows, sounds kind of similar, doesn't it?

  4. Only if you define money laundering as leaving your change in your pocket when you wash your pants.

  5. California Surfer Dude said...

    Hey, pub meister, that's the way I always do it. The reason why such services are needed are best explained by this riddle.

    What has 4 arms, 4 legs and never works out?


    Now you know why Heidi is such a good business woman. She gets it...

    Surfer Dude

  6. You are too funny, surfer dude.

  7. Shell, sounds like you and Bertha are heading West soon to check out Heidi's new venture!

    Legalpubmeister, I did not see this story in the news, so I'm wondering, how did you know about this story anyway.....did Heidi ask you to interview?

  8. Ron, the day I need to pay for it is the day that I will hang it up entirely. I merely acknowledge that Heidi is a great business women with a knack for knowing her target market. Perhaps knowing it too well in the past.


  9. I'm not ashamed. I will admit it. Sometimes I need a little TLC. Sounds like Heidi knows just how to hit the spot.

  10. "clean clothes and disposable men" - I like that. . .

  11. Money laundering and men. Let's see. Would it not make more sense to discard the men and the clothes at the same time.

    In other words, disposable clothes and disposable relationships. That would truly lead to less baggage.


  12. Heidi has a feel for good business ventures!

  13. Heidi will always find a way to be successful.

  14. It was extremely interesting for me to read that post. Thank you for it. I like such topics and everything that is connected to this matter. BTW, try to add some pics :).

  15. Never thought this could happen. But she knows how to sell. So it should not surprise anyone that she knows how to make a buck.
