Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Criminal Doctor Drug Dealers and Terrorist Physicans?

Has health care reform really come to this? Have physician's bills been cut so much by health insurers and medicare that the doctors need to moonlight in occupations once thought to be held only by uneducated crooks? Specialties such as Doctor of Drug Pushing or Doctor of Terrorism will not look good on the HMO resume.

Dr.Phil Astin, pro wrestler Chris Benoit's personal physician, faces federal charges for illegally prescribing painkillers and other drugs to patients. Astin allegedly gave a 10-month supply of anabolic steroids to Benoit every three-to-four weeks for the last year. A search warrant affidavit says Benoit was identified as an excessive purchaser of injectable steroids. Dr. Phil Astin was identified as the supplier of various controlled substances. A seven-count indictment, said Astin dispensed drugs including Percocet, Xanax, Lorcet and Vicoprofen between April 2004 and September 2005. Benoit was not specifically listed as a recipient of these drugs. Federal prosecutors will seek forfeiture of all property and proceeds Astin obtained through the illegal conduct if he's convicted.

The London terrorist investigation has revealed that five of the eight people under arrested are doctors. Another of those detained is a medical assistant who is the wife of one of the doctors. Five of the eight people under arrest last night are said to be doctors. Another of those detained is the wife of one of the doctors, who is a medical assistant working for the NHS. The home of a sixth doctor is said to have been searched by police. Late last night an Australian television network reported that a suspect wanted in connection with the attacks had been arrested in Brisbane…
With the security alert staying at the highest possible level and warnings that another attack may be “imminent”, police carried out 19 raids across the country, arresting nationals from Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Iraq. Among those arrested was Mohammed Jamil Abdelqader Asha, a 26-year-old neurologist who was born in Saudi Arabia but is of Palestinian origin and was travelling on a Jordanian passport. He and his 27-year-old wife, a medical assistant, were arrested on the M6 in Cheshire, in connection with the attempted bombings in London.CNN has reported that an Australian television network reported that a suspect wanted in connection with the attacks had been arrested in Brisbane… He is allegedly an Indian physician.
British police carried out 19 raids across the country, arresting nationals from Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Iraq. The arrested include: Mohammed Jamil Abdelqader Asha, a 26-year-old Palestinian neurologist born in Saudi Arabia. He was traveling on a Jordanian passport. His 27-year-old wife, a medical assistant, was also arrested in connection with the attempted bombings in London.


  1. Scary how men who are trained to heal can kill.

  2. It is all about money when it comes to steroids. It is the lure of easy money for the seller and a short cut for the purchaser.


  3. Dr. Astin mostly likely started with the best of intentions. Some physicians are trained to prescribe medication for the treatment of anti aging. Other physicians treat testosterone deficiencies. Before anyone rushes to judgment, remember Astin is innocent until proven guilty.

  4. The Hippocratic oath has turned into the hypocritical oath for some of these physicians.

  5. These raids sound like they are discriminating against foreign nationals from Middle East countries. This is wrong. All raids should be random, similar to the random checks done at US airports.

  6. Unlike the U.S., the U.K. does not have the same laws with regard to civil rights. For example, in England, an arrested suspect is presumed guilty in court until such time as he proves his innocence. Similar situation in China.

    Terror suspects will be promptly dealt with in the U.K. without the hinderance of the ACLU

  7. These suspects appear to be wrong on so many levels. The world will never change in a positive manner with violence.

    The U.S. is learning that in Iraq. The radicals also need to learn that violence is not the answer. Working toward a real peace is a step in the right direction.

  8. I guess the profile of the poor, non-educated, unemployed arab male went out the window with this situation. . . I find it really hard to understand how people capable of becoming physicians could be such zealots. How does one compromise killing innocent people?
