Thursday, July 5, 2007

Did a Republican Police Officer Arrest Al Gore's Son?

Al Gore 's son was supposedly doing the responsible thing, driving a fuel efficient Toyota Prius. Unfortunately, it may have been more than gasoline fumes coming from the car. Albert Gore III was arrested on the Fourth of July for suspicion of possessing marijuana and prescription drugs. Deputies pulled him over for driving about 100 mph on a San Diego freeway. (Obviously not fuel efficient driving and thus unnecessarily contributing to global warming. )

The deputies allegedly smelled marijuana. They found less than an ounce of marijuana (which may be less then the average found in the typical California car.) They also found Xanax, Valium, Vicodin and Adderall ( Adderall used for attention deficit disorder. This may explain why Gore momentarily lost awareness of his speed.) Gore allegedly did not have prescriptions for these medications.

Gore was released on $20,000 bail. The younger Gore was also pulled over and arrested for pot possession in December 2003, in Bethesda, Md. Albert was a student at Harvard at the time of that arrest, which goes to show that brains are not the same as common sense. Gore had substance abuse counseling as part of a pretrial diversion program to settle those charges. (Apparently the counseling educated him as to more effective substances to abuse then Marijuana.)

Al and Tipper youngest son is a resident of Los Angeles and is a publisher of GOOD, a philanthropy orientated magazine.


  1. He is an idealistic young man who apparently thinks he is too good for the law. Politics has nothing to do with this one. He is just another celebrate snob who thinks he is above the law.

  2. Always wondered what the heck Gore Sr. was smoking. Now I know it may have been second hand smoke that influenced his thinking...

  3. Stupidity is not limited to only one political party. This is just plain bad judgment or a kid who was never taught right from wrong.

  4. I think you out did yourself on this one. What a nice, humorous way to say that the Gores have apparently raised someone who has little respect for the law or the safety of others.

  5. Iron Mike said...

    This has nothing to do with politics? You got to be kidding. Some two bit arrests makes national news? No way except for politics.

    It is one more spoiled brat. Hard to pin this one on th parents.

    Iron Mike

  6. Legalpub,

    Very funny look at this story about Gore. Out here in Cali, we don't all smoke, can't even smoke cigs in the restaurants. There is a place south of me where the Bush ATF government people came in and burned the marijuana fields. People around here were mad! LOL


  7. Man, that dude is ugly. He makes his daddy look awesome.

    Acie Law V

  8. This is another example of the vast right wing conspiracy, and it needs to stop. Call your representative and demand an investigation of this unfair incident immediately. We should organize protest marches soon, if that does not get him off.

    This is more unfair than the rigged election of Bush-Gore.

    What's this world coming to anyway, can't a nice young man have fun anymore?

    Charles W. Gault
    Berkeley, CA

  9. Perhaps with some better parenting skills, the situation could have been prevented.

    I suspect Al Gore III believes that what he did was no big deal. Forget about the marijuana, and the unauthorized perscriptions. Focusing on simply the 100 mph speed is enough to realize that he may have exhibited a reckless indifference to the safety of others. Furthermore, everyone knows that the Prius eats gas at that high RMP. What is he thinking?

  10. Let me help break it down for you Ron. Legal Pub did a story, "Complete Invalidation of Chemical Test" about traces of cocaine in the air in Rome. (Because of the air content, anyone may test postitive to some degree over in Rome.) I think he was trying to joke that California cars are probably all contaminated too with M.J.

    Hope this helps your conservative, right wing, republican,fortune 500 mind understand this parody.

    Just pulling your chain...


  11. OK, so I'm gonna be the odd one out. This kid looks very unhappy to me and probably self-medicating. I don't think this is about politics so; who knows what this kid is going through? Let's give him the benefit of the doubt and some help.

  12. This is sad, very sad. I will be cancelling my subscription to Good Magazine very shortly to protest Mr. Gore's behavior.

  13. If his name was not "Gore", he would be considered just another bore.

  14. Not sure you punish the magazine for bad judgment of its employee on his free time...

  15. Great story. Gore was just officially charged for the Marijuana this week.

