Friday, July 6, 2007

Grandma Bandit Who Robbed Bank and Terrorized the Teller is Sentenced. Update New Grandma Bandit 12-14

Pittsburg is not without its share of good mothers. However, for at least one 76 year old women, the concept of "tough love" needs to be revisted. - Marilyn Devine a 76-year-old woman robbed a bank to help her son pay off his debts. She has been sentenced to home detention for 23 months followed by 20 years probation. Devine used an unloaded pistol to rob the National City Bank which is inside a supermarket in West Mifflin. She pleaded guilty to robbery, weapons violations and fleeing from police. Devine thinks her punishment is fair."I've lost the respect of a lot of people. That's a very valuable thing to lose."

Devine didn't mean to hurt anybody. She robbed the National City Bank to help her son, who had threatened suicide over his financial problems. Several tellers told Judge Don Machen that they were harmed by the robbery. Janelle Drecnik, 25, who is no longer a teller says she was haunted by the ordeal. She claims continued nightmares and must deal with "the ridicule of people laughing that I got robbed by a grandmother."

For Barbie Bandit Sentencing see: Legal Pub 8-23-2007 Story: Heather Johnston, Blond Barbie Bandit Pleads Guilty and Shows Remorse

Update 12-14:
On December 12, 2007, a new “Grandma Bandit” entered the US Bank branch in the Safeway Grocery Store in Roseville, California, and demanded money from the teller. Grandma Bandit displayed a handgun in her purse. She is a white, 65 to 70 years of age, 5’ 7”, 130 to 145 lbs, light brown permed hair. Grandma was wearing reading glasses and a purple jacket. If you have information, contact the FBI in Sacramento at (916) 481-9110.

Update 2-16-08 Morgan Hoke was arrested in Thailand. She was the Ponytail Bandit. Morgan Hoke was not the Grandma Bandit unless she had one heck of a disguise. Police may be still looking for this Grandma Bandit, so keep your eyes peeled.


  1. While I am certain that it must have been a scary situation at the time, I suspect now for the tellers it more the ridicule and lack of understanding by others that is so difficult to deal with.


  2. She looks kind of scary to me.


  3. Pistol packing grand momma

  4. Janelle Drecnik was traumatized, and I feel bad for her. But letting this woman die in jail will not make Janelle feel better. Forgiveness is the first step.

  5. I believe that we have gotten too soft on crime. If a 22 year old would have comitted the same act, would he/she have only gotten probation and house arrest? What message does this send to our young america? We need to be more strict and send a message that we are tired of bad choices, and consequences must follow. Otherwise, the door remains open for copy cats.

  6. Excellent observation Judy. Disparate treatment of the elderly in a negative fashion is unlawful discrimination. But here, favorable treatment because of her age may appear equally unjust. What do you think they should have done with this woman?

    My initial thought was the story involves an over protective mother whose son apparently never learned to take responsibility for his own life. But your take on the disparate treatment is also interesting...

  7. Judy is right! This woman should have served life in jail. Had she been in her twenties, she would be facing the same treatment the Barbie Bandits are facing.

    Word up, Pony tail bandit, no more heists or you will be caught and will face charges worse than the Grandma Bandit


  8. Little old lady from Pasadena

  9. Wow, crime hit senior citizen ville.

  10. Maybe it is time to raise social security benefits so that seniors do not have to rob banks to survive!

