Friday, July 6, 2007

Updated: D.C. Madam to Kiss and Tell About Prostitution Ring? Update 9-12

Kissing and tellin in our nation's capital is frowned upon. Just ask any of the parties or non parties in the Clinton-Monica scandall. Even Hillary Clinton apppeared to take the "don't ask don't tell" middle ground. However, a federal judge has opened a potential flood gate of information about some rather well known people. The Washington D.C. Federal Judge has allowed Deborah Palfrey, a woman accused of running a prostitution ring, to release thousands of pages of phone records involving her former business. Expect Deborah Jeane Palfrey to release the names of 15,000 high profile clients of the alleged prostitution ring in the immediate future. Freezing "the personal property of an individual, not yet convicted of any crime" is generally not allowed, noted the judge. Palfrey is charged with federal racketeering and conspiracy charges. She claims she ran a legal escort service. From 1993 to 2006 the business supposedly earned in excess of $2 million in profits. She has not yet been convicted of any crime involving this "high profile escort service."
Imagine how much she could earn selling the list on ebay?

Update: The partial list of names includes...
1. Louisiana Sen. David Vitter. He admits he sinned and has made peace with his wife.

2. If you want to check for your phone number or that of a significant other, go to:

3. Reverse phone directory index on the internet should associate names with numbers.

Update: 9-12-07 Wendy Ellis, a former New Orleans prostitute, who will be published in Larry Flynt's Hustler magazine, has accused Sen. David Vitter of having a sexual relationship with her in 1999. Wendy Ellis allegedly passed a polygraph test concerning Vitter allegedly visiting her two to three times a week for sexual relations between July and November of 1999.


  1. I wonder if she would sell it to anyone? If someone bought the exclusive rights to resell, could they then contact those on the list and agree not to disclose their name? Or would that be blackmail?

  2. I can't wait for you to publish some of the names...

  3. I think the pub meister has something brewing....

  4. I will bet she wants a fortune for the names.

  5. Woo-hoo! But seriously, if you can't trust your neighborhood madam/pimp to NOT disclose your name - who can you trust??

  6. More information on Senator Vitter. He is 46. He and his wife, Wendy, live in the New Orleans suburb of Metairie with their four children.

    Vitter recently helped derail an immigration bill backed by President Bush. He is Southern regional campaign chairman for Rudy Giuliani's presidential bid.

  7. Vitter has become a political night mare.

  8. That list is a nightmare. Is the reverse lookup accurate? I know someone whose number shows up!
