Monday, July 16, 2007

For One of the luckiest Women in America, Is Everything Now Going Down Hill?

Lindsay Lohan's downward slide with lady luck apparently continues. The Web site claims it will publish nude photographs of Lindsay taken by her boyfriend, Calum Best. Allegedly, Lohan claims someone broke into her computer and stole the photos of her naked. Leslie Sloane Zelnik, Lohan's publicist, indicates lawyers are involved. (Big surprise there!)

Earlier this summer, the internet was filled with photos of Lohan and Vanessa Minnillo in suggestive positions with knives. Even earlier, photos of Lohan allegedly doing cocaine were floating about the internet.


  1. Just an on going example of what happens when kids are handed every thing. They never learn the consequences of their actions until they are too late!


  2. . . .interesting, that no one has ever broken into my computer and downloaded my nude photos . . . bummer.

  3. Ms. C, Legal Pub would pay top dollar for your photos in a bathing suit!

  4. Something tells me that Ms. Lohan read the "Hilton's Guide to Public Relations Management" while she was out of the limelight getting dried out. Maybe this will boost her career......

  5. Lohan apparently believes that her number one Party animal ranking is a good thing...

  6. I got the solution. I thought about this long and hard. Lindsay ought to hook up with Michael Vick. They could become the number one couple people love to hate.

    No, don't discard the idea yet. They have so much in common. Both were sitting on top of their fields. Both have fallen. Both think they are misunderstood. Both think they are victims. They could have a party. All they will need is cheese, because they all ready have the whine!

