Tuesday, July 17, 2007

British Lawyer Takes on Global Warming?

Lewis Gordon Pugh, a 37 year old British lawyer/swimmer, wanted to bring global warming to the attention of politicians around the world. In order to demonstrate his point he swam a kilometer in the waters of the North Pole. It took him 18 minutes and 50 seconds in below-freezing water. He was armed only with cap, goggles and Speedo briefs (not legal briefs or memorandums.) His point is that it is a tragedy to be able to swim at the North Pole. Pugh is a well trained athlete who has completed swims in waters from the Antarctic to the Indian Ocean. Legal Pub cautions our readers not to try this form of protest unless they want to experience cryogenics first hand.


  1. Some lawyers will do anything for publicity! This is no exception in my book.


  2. Looks like the lawyer is laying down on the job in the photo.


  3. I know it is wrong, but every winter, I silently pray for a little global warming.


  4. I shivered just reading this and it is 93 degrees!

  5. What purpose does this serve other than to show off his speedos?


  6. This adds new meaning to the term "blue balls."

    Surfer Dude

  7. Hey Legal Pub,

    thanks for the warning, I was getting ready to jump in the Shenandoah,(not as cold, but still wet) and your counsel stopped me.

    BTW, I hate to plug my site (not really) but I may have found a new theory for global warning today. Check it out.

  8. oh, the global warming theory is under "Baby Boomers . . ."

  9. You are always welcome to plug your site. Your site is funny and very informative.

  10. Well, a couple of people on here said some stuff about lawyers. well just to let you know, his point was we need to stop Global Warming. and he is right Global Warming is really becoming a problem. If everyone REALLY wanted tostop Global Warming, we could. We just need to put our effort into it.


  11. B.K. I think this lawyer is all wet!

    I don't hear anyone complaining about global warming when I am shivering my butt off in the winter.

