Monday, July 16, 2007

Roman Catholic Scandel Settlement Likely to Bring More Claims?

A $660 million settlement has been reached between the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles and over 500 alleged victims of sexual abuse. Is this the end or just the beginning? Is there evidence of actual abuse for each of these alleged victims or is this just an attempt to buy peace? Cardinal Roger Mahony is expected in court before Judge Haley Fromholtz to formalize the settlement. The A.P. has quoted Mahony as stating, "There really is no way to go back and give them that innocence that was taken from them. The one thing I wish I could give the victims ... I cannot," he said."Once again, I apologize to anyone who has been offended, who has been abused. It should not have happened and should not ever happen again."

Update 7-18-07
The Archdiocese of Miami has settled a claim by a former alter boy against Rev. Anthony Mercieca. This is the same priest who allegedly also had inappropriate contact with former U.S. Rep. Mark Foley. (The settlement was unrelated to Foley's case.) The alter boy's claim arose out of conduct in the 1970s when he was 13 years old.

As you may recall, Foley resigned from Congress after his computer messages to young male page became public knowledge. Foley's lawyer claimed that Foley was alcoholic, gay and had been molested as a boy. Mercieca admitted some inappropriate massaging of Foley but denied having sex with Foley. Mercieca is now retired. He was represented by Attorney Alfred Grech.
The lawsuit was settled for a confidential sum. The Plaintiff's attorney was Jeffrey Herman.

Confidential settlements have also been reached involving former South Florida priest, Neil Doherty. Doherty's attorney was David Bogenschutz. Under Florida law, there is no statute of limitations if the victim is under 12. Criminal charges are still pending against Doherty.

If you were a former alter boy and no member of the clergy ever made a pass at you, does that mean you were not attractive? Does being ignored as such constitute rejection which warrants compensation? If so, the line for compensation may get longer than communion on Christmas Eve...


  1. I feel rejected. For a short period of time as a youth, I tried to be an alter boy. Never once did any one touch me inappropriately. In fact,no one even flirted with me. This blatant ignoring me back then now feels as discriminatory rejection. It makes me feel like I must have been unattractive back then. So, Legal Pub, do I have a case for compensation?


  2. Mike, I feel your pain. I feel your loss. I want in on the compensation too. A nun once slapped my hand with a ruler. How much can I get?


  3. If the allegations are true, the pain of the victims is real. They deserve help and even compensation. Unfortunately, sorting the legitimate claims from the fictious claims is very difficult after all these years.

  4. If the allegations are true, the pain of the victims is real. They deserve help and even compensation. Unfortunately, sorting the legitimate claims from the fictious claims is very difficult after all these years.

  5. Church would be better off donating the money to the poor.

  6. First you bring down Notre Dame Football coach Charlie Weiss then you defend the Church. Who's side are you on?

    Seems to me Charlie Weiss and Notre Dame Football = Catholic Church.


  7. Brad, let me get this straight. Charlie Weiss and Notre Dame Football = the Church. The Church has admitted to improper fondling...

    Just what are your inferring about the reason why Charlie Weiss is losing so many recruiting battles?

    Iron Mike

  8. Mike, that's not what I meant. You got me confused. Charlie is a St. in South Bend. That's what I meant to say.


  9. This is such a black eye on the Catholic Church. But as they say, sunshine is the best deodorant (that is what they say, right?) . . .

  10. Who knows how they could possibly sort out the legit from the fictitious claims. I suspect that the number of victims includes those that are imagined victims, but again how could you tell after all these years.

  11. I checked the spelling of Scandal on the web, and the definition in Wikipedia popped up, and with it the following list of scandals, which shows this is not a new story, maybe just new money for an old story.

    This is a list of scandals relating to the Roman Catholic Church:

    The 95 Theses or The Disputation of Martin Luther on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences
    Marian Persecutions
    St. Bartholomew's Day massacre
    List of sexually active popes
    Roman Catholic sex abuse cases
    Magdalen Asylum
    The fathering of a son by Bishop Eamon Casey
    Duplessis Orphans, in the Province of Quebec, Canada
    Mount Cashel Orphanage, in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
    The persecution of Galileo Galilei, referred to as the Galileo affair
    Castrato choirs
    Abuse by nuns at Congregation of the Poor Sisters of Nazareth in Aberdeen, Glasgow and Kilmarnock; [1]; [2]; [3].
    Father John Geoghan, accused of sexually molesting over 100 boys in the Archdiocese of Boston.

  12. Ron, and your point about Notre Dame football is what? So the Catholic church has had scandals over the many years. Any institute that old is bound to have a little rubbish in its closet.

    The California plaintiffs got paid a whole lot more than the Boston plaintiffs. Is that because whiny Californian brats are more sensitive and thus more injured by the obdurate behavior? Or is it because most California residents are greedy, money, hungry, pigs?

    Your call...


  13. I think when all is said and done, and the settlement monies are discounted for the time value of money and cost of pain and suffering in California, the victims of both States will be even.

    Shell, I get the feeling you either don't like Californians or pigs or both. You need to visit here more often and see how nice it is here! They even have some of the best wild boar hunting in the US, believe it or not. More on that later.

  14. Ron,

    I can hear you go Oik Oink just fine from where I am...

