Monday, May 28, 2007

Famous For the Wrong Reasons! Lindsay Lohan Update 7-20-07

After being charged with DUI, it is now alleged that cocaine was also found in Lindsay Lohan's car. (Someone needs to tell these stars that cocaine is illegal and so is DUI.)

Officers believe that Lindsay was speeding and while under the influence, lost control causing an accident. The car crashed into a curb and hit a tree on Sunset Blvd. Lohan was treated at Century City hospital. Lindsay abandoned her banged up Mercedes and fled the scene. Police found Ms. Lohan at the local hospital, where she was placed under arrest" for investigation of misdemeanor driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs."

Lohan was cited and released. In addition to drunk driving, she may also face felony criminal charges for the illegal narcotics.

Update: 6-1-07 Lindsay has checked herself into rehab. God Speed Lindsay. An Open Comment to you follows in the comments.

6-4-07 Lindsay's mom wants her own reality show. See Ms. C. comments!

7-6-07 Jessica Smith, star of Laguna Beach joins Lindsay in the bad judgment category. She pled guilty to DWI. She must perform 80 hours of community service and pay $1,300 in fines and penalties. Jessica was only 19 when she was arrested in March for driving under the influence of alcohol after crashing her VW Beetle into another car. The other driver has claimed some minor injuries as did a passenger in Smith's car. Expect a civil lawsuit for whiplash type injuries!

7-20-07 Lindsay Lohan turned herself in to Beverly Hills Police to face DUI charges associated with her Memorial Day weekend hit-and-run crash. Lindsay has recently apparently checked herself out of rehab and is ready to face the legal system.


  1. True, she is a criminal. But If I ever get locked up, I would not mind sharing my cell with her.

    Iron Mike

  2. I do not think she is a criminal, but she obviously is a misguided, spoiled brat.


  3. Maybe she and Paris could be cell-mates.

    Lindsay may have just taken over Britney's position of lead locomotive in the Train Wreck Club.

    Her partying while filming 'Georgia Rules' resulted in the producer threatining to fire her - the partying was causing her to miss work. Good for him - he had the guts to straight up tell her where she was headed.

    Mama flew in, all claws and fangs, to defend her daughter from the mean old man.

    I think Lindsay's only chance of sobriety will come from ditching mom.

  4. I don't follow these celebrities much, but that Lindsey Lohan seems to be one bad girl, that's for sure.

    Iron Mike, I understand your comment.

  5. collency, You are correct. These "mom-managers" are not working out to well. As parents, it is not appropriate to make an excuse for your child every time a child makes a mistake. I see it in sports, in school, and in just about every aspect of life. At some point, children need to take responsibility for their own mistakes. Lindsay Lohan and her mom need to start acting like adults.

  6. Blond Bombshell said...

    Mike & Ron, there is the predictable responses that I have come to expect from shallow minded testosterone driven scum.

    Have a good day.


  7. All my heroes go down the tubes...


  8. Prison will be good for both Paris and Lohan. They will lose weight, gain "street cred' and look more beautiful after they come out of the clink.

    Fashion designer Alvin Valley, a good friend of the socialite, said: "Prison will be the best thing that ever happened to Paris Hilton."

    One can assume the same will be true for Lohan.


  9. Ed - all of those seldom mentioned benefits of prison (loose weight, gain credibility, look more beautiful) may occur - (are you serious??!!) -

    But maybe they'd actually LEARN something, grow emotionally, recognize that consequences have actions ... In other words, attain the maturity of the average 16 year old ...

    (sigh). One can only hope.

  10. (oops - that should be 'actions have consequences') : )

  11. Hey Blonde Bombshell,
    I second that emotion . . .
    Ms. Calabaza

  12. Blond Bombshell said...

    Thanks Ms. calabaza, I think it is important that readers know that you and I are not just a pretty face. We, like most women, have brains worth taking the time to get to know.

    Ed, while a few days in jail may not be the end of the world, it is no picnic. Read legal pubs archived articles on the riot at the Indiana prison.


  13. Hey, Ron Dude:

    Whethere she is a celeb or not, as a man, I gotta follow a babe that walks like her.


  14. Hollywood wild child Lindsay Lohan will not be able to list "driving" under the skills section of her resume for the near future. However, it is being reported that she can now include stripping on her resume. Lohan in 'I Know Who Killed Me,' shows she is a natural on a pole. For the safety of the public, let's hope she uses those $1 bills for taxis instead of trying to drive.


  15. The woman is over the top


  16. Lindsay is just a kid. When she matures, hopefully she will learn to handle the fame. Right now, I think it just all happened too fast for her. But, I do believe with the right guidance, she will be fine.

  17. Open comment to Lindsay:

    It is not our intention to celebrate your misfortune. But you were living a dream and you turned it into a public night mare.
    Hollywood was full of talk with the good advice that you just did not take. So sad, many said, what a waste: so pretty, so talented. Your mode is one of self-destruction. As such, you attract both sympathy and scorn from the public.

    Across the industry, some decision makers have mentally wiped you from their short lists. Most studio's will not hire you until you prove yourself healthy and reliable.
    To be hired again, Ms. Lohan, you probably need to commit to being sober. You may need to post your salary as bond, or pay for your own insurance. If you truly want off our Blog, Lindsey, then become a good example for our childen and I will see to it that it happens.

  18. Your mom is not in touch with reality either. Dina Lohan, the mother,is in talks with E to star in her own reality show. This may thrust her other children, 14-year-old Ali and 11-year-old Cody, into entertainment stars as well.

  19. Come on Lindsay, take the Legal Pub up on his offer. Follow the straight and narrow and the Pub will be the first to spread good news in your life across the globe.


  20. Lindsay Lohan, bad judgment. Legal Pub you are too kind. Most recent allegation is that Lohan may not be playing entirely on the straight team. If true, that could hurt her draw at the box office.


  21. 7-24-07 Good old (21 years old) Lindsay Lohan is busted for her second DWI. See todays lead story.
