Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Desperate Dating in Wisconsin?

Both CNN and the A.P. have reported desperate dating tatics in Milwaukee. Had this thief read God is a Woman, he would have known that robbing a woman isn't the best way to capture her heart. Two men robbed a U-Haul store in Milwaukee around 3 p.m. Sunday. But instead of fleeing, one man stuck around and tried to strike up a conversation with a female store clerk. "He ...was trying to get the female employee's number," U-Haul general manager Patrick Sobocinski said. " His line of , 'Hey baby, you're pretty fine."'was not working! According to Sobocinski, one robber put his hands around both employees' waists and demanded money. The robber then grabbed the cash. The workers were forced to the ground and then he fled, but his accomplice stayed to ask one of the clerks whether she'd go out with him. The clerk turned him down. (Had she read the book, she would have said yes and asked for his number!)


  1. Blond Bombshell said...

    I have been in Milwaukee. Talk about aggressive guys. I went to the store to buy a ham, you would have thought I was carrying around a million dollars. I had every thieve (I mean man) in the grocery store saying "hey baby..." Not a way to win my heart, or my ham.


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Iron Mike said...

    Shell, you are clueless! If you were tuned in, you would know that it was not the ham the fellows were after. It was your buns. Men like bread...

    Iron Mike

  4. Why people should care... For most blogs, people do not care what you ate for lunch. Here, this is neat because it is an interactive blog where readers can comment. While I don't know Shell or Mike, they seem like they know one another. Not sure if a book would of helped this robber cause he has "Loosar" written all over his face.


  5. I saw on CNN the video. Unbelievable. I think this dude will get caught.


  6. This guy trying to get a date is a pick up artist. He is using the Mystery Method. The target girl is left to wonder, how could this guy be so stupid?


  7. Maybe the robber was just trying to take Ian Coburn's advice and try to be humerous. Got to admit, funny as hell to try to pick up a digit while you are robbing the place.


  8. Is every answer in that book?


  9. Not every answer, but it is a pretty funny book with some decent advice for both women and men.

    Phil P., age 22, Newark

  10. I missed that. That is hysterical though. And the NYTimes wonders why woman aren't getting married and dating as much as before. Stupid guy....

  11. Poor guy,

    it's lonely out there . . .

  12. Did this guy really think that she would secretly date him after the robbery?

    Jill K.C.

  13. Blond Bombshell said...

    Yup, guys are that stupid. He really thought he had a shot with the clerk!


  14. You might be shocked how delusional a lot of my "lower element" clients are when it comes to how they think others perceive them.

  15. I once asked out a girl after I tripped and fell in a store. I figured I couldn't get any lower...

    I was wrong.


  16. Ed, you sound like you get it. Laughing at yourself and being humerous is the first step to winning someone's heart.


  17. Desperate does not go far enough in describing any man if he is actually a stalker.


  18. Ed, I was watching a beautiful girl fully clothed and actually fell in a pool fully clothed. After she stopped laughing she came over to help me up. I figured I could not get any lower so I asked her out. I was wrong. She turned me down. Talk about depression...


  19. Idiots come in all sizes and live in all kind of different states.

  20. Idiots come in all sizes and live in all kind of different states.
