Monday, June 4, 2012

Catalina Clouser Under the Influence Or Just Having A Senior Moment At the Age of 19?

Neglectful? Thoughtless?  Selfish?  Do these terms accurately describe Catalina Clouser, the woman who was arrested Saturday in Phoenix after she accidentally drove away with her five-week-old son in a child seat on the roof of her car?  Fortunately her child fell off the car in an intersection of 45th Avenue and Cholla Street and was not harmed. But this 19 year-old mom was arrested on child abuse and driving under the influence charges. The child was placed in the custody of state Child Protective Services.

Clouser and her boyfriend had allegedly been smoking marijuana in a park. When the couple left to buy beer, the boyfriend was stopped for suspicion of driving under the influence. Clouser drove to a friend's home and allegedly smoked additional marijuana.  Clouser left around midnight with the baby asleep in the car seat. However, she apparently placed the infant on top of the Ford Focus and then drove off.  Closer did not realize that the baby was missing until she arrived home. Clouser then called her friends and asked them to trace the route she had taken. The friends ran into the officers who had already found Clouser's son. Clouser arrived at the scene and was arrested.
Fortunately, Clouser's 5 week-old son was not injured. Closer, like all who are charged with a crime are to be presumed innocent unless otherwise proved in a court of law.


  1. She is way too young to be so forgetful and too young too be soo under the influence when she is a mother.

  2. yeah she was under the influence of something ..... stupidity. sure is a lot of that going around in america these days.

  3. She might want to consider a different hair dresser before she appears again in court.

  4. Liza, stupid is as stupid does.

  5. PErhaps a name change is in order...

    Clouser to Loser!

  6. 5 week old son... he deserves better than being left on a car roof

  7. I think some of the chemicals she uses to die her hair leached into her brain.

  8. Video guy got that one right

  9. simply shocking how absent minded folks can be.

  10. I can’t believe how insensitive you all are!

  11. I guess they don't call it Wacky Tobacky for nothing. just saying.

    I don't smoke it, and I have left lots of things on top of my car and drove off. (a redhead moment for me too) for sure. But never a child. I have left them in grocery stores and parks though. (JUST KIDDING)
