Monday, May 28, 2012

Diane Tran Does Not Deserve A Criminal Record For Trying To Support Her Siblings and Attend High School

What is going on with the Texas legal system?  They let Robert A. Durst, a New York multimillionaire who admitted that he had butchered his 71-year-old neighbor with a bow saw and dumped his body parts into Galveston Bay, be acquitted of murder yet lock a 17 year-old honor student in jail for missing class because she is so tired from working two jobs to support her siblings.   LINK

From the video it appears Judge Moriarty simply thinks a 17 year-old girl spending a night in jail is no big deal. Has he lost touch with his constituents?  A criminal record for an honors student is no big deal? Diane Tran is a 17 year-old honor student working two jobs to support her siblings and he throws her in jail because she misses some school.  Can you say "black robe itis?" (Editor's note:  this is a phrase used to describe a judge whose time on the bench has destroyed his connection to common citizens.)

After listening to this judge speak, his rational appear at best troubling and more likely the words of a cold uncaring man undeserving of the position of "judge."  Exactly the kind of individual who needs to be scrutinized come election time. Diane Tran was forced to spend the night in jail last week

because she missed too much time from Willis High School.  This junior works two jobs and goes to high school in order to help support her two siblings since her parents divorced.  (Tran's parents no longer live in the area since the divorce.) Tran takes AP Spanish, college level algebra and dual credit English and history courses. When she is too tired, she sometimes misses school.  She continues to get good grades and turns in her homework.

While Texas law provides that a student with ten or more unexcused absences within a six-month period, MAY BE referred to a juvenile court, it is not mandatory.  Furthermore, jail time IS NOT mandatory. Consequently it appear that Willis Independent School District as well as the Judge failed to exercise the discretion common sense mandates in such situations. According to KHOU-11, Tran spent one night in jail and was fined $100!*  LINK. That makes no sense whatsoever with a girl who misses school because she needs to work. has been set up by the Louisiana Children's Education Alliance in partnership with Anedot and Gatorworks.  However, a "help educate this judge on common sense and compassion site" may be even more appropriate. 

*Judge Lanny Moriarty did warn Tran last month to quit missing school. When she recently missed classes again, he issued a summons and had her arrested in open court


  1. Simply can't get enough of your spin on these stories. Very entertaining, I wish there was one every day. The comments are often even better.

    I think this judge was just trying to send a message that kids need to stay in school. I doubt he expected it to get so much negative publicity.

  2. Yup, stay in school and let your siblings go hungry and without clothing...

  3. Durst was innocent. He was just a troubled multimillionaire who may have suffered from mild autism. He may have disguised himself as a woman for legitimate reasons. The unsolved disappearance of his first wife is mere coincidence. Just what happened to his confidante in Los Angeles should be of no concern. A shooting and a cover-up? Don't let it bother you. The need for a nationwide manhunt, think of it as merely good training exercise for law enforcement.

    A shoplifting arrest, well a millionaire has to eat too.

  4. But Ann is truly not guilty of anything but trying to do a good job to support her siblings while maintaining enrollment in school.

  5. This is insane, if there is anyone that needs a little help it is this girl. This is the type of judge we do not need on the bench…our prisons should be for truly harmful offenders not a truant student. What happened to detention for such students?
    I’m sure this judge gives special treatment to his campaign contributors who probably do more harm to the community than this child would ever do.
    Typical treatment of the poor, steal a loaf of bread cuz your hungry and receive 20 years. Steal billions from the same people and receive a dinner party in your behalf.

    Boot him out of office !!

  6. Political change is brought about by the electorate flexing their voting muscle. About time Texas get a clue.

  7. Sounds like the judge needs to get a clue

  8. Totally ridiculous to jail someone when they are of age to quit school.

  9. Judge I'm right cause I'mn right better look at himself in the mirror another time.
