Saturday, October 8, 2011

Herman Cain May Be A Little Smarter Than What You Think ~ by Blond Bombshell Update 11-11-11

Well, I finally heard it. "That Cain ain't exactly a rocket scientist." Well I hate to break it to you Einsteins, but he really is...

Here are some things you may not know about Herman Cain:

He’s not a career politician (in fact he has never held political office). He’s a pizza guy. But he is also a banker guy, a computer guy and a rocket scientist guy.

He has a bachelor’s degree in Mathematics.

He has a Master’s degree in Computer Science.

He worked as a mathematician for the Navy, where he worked on missile ballistics. (That actually makes him a rocket scientist). Mr. Cain has also served as a computer systems analyst for Coca-Cola and Vice President of f Corporate Data Systems and Services for Pillsbury. (This is a top job in the computer world!) Cain accomplished all of this before reaching the age of 35. After reaching the top of the information systems world, he changed careers by taking charge of 400 of Pillsbury’s poorly performing Burger King restaurants in the Philadelphia area. After nine months of learning the business from the ground up, cooking hamburger and cleaning toilets, he turned them into money makers for the company within three years.Cain was then asked by Pillsbury to take charge of their Godfather’s Pizza chain (which was on the verge of bankruptcy). Cain helped the franchise turn a profit in 14 months.

In 1988 Cain facilitated the purchase of the Godfather’s Pizza chain from Pillsbury. As the owner of the restaurant chain, Cain has risen to the top of the leadership hierarchy once again.. Cain has also served as chairman of the National Restaurant Association which interacts with government on behalf of the restaurant industry. Next Herman Cain went to work for the Federal Reserve Banking System advising them on how monetary policy changes would affect American businesses.

Cain has also served as the chairmanship of a regional Federal Reserve bank. This is only one step below the chairmanship of the entire Federal Reserve System (the top banking position in the country). This position allowed him to see how monetary policy is made from the inside, and understand the political forces that impact the monetary system.Cain is also a writer and a speaker. He has also hosted a radio show on WSB in Atlanta (the largest talk radio station in the country).

Herman Cain says stop complaining and start working your way up. He leads by example, his father was a chauffeur and his mother was a maid. Yet he has risen to the top of several different fields. When you add up his accomplishments in his life, it is hard not to be humbled by his qualifications for presidency. If elected, I have no doubts he will return America to the top.

Update 10-17-11: Herman Cain joked with crowds in Tennessee that part of his policy would be to build an electrified fence on the Mexican border that could potentially kill anyone trying to enter the country illegally. "That's a joke, David," he told NBC's David Gregory on "Meet The Press." "That's not a serious plan."

Update 10-19-11: “Don’t blame Wall Street. Don’t blame the big banks. If you don’t have a job and you’re not rich, blame yourself.” Herman Cain

Update 11-1-11: Do you know how one can tell that Herman Cain is now considered a serious threat to win? The attack has started. Cain is the subject of reports that female employees at a restaurant trade association accused him of sexual harassment in the 1990s. Twenty years ago, Supreme Court Justice Thomas, an African-American, was accused similar allegations but was nonetheless still confirmed. Cain, like Thomas, was the victim of a “high-tech lynching” due to his conservative beliefs. Back in May, Cain predicted that liberals and Democrats would find a way to attack him because of his conservative views. He even mentioned Justice Thomas at that time. Washington Examiner. Regardless of the claim, let's face it, it was over 15 years ago. Furthermore, settlements of such claims are common regardless of the merits do to the cost of defense. This is not new news, so why bring it up now?

It serves to distract Cain, who was just starting to raise the money to be a true rival to former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney. Furthermore, Cain was gaining in the polls. The Des Moines Register Iowa Poll of the 2012 election was released late Saturday, and Cain lead at 23 percent, while Romney is in a statistical tie at 22 percent. Ron Paul was at 12 percent, Rep. Michele Bachmann at 8 percent, Texas Gov. Rick Perry and former House speaker Newt Gingrich at 7 percent, and former senator Rick Santorum at 5 percent.

So why now? It's obvious. Because his opponents are scared!

Update 11-3-11:  Who cares that some coworkers made claims of sexual
harassment over 12 years ago. Anyone can make claims. If they had
any real substance, they would have pursued maximum
compensation in court. They didn't. Move on.
According to an Indiana poll, likely Republican voters in Marion
County said they would vote for Herman Cain if the party’s presidential
primary election were held today according to the WISH-TV/Franklin
College Poll. NO matter what, Cain sounds
so much better than the other choices...
Update 11-11-11: I was asked if the sexual harrassment
allegations affect electablity.  Well, even if true, the 
allegations aren't really that bad.  Furthermore, it is 
finally refreshing to find a politician in Washington 
who prefers women to little boys!


  1. Shell: I didn't realize his qualifications. Main stream media hasn't really been too fair with him.

  2. So, what your saying is that he is not just a token minority...

  3. Proud To Support CainOctober 8, 2011 at 10:15 AM

    Herbert Cain is better qualified than the other Bozos. The color of his skin has nothing to do with anything other than to point out that being a person of color does not need to be an excuse as to why you have not reached your potential.

  4. Wonder if he would be willing to serve as a Vice President if he did not win the primary?

  5. Cain was back in Atlanta. 1,200 supporters wrapped around the Olde Blind Dog Irish pub in Milton. Some waited more than four hours to hear him speak. He signed copies of his latest book, "This is Herman Cain! My Journey to the White House.”

    It was well worth the wait!

  6. Since when does Legal Pub endorce candidates?

  7. At this point, Legal Pub has not endorced any candidate. But now that you mention it, if Herman Cain continues to be legit, we just might. :)

  8. I think he probably would be more fiscally responsible than most of the the candidates.

  9. He has no chance. He is not as articulate or as good looking as our President.

  10. True, Herbert Cain is more like the average American. Furthermore it is about time we put one of our own "average hard working guys" back in the White House. He has my vote.

  11. Sounds like a winner to me.We like him. He has our vote

  12. I'm voted for him too. Never thought I would say it, but he actually sounds like what our country needs.

  13. Seems like a well qualified dude.

  14. His humor in the White Housed might go along way to healing this country.

  15. I am all for Cains tax plan. Herman Cain, a top-tier contender for the Republican presidential nomination, was defended his "9-9-9" tax plan, which would scrap the current income-tax code and replace it with a 9% flat individual tax rate, a 9% corporate tax rate and a 9% national sales tax.

  16. I like the flat tax idea too.

  17. I like the flat tax idea too.

  18. Cain just make sense. We need a business man in the White House.

  19. Update 10-17-11: Herman Cain joked with crowds in Tennessee that part of his policy would be to build an electrified fence on the Mexican border that could potentially kill anyone trying to enter the country illegally. "That's a joke, David," he told NBC's David Gregory on "Meet The Press." "That's not a serious plan."

  20. “Don’t blame Wall Street. Don’t blame the big banks. If you don’t have a job and you’re not rich, blame yourself.”
    Herman Cain

  21. Update 11-1-11: Do you know how one can tell that Herman Cain is now considered a serious threat to win? The attack has started. Cain is the subject of reports that female employees at a restaurant trade association accused him of sexual harassment in the 1990s. Twenty years ago, Supreme Court Justice Thomas, an African-American, was accused similar allegations but was nonetheless still confirmed. Cain, like Thomas, was the victim of a “high-tech lynching” due to his conservative beliefs. Back in May, Cain predicted that liberals and Democrats would find a way to attack him because of his conservative views. He even mentioned Justice Thomas at that time. Washington Examiner. Regardless of the claim, let's face it, it was over 15 years ago. Furthermore, settlements of such claims are common regardless of the merits do to the cost of defense. This is not new news, so why bring it up now?

    It serves to distract Cain, who was just starting to raise the money to be a true rival to former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney. Furthermore, Cain was gaining in the polls. The Des Moines Register Iowa Poll of the 2012 election was released late Saturday, and Cain lead at 23 percent, while Romney is in a statistical tie at 22 percent. Ron Paul was at 12 percent, Rep. Michele Bachmann at 8 percent, Texas Gov. Rick Perry and former House speaker Newt Gingrich at 7 percent, and former senator Rick Santorum at 5 percent.

    So why now? It's obvious. Because his opponents are scared!

  22. Update 11-3-11: Who cares that some coworkers made claims of sexual
    harassment over 12 years ago. Anyone can make claims. If they had
    any real substance, they would have pursued maximum
    compensation in court. They didn't. Move on.
    According to an Indiana poll, likely Republican voters in Marion
    County said they would vote for Herman Cain if the party’s presidential
    primary election were held today according to the WISH-TV/Franklin
    College Poll. NO matter what, Cain sounds
    so much better than the other choices...


  23. IDK…I’m watching this one. One reason such claims are settled out of court is because the accused just may be guilty and the “out of court” settlement is hush money. I have also considered that someone was jealous of his popularity and up to no good…part of the political dirty tricks we are all sick of.
    I’m waiting to see what this National Restaurant Association, (A lobbying organization) will do…Will they allow the women to speak, to confront the comments that Cain said about them. Most agreements are structured so that both parties are to be silent and not slander the other. This would be interesting.

    I’ll admit that I did not know as much as I though about his background…but I’m concerned about his lack of knowledge with foreign policy. How could he NOT know that China have had nuclear weapons since the late 50’s…even I knew that as a child in the 60’s.

    Elected or not…things will not change. As long as the candidates are forced to beg for millions and millions just to run for office there will always be corruption. I consider both parties a farce; they fight amongst themselves for power and greed and could care less about the rest of us.

    Why would one spend tens of millions of dollars for a job that pays $300 thousand a year?

  24. Here is why Cains comment "Don't blame the banks" carries little weight with voters of the 99%

    President Obama is on the brink of cutting a backroom deal that would give bankers broad immunity for illegally throwing tens of thousands of Americans out of their homes. The Administration is pressuring state attorneys general to abandon an ongoing investigation into the massive “robo-signing” fraud, in exchange for a relatively small payoff by the banks.
    Numerous investigations by state and federal authorities have demonstrated that banks used illegal procedures to make tens of thousands of foreclosures over the past decade. Rushing to a settlement before the full extent of the fraud is known would be a grave injustice to those who were illegally foreclosed upon and those still struggling to stay in their homes.

    Numerous investigations by state and federal authorities have demonstrated that banks used illegal procedures to make tens of thousands of foreclosures over the past decade. Rushing to a settlement before the full extent of the fraud is known would be a grave injustice to those who were illegally foreclosed upon and those still struggling to stay in their homes. “Instead of throwing corrupt bankers in jail, the administration is pushing to give them a get-out-of jail-free card.”

    At New York’s Foley Square, the Occupy movement will stand with those on the front lines of the economic collapse in their struggle against the banks and the politicians who do the banks’ bidding. We will join in solidarity with those who have lost their homes to Wall Street greed and political corruption.


  25. So, guess we should nationalize all the banks and have them run by the government.... just like China.

  26. Actually yes. I agree. We need to move to a socialistic economy like China. the result will be no rich but no one will starve. Thus I say 4 more years of Obama plus elect socialist thinking congressman. Otherwise we will conitnue to march on wallstreet.

  27. Update 11-11-11: I was asked if the sexual harrassment allegations affect electablity. Well, even if true, the allegations aren't really that bad. Furthermore, it is finally refreshing to find a politician in Washington who prefers women to little boys!
