Friday, October 7, 2011

Are Jeremy Irwin and Deborah Bradley Being Scrutinized With A Critical Eye? Update 10-26-11

The parents of Lisa, Jeremy Irwin and Deborah Bradley better read our story about Kate and Jerry McCann. Their daughter was allegedly snatched and authorities turned a critical eye toward the parents. LINK. The McCanns learned the hard way that the parents of a missing child are always "person's of interest." Lisa, the daughter of Irwin and Bradley, was apparently snatched from her crib late Monday night or early Tuesday morning. The couple claim that some one took their daughter and all three of their cell phones. Yesterday, there was a claim by Kansas City police spokesman Steve Young that Jeremy Irwin and Deborah Bradley "stopped cooperating" with authorities. The couple had been working with police since the disappearance.

The parents countered with a statement read by Irwin's sister, "we have never stopped cooperating with police... We've been cooperative from day one, and we continue to assist the police with the investigation." Police appear to be troubled with the parents claim that the perpetrator also stole their cell phones. Police say they have no suspects. But in this day and age when cell phones can be traced, one suspects police know more than what they are letting the public know.
During the parents' news conference Thursday, Irwin and Bradley said they frantically searched their home for any sign of their daughter. They said they found an open window, an unlocked front door, lights in the house on. Later they discovered that their three cellphones were missing.
Authorities believe they have done everything reasonable to locate the child. Police "will continue tracking leads as we get them or develop additional information." In the meantime, police may have a hunch about something...

Update 10-8-11:
The Deffenbaugh Industries Johnson County landfill, located about 23 miles from the Irwins' home has been searched twice with no positive results.

Update 10-13-11: Firefighters were lowered into a receptacle designed to hold rainwater and other liquid at an abandoned home about 5 blocks from where Lisa disappeared. The receptacle was subsequently drained with no results. Kansas City police continue to deny the rumor that the baby's mother, Deborah Bradley, is preparing to be charged in connection with the child's disappearance.
The baby's aunt, Ashley Irwin, complained to ABC News that she thought that it was "inevitable" that Bradley would be arrested because police were spending too much time focused on the family.
Video has surfaced which appears to show Deborah Bradley and perhaps another man buying baby wipes and wine perhaps five hours before Lisa disappeared. NBC LINK.

Update 10-14-11: Sources suggest that the man in the store video could be Deborah's brother. The family has offered a reward of $100,000 for Lisa's return.

Update 10-17-11: Deborah put Lisa down around 6:40 p.m. She apparently checked on her and she was standing in her crib so she tucked her back in. Then Deborah and a next-door-neighbor mom apparently shared some wine and chatted outside on the front stoop. Bradley told PEOPLE that she may have had more than five glasses of wine. Her friend left about 10:30 p.m., and later said that she saw the lights in the house go dark. But Bradley doesn't remember if she turned off the lights.
In subsequent developments, a man found a backpack containing diapers and baby wipes near a vacant home near the Irwin's residence. Soiled diapers were also found in a wooded area across the street from the house. The National Guard searched a wooded area previously searched. So far, no real leads as to Lisa Irwin's whereabouts.

Update 10-24-11: Surveillance footage of a mystery man may support the parents claim. "Good Morning America," has video that shows a man dressed in white leaving a wooded area, at 2:30 a.m. There may also be one or more witnesses who saw a suspicious man that night perhaps carrying a baby. (THE IDENTITY OF THIS MAN IS NOT KNOWN.)

Update 10-26-11: All searches to date have failed to reveal any real evidence. The parents and the authorities are all apparently puzzled. In the mean time, a prayer vigil was held for Lisa Irwin on Sunday according to family attorney Cyndy Short.

Update 6-20-13: Not much has transpired on this case as there remains more questions than answers.  Irwin said on Nov. 6, 2011, just over a month after his daughter disappeared, a fraudulent charge for $69.04 appeared on his debit card. The charge was made to a British website that advertised name-changing services. The website subsequently directed visitors to a stationary website. Irwin and his attorney, Joe Tacopina, were seeking answers to whether any of this was related to the disappearance. “The cache, the page that we caught in November, when looking at this, when we found the credit card company, was a website that actually advertised ‘change your child’s name.’ I saw that myself...  Our investigators have seen it, we’ve turned it over to the FBI,” Tacopina said.

Two other transactions were attempted on Irwin’s card, but were denied. The transaction may be a coincidence – or they could be related. Unfortunately, few answers have been discovered despite the investigation of KCPD detectives and the FBI. Despite over 1,700 tips, numerous sightings of Lisa that appear to have been false, law enforcement still do not know what happened to Lisa.


  1. How tragic if the parents had nothing to do with the disappearance.

  2. Here, is what makes me confused: why would a perpetrator steal the couples cellphones? It just simply doesn't make sense.

  3. Deborah Bradley, the mother of 10-month-old Lisa Irwin, says police told her she failed a lie detector test. Apparently cops accused her of being involved in her baby's disappearance.

  4. Irwin, 28, apparently offered to take a polygraph test but cops said that was not necessary.

  5. Cops treat everyone like suspects. the key is whether they will file charges against her.

    Detectives allegedly told her: "You did it. You did it. And we have nothing."

  6. Only basis to accuse her is that she doesn't have an alibi. That is absolutely the wrong reason to accuse a mom.

  7. These parents need to lawyer up!

  8. Cops lying, to pressure someone with no knowledge of the crime to admit to something they didnt do?

    Now that is a new one.

  9. Time to keep mouths shut and let detectives do their jobs.

  10. Update 10-8-11: The Deffenbaugh Industries Johnson County landfill, located about 23 miles from the Irwins' home has been searched twice with no positive results.

  11. Not Without PrecedentOctober 8, 2011 at 10:53 AM

    Not saying the parents are involved, but it is not without precedent. Kim Fry, a Rhode Island mother, was just convicted of strangling her 8-year-old daughter after the girl refused to take a bath. The kid apparently threw a two-hour tantrum and Mom lost it and did the unthinkable.

    Kimberly Fry was found guilty of second-degree murder and faces up to life in prison with the possibility of parole after 20 years.

  12. I would look into Jeremy Irwin's employer or anyone who would have been able to schedule him out of the family home that night. He said in an interview it is the only night he has ever spent away from his family. Also, was it a well known occurrence for Jeremy Irwin to leave for work and not carry one of three cell phones. If he did not regularly carry a phone who knew this about him.
    If this is a kidnapping the parents know the person who did it even the smallest detail will help.

  13. Update 10-13-11: Firefighters were lowered into a receptacle designed to hold rainwater and other liquid at an abandoned home about 5 blocks from where Lisa disappeared. The receptacle was subsequently drained with no results. Kansas City police continue to deny the rumor that the baby's mother, Deborah Bradley, is preparing to be charged in connection with the child's disappearance.

    The baby's aunt, Ashley Irwin, complained to ABC News that it was "inevitable" that Bradley would be arrested because police were spending too much time focused on the family.

    In our view, all persons of interest are presumed innocent and should be treated as such.

  14. Wild Bill, a private investigator, has been hired by a mystery benefactor to work with the family to help find Lisa.

    Bill Stanton , a well-known investigator and former NYPD officer and his team will start their search today.

  15. She bought baby food and baby wipes. Clerk says she appeared normal.

    No one has said who the friend is but nothing out of the ordinary on the surveillance tape.

    But who was watching Lisa while she was at the store?

  16. I don't understand the relevance???? Am I missin something? WHAT does this have to do with her child missing? She went to the grocery store ... I'm sure she did plenty of other things before her baby went missing too.

  17. In Missouri you buy beer and wine in the grocery store or at a gas station. They only sell liquor in a liquor store.

    Who cares her brother drove (she probably didn't have a license.) Im sure the baby was being taken care of. Quit the witch hunt and find the kid.

  18. Update 10-17-11: A man found a backpack containing diapers and baby wipes near a vacant home near the Irwin's residence. Soiled diapers were also found in a wooded area across the street from the house. The National Guard searched a wooded area previously searched. So far, no real leads as to Lisa Irwin's whereabouts.

  19. Deborah Bradley told "Today" show that the night her baby disappeared she had bought wine and consumed "enough to be drunk."

    Bradley told police she doesn't "think alcohol changes a person enough to do something like that."

  20. Drinking"enough to be drunk" while caring for your 3 small children(while the baby is sick w/ a cold) is neglect in itself!
    If mom is innocent..perhaps had she not been drunk, she would have been alert enough to hear any unusual noises over the baby moniter or in the house. I too sleep with a fan on but always make sure my baby monitor is loud enough to hear over the fan. I also know which noises to expect and which are unusual..because I am not DRUNK and can decipher the two!

  21. Dragon Lady, because some info linking them to that family is on one of those phones, be it a text of a phone number. The link is on a phone.

  22. The disappearance of the cellphones makes this matter extremely peculiar. One might expect that the cellphones were somehow involved in the disappearance. However, since cellphones can be pinged, one would speculate that the batteries were removed or the cops know where the cell phones were last used.

  23. Why aren't we being told who was watching Baby Lisa and the other kids while the mom went to the store to buy wine? I find this quite off.

  24. Update 10-24-11: Surveillance footage of a mystery man may support the parents claim.

    "Good Morning America," has video that shows a man dressed in white leaving a wooded area, at 2:30 a.m. There may also be one or more witnesses who saw a suspicious man that night perhaps carrying a baby.

  25. A prayer vigil was held for Lisa Irwin on Sunday according to family attorney Cyndy Short

  26. Update 6-20-13: Not much has transpired on this case as there remains more questions than answers. Irwin said on Nov. 6, 2011, just over a month after his daughter disappeared, a fraudulent charge for $69.04 was made to his debit card. The charge was made to a British website that advertised name-changing services. The website subsequently directed visitors to a stationary website. Irwin and his attorney Joe Tacopina were seeking answers to whether any of this was related to the disappearance.

    “The cache, the page that we caught in November, when looking at this, when we found the credit card company, was a website that actually advertised ‘change your child’s name.’ I saw that myself... Our investigators have seen it, we’ve turned it over to the FBI,” Tacopina said. “

    Two other transactions were attempted on Irwin’s card, but were denied. The transaction may be a coincidence – or they could be related. Unfortunately, few answers have been discovered despite the investigation of KCPD detectives and the FBI. Despite over 1,700 tips, numerous sightings of Lisa that appear to have been false, law enforcement still do not know what happened to Lisa.
