Friday, June 25, 2010

Pesticides The Latest Excuse For ADHD? ~Helen

ADHD! Is it really a legal issue or is it just an over exaggerated product of the imagination designed to shield bad parents from reality? (Look folks, if raising children was suppose to be easy, it would never have started with something called labor!)
4.5 million U.S. children ages 5 to 17 have been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Each year the number of kids that are diagnosed with the disorder has risen 3 percent a year from 1997 and 2006. But no so called scientist can tell us why. The latest culprit is speculated to be pesticides.

According to the Journal of Pediatrics (common bedside material for most moms) researchers studied 1,139 children ranging from 8 to 15. All of the children had measurable residue of pesticides commonly used on fruits and vegetables. (Diet is the major source of pesticide exposure in children.) So much for thinking that blueberries, strawberries and celery were healthy.

In a 2008, detectable concentrations of malathion were found in 28 percent of frozen blueberry samples, 25 percent of fresh strawberry samples and 19 percent of celery samples. The Pediatrics study suggests that for every tenfold increase in the urinary concentration of pesticide residue, there was a 35 percent increase in the chance of ADHD. Since most pesticides leave the body in three to six days, such levels of residue suggest that exposure to pesticides is constant.

Moral of the story, go visit your grandparents and relearn what you were first taught. Wash fresh fruits and vegetables before you eat them. Grow your own garden with your kids help. Hard work is good for both of you. Besides, eating the fruits of your labor is not only rewarding,, it is healthy. Otherwise, just go back to being a douche bag parent and stand in line to fill your children's prescription for Ritalin. (In the 60's , people took acid to make the world weird. Now the world is weird and people take Ritalin to make it seem normal.)

For too many, ADHD has become an excuse to be a lazy parent. For others, it is a serious challenge to organization and problem solving. Some of us actually have the disease and struggle to finish a thought. While I had a great finish to this story, it escapes my grasp. Having misplaced my reading glasses, I think I'll go tinker in the garden with my kid instead.


  1. Helen: Thanks for your guest appearance. Your East coast humor is Far side!

  2. Pesticides on our food is a serious topic. So is ADHD. How can you joke about all this?

  3. Lazy parenting is her point. I know far too many kids that are labeled just because parents are too lazy to teach and discipline their children.

  4. The point about lazy parenting is well taken.

  5. Do it right o'natural!

  6. Parents taking responsibility for their own children? Never. Too easy to blame others.

  7. Oh Helen, get a life and leave the whiny parents alone. Great job.

  8. I think the pharmaceutical corporations are more responsible for the drugging of our children than the parents…they are the ones that push the Doctors to diagnose a child and sell their product by convincing the parents that drugging their child will be good for them in the long run…even calling them bad parents if they don’t.

    We do have a problem with pesticides in our bodies and solving this is more complicated that washing our fruits and vegetables, they are in the water, the fish we eat, the meat, the milk, the poultry, and even the air we are breathing. Who knows what effects a pesticide infested mother will pass on to her child !

  9. Good point video guy:

    But parents are lazy. I teach school and the parents expect everything to be taught. They don't understand that the parents need to work with the kid at school. The easy out for parents is to blame ADHD or the teachers.

  10. Tinkering is good...
